>Game is larger than 50GB
Game is larger than 50GB
>game is only 23 kb
I refuse to play a game under 40GB
>game is 20GB
>its amazing
You did good Sekiro.
I have 3TB im not bothered.
>game is larger than 2GB
name 4 and a half games
Personally don't really care for pc games that are over 10gb
>a single update is over 2Gb
>gamers want graphics to look good and large audio variety to not hear the same 3 combat lines again and again
>WTF why are texture and audio files so big omg
i got siege over the free weekend and holy hell the download was 70+ gigs for a multiplayer fps with like 10-20 maps
I will start:
>forced to download uncompressed audio in 12 different languages i'll never use
Thanks. That's exactly what "gamers" asked for.
it has more to do with developer laziness actually. Simple repacks can compress these games to a quarter of their full size and those don't even have access to the individual assets. Developers just don't optimize for space like they did seven years ago.
>not being able to download 100GB in a hour
What third world shit stain do you live in?
>random patch
AAA games were a mistake.
The United States of America
>i don't know what i am talking about but here's my hot take
>7 languages worth of uncompressed audio bloating the filesize
>Complain about this
>"It's da gwafiks, don't u want gwafiks?"
sure thing faggot.
>game is 521MB large
>more fun than a 50GB+ game
Fuck off retard
How come FromSoft is the last large dev that knows how to compress their shit?
>hurr da grafix big
Was gonna download hitman again to play new map
>100 gig
yeah nope
>for a Hitman game
Jesus Christ
fucking fraud, name a 23 kb game right now!
I decided to download Tekken 7 and I already regret my decision
>Try free version of Dead or Alive 6
>50+ GBs and game is trash
>Buy Granblue Versus instead
>Under 7 GBs and 10x as fun
Super Mario Bros
wait a minute. that picture is 972kb. what kind of magic did you use to make it bigger?
still lying fucker
Yeah well it's only 23kb if you stop playing after the first level :-)
Fucking DOOM had a 30GB+ patch.
Crysis 2 was like 8gb, Wolfenstein: TNO, which looks worse on the technical aspect is like 50 gb. It's not that the games look better, it's that devs use retarded shit like megatextures.
>console has 500gb
>games are 100gb
heart-warming to see id embraces Bethesda customs and traditions
>game is only 400MB
Anybody download the Season 5 patch for Siege?
>mfw Fallout 76 had a 50GB+ patch
When your patches are bigger than installed game something has gone terribly wrong.
>Older game has better audio quality
literally who?
>The United States of Australia
I stopped playing AAA games because of their size. If modern games need 100+ gigs just to match the quality of a 20 gig game from 5 years ago, just imagine where else did the game devs cut corners besides size on disk.
It makes one wonder if they are doing this on purpose to force you to not uninstall the game.
These companies "know" how to, they don't cause it's a performance hit if shit has to be uncompressed.
They are doing it on purpose. Consoles have limited hard drive space. So they make it so only thier live service garbage will be on it and a couple others
>Hey let's play street fighter V, a new character came out, surely the update file can't be this big for a single character right?
>20gb update
>game is 20 gb
>update is 40 gb
>He didn't upgrade to the pro version with 1TB
Imagine refusing to buy a new console every 3 years haha pathetic
That's what happens when you save something as a low quality jpg and then save the result as a png.
>Console has 100gb
>Game is 500gb
Anons, what are some good small games?
All I have is:
>HoMM3 - 1.27 gb
>Diablo 2 - 1.32 gb
>Besiege - 2.2 gb
>King's Bounty The Legend - 5.35 gb
After that they're all over 10gb.
Most of the GoG library but only actually the old ones.
>games aren’t progressing graphically
>games over 50gb are too much
Choose your complaint
Those games are huge for their release, homm3 had like 4 discs I think
Don't act like graphics have improved that much in the last 10 years to justify the huge install sizes we're seeing.
don't you feel embarrassed about your post?