
People are delusional if they think that it will attract new players to AFPS.
Q3 clone with stat tweaks and modes that make it even less casual friendly.

Flaw inhereted from Q3:
>dozen of weapons, quater of them actually useful
Q3/Live is dominated by Rocket, Lighting Gun and Railgun.
Very occasionally plasma rifle and grenade laucher is used.
Same applies here with the exception that plasma rifle is weak while GL seems to be broken.

Diabotical "improvements":
>LG, Railgun, Plasma gun equivalents do less damage
increases TTK, which in turn elevates skill floor,
>subsequent hits with Railgun, increase it's damage,missing resets it
while the effect isn't drastic (60,70,80 damage), it's a typical rich get richer mechanic = not noob friendly
>deathmatch spawns you with random weapon
and since we know that not all weapons are created equal, this is a problem
>instagib with projectile weapon
once again higher skill floor and on top of that your muscle memory from this mode will be mostly useless in other modes
>low contrast enemies
consequence of bright, colorful maps is that enemies don't contrast very well
this is not as bad as in some modern shooter, but far from ideal
>melee weapon was changed so that it requires timed attack rather simply holding button
increasing skill floor on weapon that isn't even designed and used in competetive settings
fucking why?

Another fun thing for new players is that its already infested with sub-genre veterans.

I'm not saying any of those mechanics are bad. If you like and are already decent at conventional AFPS you will most likely enjoy it. Customization is great, you can modify your hud, as well have different FOV and sensitivity on every weapon etc.
But in its current state there is no way that it will revive AFPS.

Attached: diabotical.png (1552x873, 1.31M)

okay boomer

Never played afps before but love this game.

The 4v4 mode is very good since you can learn without much pressure

>EGS exclusive for a niche genre
Dead on release.

UT4 was active for 4 fucking years newfag

>less than 100 players after a few months of public alpha release
Off yourself retard. UT4 was abandoned because no one gave a fuck about it.

It was dead the moment you could play it.

>>less than 100 players after a few months of public alpha release
I love how you have to result to outright lying. Even today the game gets more than 150 concurrent players. Go back to sucking TB cock on reddit.

>UT4 was active for 4 fucking years newfag
It was also supported by Epic themselves, giving people access to everything, even allowing them to help out in the development directly.

All it needs are fun casual modes. That's literally it.
Hopefully they will deliver with their upcoming modes.

They already shot themselves in the foot, this game is casual repellant now and eventually the players the game has will dwindle until there's a handful left.

The devs were clueless and confused with no real game design or user research background.

>>deathmatch spawns you with random weapon
You spawn with the weapon that killed you.
>>low contrast enemies
I'm finding this quite difficult, surprised they have force enemy colors but not fullbright

>Even today the game gets more than 150 concurrent players
Great fuckin difference fucktard. It was a failed meme project that was never going anywhere so Epig would rather send the small dedicated team it had to work on Fortnite BR mode.

Nice "support" there by never making the game beyond pre alpha release. EGS is a fucking joke.

Game already has more than few noob-unfriendly mechanics. adding different modes won't change it.

>You spawn with the weapon that killed you.
I don't really see how that will help with anything. And if people that you are playing against are smart they will finish you with shit weapons.

They literally need to add different classes and characters but they won't because "muh pure" arena shooter that has been done to dead for more than 20 years. That crap has no retaining of players nowadays.

got into beta and was about to play it but warzone came out, too bad

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>call of duty
>battle royale
Can't think of shittier combination, i'd rather install egs and play diabotical over that.

If you want to play class/hero shooter there are plenty on market. They should just fix weapon roster and don't introduce artificially high skill floor mechanics.

>Nice "support" there by never making the game beyond pre alpha release. EGS is a fucking joke.

Fortnite is the reason Paragon, UT4 and another unannounced project was canceled. There are several articles about it if you don't believe me.
This also lead to excessive crunch to keep the content flowing in Fortnite, despite the all hands on deck move Epic did.

You should probably stick to overwatch my dude

>If you want to play class/hero shooter there are plenty on market.
There also several pure arena shooters on the market, some with even more features than what Diabotical offers.

>They should just fix weapon roster and don't introduce artificially high skill floor mechanics.
They could remake Q3A all over again, it won't make a difference, Arena shooters simply lack player retention.

Shilling is pretty hardcore and the threads still die almost instantly. That's just pathetic, dear marketer.


