>you can't just use an emulator with scanline filters!
>you need a CRT for the REAL experience!
You can't just use an emulator with scanline filters!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Loves film
>Studies film composition for years
>Never embraces technology
>Stuck in his ways even though they were poor to begin with
>Lots of years recording his own film
>Turns out to be terrible in composition, lighting, acting, pacing, etc
I don't know who's worse. AVGN or Doug Walker. Both fucking LOVE film but absolutely suck at making it.
i bet the laptop will be a brown brick
that's a fact of life, there are so many "expert" economists but only a few billionaires
Look at the bright side. It could've been CD-R instead.
I have just seen Mike Matei's penis here
There are plenty of people who love music but are good amateur musicians. Doug and James are legitimately bad film makers.
That is beautiful not gonna lie
Being a big fan of something doesn’t mean you have a talent for it. Many successful filmmakers don’t even watch that many films themselves.
But Doug and James are film makers and have been for years, it's literally their job. They haven't improved remotely with their 15+ years experience in filmmaking. They are huge fans of film AND film makers.
How the fuck is Doug a film maker
Do you live in a parallel universe
99% of his content was a him sitting in front of a camera
Are all video bloggers film makers?
His job is to make videos and those videos contain skits and story telling elements, wherein the composition, acting, lighting, etc is pisspoor. He's also made and helmed various films.
Filters look like shit compared to the real deal. I've been motivated to finish way more retro games since I switched to real hardware. Still pirate the games though. Fuck retro game prices.
I salvaged a CRT monitor earlier in the year and the comparison between CRT and filters is ridiculous.
Software emulation on an LCD will never match the feel of CRT. The glow and curvature of the monitor can not be replicated.
>recording to dvd
> Kickassia
> To Boldly Flee
> """"Films""""
I can't believe you'd call a feature-length video of Doug jacking off to his own ego a fucking film. Mentioning Doug in the same sentence as a movie is insulting movies as a whole and spitting on the graves of those who died for the art.
brown bricks
They're backups. If you recorded that much fucking footage you wouldn't want to have to rerecord from scratch because your SD card conked out.
Why is Mike's dick so big
Those things are indeed films. Low quality and poorly made films. But films. And he's made several of them, and hasn't improved slightly.
If I make a cell-phone video of myself nailing my penis to the floor, but I hire someone to hold the cell-phone, someone to record and balance the sound, and someone to place a shitty filter over it in an editing program, have I made a film? No, I've made a barely coherent video of myself nailing my penis to the floor.
I mean...yeah, he's a film maker. He's made a few and his job involves recording film. All you're really doing is proving the guys point that Doug is a shit film maker who hasn't learned or improved his methods in years.
Well we have to define big. Its a bit long, but very thin, so its like a pencil.
Have you made video content online for 15+ years? Has this content found an audience and made money?
I like james a lot but this always seemed weird as fuck
Hes been doing this shit for years, his passion and his job
But he doesnt know the proper way to record footage, creates more work for himself with these stupid methods
at nearly 10 inches that girth is probably more like 6" around
Both are fucking terrible. It's amazing that they haven't improved.
When was the last time James filmed something? It's all the fatso's filming everything, writing everything. James just shows up, readings his lines into a camera that is already set up and then leaves to make sure he's home before 5:40pm.
It's gotten so lazy you can actually see his eyes move to read the script set up behind the camera.
Mike has said that James literally can only film one day a month, so they have to have everything ready to go.
How big is his dick? No meme I wanna know
AVGN's improved a lot, the AVGN movie was 6 years ago. Watch his recent video about The Immortal and the accompanying Behind-The-Scenes video - it's a genuinely impressive piece of work that would have taken a lot of skill to pull off.
Hes still recording shit on dvds
They have no reason to. They have a set formula that people come back for. When content creators (note that I'm not saying artists or any related term) change up their formula, they lose followers immediately. Their following completely dries up if they go more than one or two videos in a different fashion.
People with real skill can and do branch out. They do it immediately to push their limits. Content creators get lucky with a formula and stick to it because they have no choice. Just look at all the side projects Doug Walker tried and how they all self destructed.
About 9.5 inches
They're backups in case the SD card fails. Read any of the ten fucking replies on this thread about it. or even just read the tweet all the way through yourself.
New avgn sucks, it has no soul
Old avgn would be a struggle against the game, a journey to complete it, with emotion
Now he just plays the first level and casually talks about it a bit
I think he's actually closer to 9
Absolute bakemono 9.7 inch cock.
What's the problem with DVDs? You're not getting any more resolution out of the console than SD and going too sharp via a modded RGB output isn't going to feel the same.
Why isn't he backing up on multiple hard drives? DVDs are inefficient relics.
You really think he's 9.7 inches? I swear it looks 9 tops to me
>They're backups in case the SD card fails.
How does this make it any less retarded? Why the fuck is he backing it up on 20+ DVDs? You're a complete moron.
How do we even know this is his actual dick? He couldn't have just googled an image
hes probably paranoid about HDD failure and doesnt know how RAID works. Easier to just record to DVD and not have to worry about it.
Because mike matei is a madman who acts on impulse.
Then people are in the right for calling him retarded
HDDs die if you drop them too hard, and buying a new SDD for every few games isn't cost efficient. You might have to buy a shit tonne of DVDs, but they're all super cheap so long as they're read-only. A disc is as permanent a medium as you can get nowadays without regressing back to non-digital formats.
no you didnt stfu
I wish I was as big. Is there any way to make it bigger? I'd kill to be that size. Even surgery?
you have to keep swapping in and out dvds and the transfer speed is painfully slow
AVGN is likable, and did some good work 15 years ago, but I kind of wish he'd get covid and die at this point.
Not that I know. If there was a treatment that worked I think everyone would take it in masse.
I just figured most would not do surgery because its too expensive or dangerous. He's lucky af to be that big
He probably hates it more than you do, but it pays the bills I guess.
nice find
there is surgery to make your cock longer. They basically pull it forward but you will no longer be pointing forward when hard. You will still get hard, but itll just hang down while hard. People used to think James Deen had it done because he has two symmetrical scars on his ass cheeks.
Back it up on bluray you retard.
Do you think Mike Matei got that surgery based on the pics? Then again I see guys in porn that are damn huge..
It never ceases to amaze that avgn is actually mike and james just did it as a filmmaking project.
He resents it so much because it's become his income source.
Thats not an improvement.
not saying it is. but people that have actual micropenises can probably get something out of it.
oh god damnit that autistic fuck really does have a big dick
no wonder james lets his wife fuck black men, it's easier to cope with that then accept his wife cheated on him with his best friend
>There are plenty of people who love music but are good amateur musicians.
And millions more are a bad at it. It doesn't matter what the medium is, most people just aren't that great at their art.
According to mike, the first episode was just some shit james did to show their friends for fun. Like, he showed up at the door one day with a tape. There were no plans to upload it to the internet or anything. He also said james just wanted to do 3 episodes and end it, but things kinda snowballed.
im sure his wife saw the pic of Mikes dick. She has to know hes super hung