Do you align your opinions with what's popular?
Do you align your opinions with what's popular?
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Not since I was 14 years old. Proud contrarian since I turned 15.
Are those the only options?
So now you align your opinions against what's popular? Just as fucking stupid. Can't wait to see what you do when you turn 16.
But it's popular to be a contrarian too fucktard, think for yourself for once in your life.
Popular opinion aligns with my opinion
I'm ADDICTED to feet.
My feet video missed the mark.
Feet really dropped the heel.
I hate how YouTube gives worthless losers like this a platform.
I used to, but in the context of being contrarian. Dealing with all the faggots on Yas Forums made me want to stop doing that.
Remember when the YouTube video game community was basically just 35-year-old married dudes in their basements showing what they found at a tag sale? I sincerely miss that shit.
This guy and wolf den piss me off because they're annoying, misinformed, and click baity, but they're one of the few people that do accessory reviews for switch.
Yes because I am a zoomer
you mean like, pieces of cardboard?
I align my opinions with what I feel on the inside.
this is the exact shit you set yourself up for when you overinflate the value of toys and your opinions. in a world full of things, you’re a video game subject matter expert? useless. you did it to yourself, you disqualified yourself. and you are the only one who cares.
I do too user. People who were genuinely happy just playing games, without doing clickbait thumbnails, annoying voices, blaring dubstep... I miss old youtube.
Which hammer do you take? they're all the same price
Edgy > Generic > Promotional = Golden > Clownvomit
I take the girl
She's a demon!
I shape the popular opinion, bitch.
>missed the mark
>sports phrases when not talking sports
i hope someone fucking lynches that asshole sport is NOT normal and NOT ok
It's basically what all the review sites like IGN do when it comes to triple A titles. Less objective, more like pandering.
Generic hammer.
My favorite thing to do in Guild Wars was use generic weapon and armor skins instead of the flashy, sparkly weapons and armor.
For me
>hes only on 1 later of contrarianism
step it up
Girl hammer.
I want to hammer that succubus in the puss.
edgy hammer because it looks like a brick of obsidian on a mahogany shaft and that's sweet
>realized he can make more videos if he says he enjoys the game once the hate wagon died down
it's so transparent like come on
Jeeez you anons
Generic hammer through most of my playthrough, Edgy or Golden hammer mid-late game for my EPIC RP, clownvomit hammer when I'm already sick of the game.
Promotional hammer if I quit it for a long time and come back.
>grown ass bearded man playing pokemon
so incredibly pathetic
I'll give her a hammer if you know what I mean
I am too old to even know what's popular anymore. I'm just waiting for the coronavirus to take me at this point.
I’m once again asking for more succubus lewds
Show butt.
It's kinda an old pic now.
Yeah yeah i'll draw more
I don't even know what's popular
Why did god make man weaker than dick?
No. I like to pretend I hold contrarian opinions because I find arguments more entertaining than circle jerks.
One of her using my face as a chair preferably
>if everyone agrees even honestly its a circle jerk
I hate these secondaries jumping on the Animal Crossing bandwagon
Posting negative things and being pessimistic about the game really rattles their cages
Too flat.
I align my opinion with what I like and dislike based on my own experiences, but it just so happens that popular things are usually shallow and bland by nature, so people erroneously label me as a contrarian when I criticize that.
based high IQ poster
That never existed. Early YouTube "community" was just virgin nerds in their early 20s playing random games.
No such thing! Flat is justice! Hmmph
>dislike AAA crap
>really liked Death Stranding
With neither the industry in general nor Yas Forums. thank Christ.
either gold or promotional.
Gold I might be able to con someone into buying it for more, promotional I could keep for the luls
cute flat demon.
show penis
I haven't liked "modern" video games since the SNES. So no.
I like happyconsolegamer. Seems like a nice dude who just enjoys vidya.
Have you considered dissociating your opinions from others' entirely?
gamer youtubers are the worse about this. It wouldn't be a fuckin issue if they didn't pretend to be some "Stick it to the man" types when they'll handle certain companies with baby gloves.
I used to have this guy on Facebook when I used it and made him seethe to death when I picked up a gigantic retro game haul for $20.
No but i don't dismiss things that i enjoy because they do well financially or critically. Yas Forums is full of fucking shit anyway, RE4 can be the best video game ever made and anons will cite sales and critical response all day to "prove" it, but then when it turns out REmake 2 for example is the fastest selling game in the series and literally the highest rated RE game since RE4 all those years ago, those things suddenly don't count.
You can basically see Yas Forums do this with a ton of games.
>you force her down and check between her legs
H-hey user this is a bit much isn't it? at least buy me a drink first... please?
I have been thinking for myself since roughly 2014 when I realized both sides of gamergate were trying to manipulate me but people pretended anti-sjws got a free pass because they mostly comprised of my demographic
Now I just call things as I see it. Bad video games have good aspects worth discussing, and good video games can have bad aspects. I got sick of pretending a movie I enjoyed is shit because there is a tranny character or whatever the fuck. Nothing in life is so black and white and I wish more people thought like me
Hammer time.
>posting on Yas Forums about haring modern video games
So you align your opinion with what's popular
why would i buy a slave a drink?
I used to be a bit of a contrarian, but nowadays I feel like I make up my own mind about things.
Even the games 99% of Yas Forums played as a small child are too modern for my tastes, so no.
>I wish more people were enlightened fencesitters like me
so what games are within your taste? atari?
I don't even know what's popular anymore, this hobby i just so much better when you browse game releases on steam and buy what you think looks interesting to you.
Hard-ass 8-bit style games and Arcade shit.
So last year?
I found the newfag.
You might like this guy.
It's not about fence sitting, it's about being objective. There ARE movies I straight up hate, but I can only fully acknowledge that because I don't hate everything with a black woman or a white man in it.
so you like running your head into a brick wall over and over in the hopes of breaking it down? why do you hang out on Yas Forums and not /vr/?
that guy looks worse than your typical onions boy, looks like a faggot.
That didn't happen until the earliest, 2011.
demon cunny!
Not going to lie, I had a pretty similar experience. Experiencing the wild area, as barren as it was, was a fucking blast with friends and then shortly after the game just fucking plummets in quality even further.
All the way to that fucking god awful story arc before you actually get to fight Leon. Jesus christ. Why was any of that a thing? Who greenlit this story? Pokemon's never been exceptional in its storytelling, but that was the lowest point for the story I've seen since picking up yellow when I was 7.
>I like Action Games and Old Fighting Games like KoF and Virtua Fighter.
I don't make the rules.
Now flop out or get out