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you clearly haven't played the game
you can't even queue for duel
everything is casual baby fun mode now

Modes don't matter if underlaying mechanics work against "casual baby fun".

S MH retardBH anons without keys
here's 2, knock yourself out


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If 1v1 high skill games like fighting games can attract playerbases the size of Tekken 7, so can arena shooters
And fighting games often don't need to rely on wacky fun modes to attract casuals either

this game is pure trash

Fighting games are very one dimentional. You are focusing only on single opponent and that is all that you have to think about. AFPS on top of focusing on your opponent requires thinking about map/resource control, movement, spawn timers etc.

Or to put it simply: fighting games have much lower skill floor.

inb4 the devs commit sudoku when their shit game dies

This sad excuse of an fps is everything wrong with the genre magnified beyond comprehension.

>without much pressure
>mfw egg-hunt

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>teammate spawns
>teammate spawns
t-thanks team, you're great help

its comfy

Meh, you get 3/10. There are gaps of information so you probably watched a streamer play it who played it unoptimally so I'm gonna have to drop the final score to 2/10

>netcode is somewhere in between QC 2017 and QC now. perfect tracking, perfect rails, and perfect direct rockets go through players constantly. you get hit behind cover with any hitscan weapons and rl splash damage is bipolar. even reddit, the massive circlejerk where no negatives are allowed, has brought this up
>lag comp is horrendous. doesn't matter if it's 120 or 20, the player with the higher ping has a huge advantage. again, another issue even reddit has documented
>code is so fucked to where 2 players can kill each other simultaneously with hitscan weapons. apparently i'm playing halo again
>in every mode there is 1 fairly decent map with the rest being fucking shit
>ffa is a clusterfuck. why are there 2 powerups on every map? why can't i hold both at the same time? why are the weapons scattered at random with no thought? the gimmick of respawning with the weapon that killed you makes it so most of your encounters are lg and rl and it gets very old, very quick.
>ca/wipeout is more boring and tedious than before. if there was a cap on time that increased with each death i think it could've worked
>ig screams a pretentious dev who wanted to make something different for the sake of it being different
>1v1 is the only fun mode so long as A) netcode is in your favor and B) you don't mind playing the same 10 or so people
>game is dead on yt and reddit
>twitch stays below 3k unless 1 cunt is streaming or james needs to stream to make it seem popular
>james actively shills here when he's not streaming. these threads have a nasty habit of getting to page 7, getting a new bump/topic rolling, yet poster # never increases. also, if you watch some vids of james being "le bad boi", you can spot his personality a mile away in these threads

Game has potential and I really do want it to succeed, but James is an egotistical crackhead that sold out to Epic for more crack.

nice pasta, needs some broccoli and ceasar

game looks like complete shit, and i mean that from a visual stand point. mechanics don't mean anything if people literally do not like what they're looking at. james is a retard.

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>code is so fucked to where 2 players can kill each other simultaneously with hitscan weapons. apparently i'm playing halo again
Until Reach, Halo didn't have hitscan just super fast projectiles.

And it's still all true.


>mechanics don't mean anything if people literally do not like what they're looking at
overwatch and fortnite at least better bczu at lestes they make nice customization and graphics -.-

It's weird that they haven't leaned into that already. Like they've already got the perfect iteration of the circle jump speedometer to help teach people how to move around the map quickly, so they for sure have a foundation of each player going fast to work with. Maybe build around that with a bunch of movement-oriented modes. For example, maybe make a playlist where players only get explosive weebles and a weaker but farther launching rocket launcher; I can already see it being a ton of fun to try to push people into pits in deathmatch or the hectic chaos of trying to stay within one spot for KotH.

Instead the only remotely casual mode is Gold Rush, and how is that going to attract fresh faces when the weapon of choice is friggin instagib. They'll be just starting to get their footing in getting high speed or launching across the map, only to get instantly punished by all the genre vets.

I'm hoping for some Defrag-like maps or a mode. As for now however, the map editor seems impossible for any normal person to use.

you forgot the big reason nobody except hardcore PC FPS players looking for a challenge will play this, also inherited from Q3:
>strafejumping (and everyone else can already do it)

However you're wrong about:
>in its current state there is no way that it will revive AFPS.

it is reviving AFPS as we speak and will have a decent playerbase. you just have to let go of delusions of AFPS becoming a mainstream genre again. the hype is similar to that around early QC. it'll have a few thousand players once there's marketing. but once it's "out" it will have AND KEEP better numbers than QC. the reason is simple: it's what people who played QC at any point wanted in the first place and it's optimized to run on everybody's existing hardware at launch.

