Mass Effect

Best class. Prove me wrong.

Attached: Mass-Effect-2-Class-Selection.jpg (740x370, 45.77K)

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Vanguard exists.

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Adept best class

Soldier is the least shitty one because you can use all guns.
Abilities are irrelevant and boring.
Mass Effect is shit btw.

No i play these garbage waist-high cover simulation with normie friends and let them pick soldier

why yes, i helped them got to the best ending of 1,2 and romance all the available girls

Soldier because Immunity is literally vital on Insanity.
Engineer because of tech combos.
Engineer once again.

Based and vanguard pilled

Sentinel; exists

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Shooting bottles with Garrus over breathing the same air as these two

>first one is histerical and have bipolar disorder
>the second is a Marry Sue and Walters pet characters

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>playing shitty cover shooter not as cover based class
Yikes, soldier only

>Posts a bitch who took twelve parsecs of cock before she was even a teen

>abuse victim that got over her traumas way too easily

And she still more mentally stable than two from ME1 and ME3
And she looks better

>way too easily
You sounds like an expert.

Best class is a new game plus biotic that picked sniper rifle and only spams singularity and sniper shots all day

*chanting intensifies*

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I'm just not an idiot who thinks mental issues just disappear.

yo faggot who hates mass effect 2 from the last thread, where are you, i aint done debating

But they can be healed.
So what's your problem?

Prefer to play as Vanguard thought.

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>played Andromeda
>mained soldier in ME1

You can somewhat suppress some things that cause the symptoms but the disease never leaves.

Also, how was Jack "healed"? Just blowing the place that turned her into what she is doesn't take away all the other shit done to her.

sorry i'm fucking done
it's already eaten half my day

Adept in ME1
Vanguard in ME2
Vanguard or Adept or Infiltrator in ME3

>Engineer because of tech combos.
absolute retard detected
the only viable tech combo against mooks is freeze + fire, and the freeze animation takes a second or so
in the same time an Adept could be shitting out 4 pulls and throws

Where my Shotgun Infiltrator bros at?

>You can somewhat suppress some things that cause the symptoms but the disease never leaves.
Sounds like victim of american antidepressants subculture have spoken.
>Also, how was Jack "healed"?
By overcomming her past, if you pay attention to final scene with Aresh you can notice that she actually doesn't want to kill him and operates more on instincts, rather than mind
>doesn't take away all the other shit done to her.
She already got over it and can easily talk about it. The things what hapenned after were rationalised, while Cerberus experiments were more cruel and were reasonless, that's what tortured her from inside.

i don't even remember the last thing you said so i don't know why i typed this out
but this was my reply before bump limit, till next time

then make the game about finding a way to disable their shields along side the war instead of fucking war assets and unrealistically building a giant super weapon. again they had harbinger they could have done more with him and his assuming control shit, like make his shields weak or something when he does that so he hides most of the war but has to remain somewhat near his fleet, fucking add the quarian dark matter shit into the mix, maybe human reaper fights him and bada bing better ending than crucible

No, Overload + Fire works against pretty much everything.


for me its soldier
>gun goes pew!

The original points was that it was too easy.

A simple class for a simple mind

As someone who played 3s multiplayer, I can't.
Infiltrators are so ahead of the other classes its funny.
Even the low tier infiltrators are better than most other characters, and the SSS god tier characters are almost all infiltrators. Like Turian Ghost, Alliance sexbot and Geth Infiltrator.

I don't care what an autistic gdoc says. Get zapped, fag.

if it's autistic, surely it has better information than you

>The original points was that it was too easy.
But it wasn't, I mean she still edgy Mowgli with anger problems, just moves forward

Belligerent autism just makes you dig your heels in even further when wrong, for the sake of what little pride you've got left.
Not a helpful trait to have, my man.

okay so I'm autistic for not having the same opinion as you
but the google doc wasn't made by belligerent autism, it's just regular old autism of someone gathering numbers, so why do your feelings trump its facts?

I can't not play Adept. I love telekinesis in any form, though, so I'm biased. I wish the games mentioned your class more. Or at all.

There is no sane reason why you should ever use a weapon other than pistols.

Best class in terms of what? Power level? Soldier trivializes the game but it's also a really bland class to play.

>Abilities are irrelevant and boring.
Force push/gravity manipulation shit is literally the only thing keeping late game combat even remotely fun.
Without making everything fly in mid air ME is just a mediocre shooter with numbers that go huge on both you and enemies.
Adept feels a bit too limited for me but Vanguard/Sentinel are easily the best classes in terms of mechanics.

Because I've played enough of the multiplayer and insanity to know that overload and incinerate (or vice versa) remain effective throughout.

fun fact, power combos are actually more effective in higher difficulties, so everyone goes off insanity anyway

you're wrong

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>not having Ashley use fire grenade first for the fire explosion
>not shooting once after charging and then using nova for another fire explosion
>ever using melee
>having medkit on the quick access bar

that sure is awesome if you play on normal

>not having Ashley use fire grenade first for the fire explosion
Why when James' frag grenade takes them all out at once?


also I don't think it does on insanity, otherwise the charge would also instantly kill them


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reminder to pirate the weapon pack DLCs for maximum silliness
can't upload a webm because my jew ISP reuses proxy spam IPs

You aren’t wrong. It isn’t even an argument infiltrator is THE most satisfying class in 2 and 3 and it’s not close

why do you have these pictures of my waifu

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Patrician taste.for sole survivor

I'm literally Aoba

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I tried it but ME2-style shotgun vanguard just doesn't feel right in ME3.
>Less enemies have protection = enemies flying after a charge = no point blank headshots
>Higher CD time due to shotgun
>special ammo is a primer while charge is detonator, you want to prime from range before you charge.

SMG/Nova Vanguard however, is amazing with lots of fun.

Real chads heal other species with their superior man-seed

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you can still headshot them while flying if you just pause and aim while pausing
>higher CD time
you can get 200% speed with the three shot shotty
maybe with the twoshot one as well
>special ammo is a primer
the main thing is that fire ammo is buggy as fuck and does like 4 times the damage it should, and you can detonate it with nova anyway
>charge in
>shoot someone nearby
>charge again
also, I've played entire missions just using a shotgun from mid-range with smart choke, it's quite fun

>have an omni-dlido inside her suit which working 24/7

oh and don't forget to prime the first target with warp before charging

Only from bad guys
Every species have sexual needs and her race can't afford casual sex.

This image brings up a pretty good point actually. In the cutscenes no matter what class you choose Shepard always acts like he's a standard grunt. How nice would it have been if Shepard had actually used his class abilities in some scenes like that pic, or not giving chase and just long shotting some dude with his rifle? or using biotics to suspend a target? Fuck I hate how lazy Bioware are.

>Only from bad guys
>Normandy SR-1
>bad guys
Also, almost every single person on SR-2 crew were newcomers
ME2 and ME3
>Every species have sexual needs and her race can't afford casual sex.
Yet none of them obsessed
