What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>School Setting

And it looks even more generic than before.
(where's that character portrait comparison when you need it?)

It's a modern JRPG. Keep in mind Trails in the Sky is a 2004 game that got re-released and updated. Trails of Cold Steel is modern title through and through with all the shit that entails.

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estelle had enough soul herself to last for several games

they're both shit

Trails was always soulless, with each arc ripping off popular anime trends of their respective gens, especially the SoL ones. Not a single original bone in its skeleton to make it stand out with its genericness.

Trails is fucking shit,
Now, The Legend of Heroes 2 is peak soul.

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>babby's first tomboy shounen MC wannabe
Not even counting that people only like her dialogue because of XSEED's fanfiction-tier localization.

>art direction is not-Suikoden
>art direction is generic anime shit

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How does it even hold up to later TLoH/Trails?

The series would have bombed and faded away if they stayed the course. Falcom needed Rean. You need Rean.

I know you're baiting but I wish Trails was soulless, ripping off, or generic simply because that would mean JRPGs would mean the average JRPG is better than they actually are.

Imagine how great JRPGs would be on average if we got more stuff like Trails, Suikoden, Wild Arms and Xenogears

You sick fuck.

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TLoH/Trails did this art style before Suikoden

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I know, it was a soulful style in the 90s.

God, I fucking hate the modern anime art. I can stomach the designs if I force myself but the colors are just too awful and soulless.

It's soulless because it's uniform fast food shit.
I remember when I started seeing Enami Katsumi around, to be honest I liked it.
Now I can't stand it anymore.

>N-no, he can't be sincere with his words because I don't like them, he's got to be baiting!
FC was a boring tour of a country, you could go watch Aria for the same effect. Still better than SC in that regard, which just goes full retard with its shonen "villain of the week that's part of a secret evil organisation that's always a few steps ahead" chapters. 3rd is admittedly the most original, but it's essentially a spin-off working with the world of the two previous games, while outright lifting things from Trigun. Zero and Ao are just Patlabor ripoffs and where the self-insert shit and haremshit started to show itself. Do I even need to elaborate on Cold Steel?

Sky is a Legend of Heroes game

Cold Steel is a Trails game

The isometric view was better for Falcom's budget.

FC and Aria are nothing alike, and even if they somehow were (they aren't), that hardly makes FC as generic as you're calling it since Aria is the furthest thing from generic.

>Zero and Ao are just Patlabor ripoffs
You either didn't play Zero/Ao, or haven't watched Patlabor. They have nothing in common besides having police.

I haven't played these games but you're really selling me on them
patlabor haven't been done before in JRPGs

>and where the self-insert shit and haremshit started to show itself
I don't get how Cold Steel is crucified for that but Crossbell isn't. Locking important backstories behind limited bonding events has got to be one of the more infuriating game design decisions I've seen in JRPGs.

FC is more akin to stuff like Slayers, Gokudou-kun and other genki 90s fantasy and stuff along those lines, with shoujo character interactions akin to stuff like Escaflowne or Inuyasha.

I can't even compare Cold Steel to anything easily because it's such a trainwreck, it's mainly a poorly written hodgepodge of Xenogears meets Gundam Seed meets Code Geass but with combined with a clusterfuck of everything else.

>Gagharv trilogy

Why are these games so fucking bland, though? I know the translation was kinda shitty, but still.

The PSP remakes are literally garbage all around, not just the translation.

It's actually SHIT vs SOUL.

Nothing indicates the lack of soul more aptly, than the school uniform aesthetic.

>It's a modern JRPG.
boiled down to a nutshell it's kinda this

>3D animation
Face it, Falcom doesn't have the budget so it looks like shit. Their 2D sprites and battles have more emotion than their static ass 'modern' graphics ever did.

CS is just a hodgepodge of generic mecha and ln tropes. Geass and Xenogears being the more obvious ones.

I tried to play cold steel 1 but was immediately put off by the shoestring budget and it's fucking painfully obvious they are wanking off "oooh a katana MC". The fucking tropes are out in the open and shameless as all hell. Let's not forget the classic "he touched my tits but I secretly like it" bullshit even the fucking writers caught their cringe and had almost every character tell her to stop being a archetypical cunt.