Diabotical is Quake done right by AND FOR Quake veterans. they're not gonna use that line in marketing and it contains initiatives to be interesting to "new players" but everybody knows that the new players will be the same TYPE of player as the veterans so there's no explosion in population coming. Diabotical will prove that there is a solid >3k population of players out there who will get long-term-invested in a game like this when they're not repelled by terrible performance and nu-id-gameplay.

I agree with this concern. I think when the core game is done this year (beta now = release this year) firefrog needs to look into baked lightmapping and post-processing. the existing lighting method of placing everything manually is 90s tier and only useful for additional tweaks on top of convincing naturalistic lighting. we need a "/bake lighting" command that takes


if you had watched the reply count you would know better. this was my first post in the thread.

I can't think of a worse way to advertise a game than to have schizophrenic conversations with yourself on Yas Forums everyday

>but once it's "out" it will have AND KEEP better numbers than QC.
Doubtfuly, the game is has less depth than QC. It's just the average Arena shooter that has been done dozens of times already, it's gonna have hundred of regular players at launch which will decrease in a short period.

>once there's marketing
it's already being advertised, #epicpartners were playing the game regularly

I doubt there are enough schizos even on Yas Forums that type essays while barely having seen a few youtube videos. Anyone can post on phone or reset IP.

Also I don't think you know what "baked in" means in terms of computer graphics. 99% of lighting is done with pre baked lighting, your only other option is ray tracing and they're not gonna put some experimental tech with 1% market use on a niche afps

I only downloaded it because you can put an ahegao face on the robot

>Limited to EGS store
>No easy, practical way to download and play user made content since Epic has no platform for modders
>Limited to robot eggs as characters
>Little gameplay variety which isn't unique or new in the first place
What about this game is supposed to keep people playing for long?

Diabotical doesn't have baked lighting. it's 100% real-time using deferred lights hand-placed by artists. the sun is just a directional light generating a real-time shadow map. I've used the map editor which is the exact same as the devs use to create official maps, according to the lead mapper promeus.

and no, of course real-time path-tracing isn't an option for Diabotical.

>the game is has less depth than QC
and that's a good thing. nobody said that Quake 3 likes needed more depth before QC and QC is definitive proof that that would be a step in the wrong direction. it's the deepest genre of shooters to begin with, adding more depth is retarded.

If we look at it from a perspective of it making ultimate Q3 clone, then it runs into same issue as every other earlier attempt, pre-existing player base doesn't care about them. Only difference from thoseearlier attempts is some nice convenience features, but it's not like you can sale game based on those.

Devs definetly are aiming for casuals or at least non-afps players, they just don't understand that inherently Q3 is noob-unfriendly game and their changes they are making it even worse.

Has anyone here actually played the game? I don't think I've ever seen anything other than some dude posting his ahegaoball. No idea if I should even try it out considering that I haven't installed Ebin gamestore at all.

Don't install ebin spywarestore for a weekend beta of a quake clone that ends next weekend ya dingus

which change makes it worse?

OP here, I played it. Already had Chink Store installed for UE4.


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>adding more depth is retarded.
Not if you want a decent number of people to keep playing for long. QC had much more variety gameplay wise than what Diabotical is aiming for, mastering and customizing each champion was one of the reasons why QC was able to hold players which weren't really hardcore vets of the genre on the first place. If all devs want is to make yet simply another Quake clone there is no reason why things should work differently now, people will try the game at first, like with UT4 but eventually most are gonna realize it's the same game and weapons that they stopped playing with long ago. Old product with a coat of paint.

The game runs like shit, worse than Quake Champions, i can't get to 60fps on the lowest settings, so i can't even tell if i agree with OP.

I am, it's pretty much quake but the higher TTK is really bugging me, don't know if I like it or not. Aside from that, I'm fine with everything else.

I get up to 450 fps.

Stop playing on your mom's 1998 acer laptop.

TTK is like 5% higher at the most if you're close range.

+back rail is cancer playstyle and the reason QL died and QC duel sucks ass (rail is 90 dmg lol)

Is there players on closed beta?
Does it work with wine?
Haven't played quake live since some update broke it with wine but kind of have itch for quake.

and got outplayed by a builder shooter where you run around for 30 minutes until you get in a 30 second fight or one shot by a sniper
UT4 is dead