Last thread, we got beat by our father for 12 years, found a swole husband, had an ungrateful daughter, and then divorced our beloved Wole after getting depression so we could move to the Phillipines and chase Flip NEET Dick to cure our depression while dodging volcanic eruptions. Three Husbands and a terrible epileptic son later, We're supporting two NEETs while waiting for the volcano to take us

Attached: waseme.png (1920x1038, 1M)

aw yis man, waseme movie when?

Soon we will ascend into the spirit world and retaliate against the spirit of our father one final time

>Kobla only had the family gift for 1 year
what a poser

Based op

Attached: 1573821675237.png (1400x548, 427.77K)

It was just gas, it turns out

Waseme stubbornly refuses to die, and gets Malaria for her 70th Birthday

Attached: waseme.png (1920x1038, 929.54K)

are you making another life after based waseme rejoin the spirits?

cant leave this world until she gets goiter

If that ever happens sure, at this point Im fairly certain she's a being fueled by pure despair who will never die so long as she's this miserable

Lets divorce our NEET husband and die in luxury in Sweden.

where i can pirate it

there's a link to download in previous thread, look for a long spoiler tag in the first half

>29 year old neet living with his mother and her boyfriend
true Yas Forums poster material right here

We might as well let Waseme try to have some peace, and considering she has enough assets to live for another 20+ years, we're quitting our job, what should our four leisure time options be?

her happiness has been in 1 for years now and still no clinic deppression, she really enjoys it


forgot the pic

Attached: retirement.png (1920x1038, 956.67K)

move to sweeden, follow the dream, and leave the NEET, he is still studying who knows what

Not enough money to move to sweden.

invest then
also do physical training for a quicker death

Political activism

Political Activism, Kara Boga now

Physical Training
Outdoor Activities
Religious Activites

Gotta be Yas Forums and religious

Do it illegally. Not much to lose at this point

We can attempt Illegal Immigration, itll only cost us a fraction of our savings and we can live out the remainder of our days in relative luxury

Attached: retirement.png (1920x1038, 996.6K)

>our 82 year old husband is a student
we really fucked up thinking this would pay off at some point
I guess we have someone to hold our hand when we die at least

one day she will finally look at a mirror and realize she was a nigger all along, then die

time to go

he has been studying soi studies for more than 15 years

Do it nigger

Well, we got caught trying to be a peaceful refugee, so I guess we'll just live out our days in misery with robert taking care of us
Place your bets on how far she makes it, and how she dies

Attached: retirement.png (1920x1038, 1.01M)

Maybe once we jump the wall we can commit solo PVP


>76 year old granny wastes her entire live savings trying to climb a fence
Robert should be mad but then again he`s a neet loser so fuck him.

>Happiness 1
Why won't she die.

It only took 37 years, but our son finally has a job, and also still lives with us instead of his wife

Attached: retirement.png (1920x1038, 1002.63K)

this is why I love Real Lives

>brothers are still dying
fuck how many did we have?

her sadness is fueling her existence

a fucking factory worker
I really dont remember at this point

Attached: Robert.png (1038x127, 8.71K)

She's been like this for most of her life

One of us, one of us.

reroll the game until you become a dumb 10/10 cunt that only lives by gold digging

oh boy we're getting close.

Time to blow everything on get rich quick schemes

>and also still lives with us instead of his wife
Thank fuck since we would be homeless within half a year since we just squandered all our savings.

Ungrateful piece of shit.
Thankfully, the Phillipines apparently has public assistance for our old ass

Attached: Robert.png (422x140, 26.78K)

this is the funniest shit so far, thank god for this game

>waits until we're old and busted before ditching us
Stupid monkey leech.

Blow what little capital we had left on random shit


what, do we get a couple of yams and a stout goat every year?

Apparently he moved out because he knocked up his wife, we got to meet presumably our first grandchild

Attached: Rhoda.png (422x140, 17.71K)

>12% unemployment
what the fuck

what ever happened to our daughter?

Emigrate to Saudi Arabia maybe they will stone us to death

We should've died before they gave birth so we could reincarnate as the grandkid

>moved out as soon as we lost all our money
that fucking BITCH
Why do men take advantage of us all our lives, bros?

And upon meeting this new baby girl, we quietly passed away from an infection just as we turned 80. Outliving our father and brothers by about 33 years, and our mother by 18.
I really dont know, after she left I never heard anything from her.

Attached: Thend.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)


It's just a sneak peak into your own future.

her grandaugher probably infected her

We never made it to Sweden ;_;

Fucking brat gave us Corona

>mine own future

>discord tranny

May the family spirits bless her descendants with beatings and epilepsy galore

Im sure I can make it to 2 happiness instead.

Alright lads, time for Round 2, should we shoot for a specific country or just go full random?


Go full slav

Shoot for China.

Let's be some Texan ancap or a super progressive Captain Sweden


Somewhere in the Middle East
gender doesn't matter

Roll for a russian thot and aim to become a catalogue wife.

make a blonde slut that only fucks black men

what's the worst slum on earth? Do that.
NK, China, maybe Ethiopia.