I got to the farm area and that's all I could stomach it's a even shittier version of persons if you can believe that.

Are you implying Trails in the Sky isn't shit?


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its less shit than reans extreame adventures

>Heh... what a boring thread... *yawn*

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I can't believe he was an isekai'd character all along

is there anything more dishonest than this opinion?

I love reading and reading and reading and reading and reading
Thank goodness for a turbo button. Caught up on the story online.

>JRPGs have been doing "characters/demons/villains pulled from other fantasy worlds/demonic realms" as far back as the 80s
>Trails does it
>everybody screams isekai

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The lady that did the art for White Witch and Tear of Vermilion went on to work on Rune Factory.

They don't.

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Sky the 3rd is an isekai too


TLoH 1 is pretty shit but TLoH 2 is a legitimately crazy story for that era of JRPGs
Also one of the longest from that era.

Shame it isn't translated at all so it's impossible to discuss here, I like TLoH 2 more than TLoH 1, the entire Gagharv trilogy and most of Cold Steel.

Cope more Senfag

>The lady that did the art for White Witch and Tear of Vermilion went on to work on Rune Factory.
She also did some Ys stuff.

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How do I get an upskirt shot like this in CS3? Haha.

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Im not the one making 20 threads a week circlejerking about old games

It's bad because Trails is already known for being creatively bankrupt (moreso Cold Steel) and it does not need to have the reputation of being an isekai in to the mix.

>The Rean fights Rean from the future memes became true, except it's bad ending Rean instead
I can't believe they're making another fucking Sen game, fuck Falcom and Kondo so much

Not localizing fast enough.

Stop throwing around terms that you know nothing about you absolute retard.
McBurn is a fucking demon from another plane/world, not some fucking high school kid from Earth.
Demons being summoned from other worlds has been a fantasy plot point for literal centuries, and we've known there's been other dimensions/planes in Trails long before Cold Steel.

You are the ones to blame though? They planned to just make it a DLC for Sen4 but you kept screaming about "MUH CROSSBELL INDEPENDENCE WAR" so they had to throw that in as well

I gave up on this series after the Sen4 JP release though?

Why do people give shit on Trails for being creatively bankrupt when most critically acclaimed JRPGs copy from the same sources Trails does?

because Sky boomers

Ironically, half of the JRPGs Trails is apparently ripping off, are just doing things that Falcom have already done first with Ys/Gagharv/TLoH

If anything Falcom's just copying themselves over and over again.

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Isekai literally translates to "different world" you insecure buffoon, it is not an incorrect thing to say.

So at least half of this game genre has been isekai for 20+ years and trails itself has been isekai ever since 3rd. Alright then, why are you screeching now?

I think the bigger problem is just how stupid of a character McBurn was for the past three games, only for Falcom to jump the shark with him in the CS4. He spends the first three CS games being this hair band reject-looking edgy layabout who vaguely talks about being "mixed", burning down villages, and wanting a good fight from someone. Then, when you finally beat his true form, he regains his memories and goes "lol my bad u gaiz -_^" before fucking off to god knows where. His whole character arc feels like a massive piss take, which just adds to all the bad writing that happens in the CS games.

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You can backpeddle all you want, but you know what you're trying to imply when you equate McBurn to "isekai" and make statements like "and it does not need to have the reputation of being an isekai in to the mix".

You're trying to equate a fucking centuries-old fantasy plotpoint/trope that's been used in JRPGs as far back as the 80s (demon coming from another realm/plane) with this modern trend of high school kids being sent in fantasy worlds.

Really, really generic character archetypes. Every character is exactly as you've seen in Japanese media thousands of times before.

Some games try to add something extra to characters, but Cold Steel just went for copy and paste of every generic anime.

Haha... why does Yas Forums still Seethe at my franchise? Are they, perchance, homosexuals?

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>80% of JRPG antagonists want to summon a demon or horror or monster from another world to use nefariously
>this is apparently not isekai

>McBurn is some demon monster thing from another world that Ouroboros wants to use nefariously
>the hateboner bandwagon lumps it in with modern isekai

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