What the fuck happened to cdpr?

what the fuck happened to cdpr?

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What do you mean?

Both are grotesque so whatever happened to them happened two years ago when they revealed her.

New one's objectively fuglier. Making this change really isn't a good sign.

they got woke

Unironically women.
First two Witcher games were made by bunch of nerds who loved the books and wanted to make a game that they would like to play. They were rough diamonds but still fun vidya experiences.
During Witcher 3 development everything went to shit. They managed to release a decent game, but a lot of the soul was gone. Mostly because of crunch and shit conditions to work in many of the old staff left. Those who remained got promoted to executive positions and don't give a fuck about what games they make and just get money.
With that they mass hired bunch of hacks who now wanted to be "game devs" after gaming became popular and insanely mainstream. Which is mostly women who just go after what society approves and follow memes like "women in STEM" etc.
And when you have many women in your studio it's only matter of time until shit HR appears, some fucking diversity quotas and hires and no more comfy male stuff.

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What's the issue? The skin tone? The left one is objectively less attractive. Wide fridge body, no tits, can't dress herself properly, more surgery scars.

dios mio...

California is a disease and is spreading to the point where we might not be able to contain it

that's how they take over companies, they get into HR and that's when the diversity hires and flood of wahmen get in, and then it's only a matter of time until the exsiting talent is driven out for taking offense to this or just 'no longer being a good fit for the team' (someone I know was literally let go out of the blue from a studio he was in from its beginnings, having done nothing wrong but be a white male, for this dogshit reason) and the company becomes fully pozzed and begins a steep decline

A woman with coloured hair in MY cyberPUNK game??

That's the pattern, yes. Usually the rats leave the ship when it sinks and go find another one to infest.

Also momma's boys act exactly like women so they're part of the problem too. The fact that a ton of code monkeys and other staff can't stand up for themselves doesn't help either.


Yes, that's the fucking point of a cyberpunk setting. It's a dystopia, you shithead.

He's talking about the fact it looks like a metrosexual brazilian homo.

Where is the glam hair? I want it but I am sure as hell not getting it.

This is all an elaborate in-joke falseflag right?
No one unironically believes THE WOMEN are out to get your fucking videogames, right? You're not that far gone, are you? Jesus fucking Christ.


Enjoy your Cybertranny GTA Yas Forums

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new one is WAY better old one looks like they took a hollywood actress and put her in edgy makeup new one is actually hot while looking dangerous

Nah, women are too incompetent for that

No, that's actually true. Look around. Women are bored as fuck and usually unfulfilled, of course they'll try to gain dominance in literally every hierarchy they can get their hands on.

Actually, it's normal, as far as nature goes. The fact that men are letting them is an actual problem.

corporate bullshot using clamps and colour grading to make clothes look like they fit better

Just like in real life

New one has an ugly face

I don't think it's necessarily women, though they are useful tools.

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The one on the right looks better.

They became an AAA studio and all that entails.

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Both look like trash but left looks much way better

in your stupid opinion sure i like the new ones face WAY better than the old old one is super generic

The HR department in my job is 4 women and a gay minority. It's a soft skills job. Even the head of HR doesn't need as many real qualifications as a level 2 IT support worker.

Not sure I agree with you that they have some grand plan to replace the entire business with women and minorities as the whole business is generally well balanced in that regard. But the HR department certainly has a bunch of people getting paid a lot of money to do a job that literally anyone could do after taking a week to familiarize themselves with company policy and procedures

I suggest you chill with conspiracy theories. They usually distract from reality and are a known human bug.


No, it's too fun.

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They opted out my money is what.

Have Sex

Good thing your trashy opinion is in the minority.

You pic is literally how trannies are born.

Both look fine
Try being less of a whiny incel

Shit taste new one is better. Left looks like a 12 year old boy trying to be a badass.

No one believes women are scheming creatures that are out to get us you idiot.
It's simply a natural occurence that when you get a lot of them in some group and they get too much to say it all goes to shit because of enablers who want some pussy. And it's because of what you say. That women mostly have no real goals and don't strive for nothing but rather follow the path society forces them into. They are too emotional and social which is why every HR is so fucking shit.

>feminism, equal rights, we can do anything a man can do!
oh you're gonna unblock people's shitty toilets and lay tarmac outside in the middle of january?
>ahaha no ofc not

equal rights =/= jobs

people dont know what beauty is thats thje problem thewy only know what doesnt attract their eye they look for people who are middle of the road nothing offensive about their look but also nothing unique or interesting thats old v to a T she is pretty but in a very generic way new one is outright fucking hot looks familiar somehow i cant put my finger on it

Everyone that worked in The Witcher trilogy left, ME: Andromeda rejects came aboard and their Twitter PR intern kept fucking up over and over again.
Take Johnny Silverhand for example. CDPR contacted Keanu less than a year before E3, yet the game has been in development since 2013 which means unless the story heavily changed throughout the years they had the idea of Johnny accompanying the MC since the start yet they threw all the allegedly already done face/voice/whatever and replaced it with Keanu. Yet another thing that's done and is needlessly changed costing money because "we AAA now look at us". Same with the new mutt V.
Hey remember when you could choose three background events instead of just one? Remember when you could buy multiple apartments? Remember when the whole point of having a custom MC was to show them off in the short, 10 second transition cutscenes like the 2018 ones that were ALSO cut?

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Women have all the same rights men do, roastie.

literally the same face minus fake-up

Yeah, after having to fight for them, pea brain.

>(((((The left one is objectively less attractive)))))

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They are "equal representation" though. Well, in government or in high-paying jobs, because status and power. If you mention plumbers or some shit, a regular feminist will just ignore the question or insult you.

lmfao new one looks like a Thailandese ladyboy

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this hapened

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oh god why

So why keep fighting if you already won?

WHO the fuck thought that V on a bike was a good idea for a collectable?

im sorry no matter how many comparisons you make i find the new one better looking

>Thailandese ladyboy
I will now buy your game

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>This is all an elaborate in-joke falseflag right?
No one unironically believes THE WOMEN are out to get your fucking videogames, right? You're not that far gone, are you? Jesus fucking Christ.

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Bit harsh

>when not even your target audience likes your changes

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Was mostly talking about in regards to video games which was and still is under active attack on multiple fronts from social justice/radfems
It's no coincidence that basically all Western gamedev outside of very few exceptions have all become increasingly pozzed and staffed with numales and dangerhairs in the years since FemFreq and Gamergate, and it's tactics like the one I described that accomplished that. Of course there are always turncoats and also already pozzed people coming out of the woodwork, but both of those just serve to further enable the tactic of HR takeover and ensuing replacement to work as well as it has.

>company that promotes degeneracy to debase the population into media consuming, unquestioning morons making a game full of companies that promote degeneracy to debase the population into media consuming, unquestioning morons
It kinda fits.

>CDPReddit is comprised of art school rejects

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>I find

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That can't be real

Eyes glow when people do stuff. V getting a call from Jackie, Jackie checking the shard from Dex, the Corpo guard scanning V, etc. Other stuff is all just your opinion man.

This actually really pisses me off. The game is DELAYED and the only shit I see them doing is fixing shit that ain't broke and shoehorning a bunch of 'rapper' pavement apes and that ugly witch grimes into the game.

This character redisign took an employee a min of 2 weeks to do.

Fuck cdpr they're selling out.

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>this V is gone and CDPR have kept their mouth shut even if people have done nothing but ask about her for the last week so you KNOW you won't be able to recreate her in the CC

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On the plus side, that's another game I won't have to waste my money on.

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>Made protag sexier
OP didn't disappointing, he was a faggot today.

Sounds like an globalist corporate dystopia to me.