ITT: vidya moments that made you shout "KINO" out loud
ITT: vidya moments that made you shout "KINO" out loud
Transistor ending
fuck is wrong with you
the only time i ever yell it out loud is when i'm shitposting in voice call with my friends who think this "kino" shit is just as retarded as i do, making fun of people who do it unironically
this interaction is pure kino
to be fair, every interaction in that game is kino
yeah, but that one is my favorite
more songs should sample scooby doo
what a ride
"KINO!!!" I literally screamed
The city survived
I'm proud of you
The fuck does "Kino" even mean?
Who the fuck does that?
Kuze in Yakuza 0.
Remember when Kingdom Hearts had FF characters ?
Nobody shouts Kino at their screen.
You are being autistic.
Kino is German word for cinema.
You are a normalfag. You are probably underage.
Its reddit for "thing I like"
This is where I officially decided I like the game. Came here before fucking around at Ashina castle.
So you shout Kino at very Cinematic moments? Huh?
I just don't speak virgin.
But these faggots don't really say it out loud Irl right? RIGHT?
>But these faggots don't really say it out loud Irl right? RIGHT?
I grab each side of my monitor and shout kino as loud as I possibly can
I only played this last year, how can a kiddy disney game have peak kino?
redeemed the whole game for me
Holy shit you're trying way too fucking hard to fit in.
specifically, I said "KINO, NOOOOO!" when I learned that the license expired for Gruppa Krovi so the song was arbitrarily removed from the game.
Internet connectivity was a mistake. Not only can developers ship out broken, buggy games that need 2 gig patches to fix before they're playable but they can pull this bullshit too. For what it's worth, at least with Vice City: the Michael Jackson songs are still on earlier editions of the game.
Fucking Klaus, always fucking shit up.
>Holy shit you're trying way too fucking hard to fit in.
This bit as well before they decided to ruin the franchise
is that neckbeard achievable natty?
it cant. KH games are fucking horrible.
Walking up to the training grounds in Absolver.
Pretty kino of you
The opening to KH2 is underrated.
Yeah it's the most beautiful during the morning (before beating genichiro 1)
They actually played this video during my forklift course over a decade ago. Fuck, I'm getting old.
Ass Creed was such a good franchise, sad to see it get completely fucked in the end
Based. Absolver was an awesome game.
but its considered the best part of the game
>ac was such a good franchise
shit ever since ac1 and even that was marred with godawful nonsense
Game should have ended right there and it would have been ten times better.
Thank god for mods.
Ah you were at my side all along
It's how you end a trilogy
As far as I'm concerned everything after that with starkid was a hallucination. Shepard destroyed the reapers and survived with his waifu
The feeling of adventure with Desmond and team was awesome. Had that early 2000's adventure show vibe.
They should just retcon everything after 3 and start again. I don't think anyone would be mad.
Witcher 2 is the most underrated game in the series.
It had a lot of insanely good moments in the story but was dragged down by rushed develompent. Witcher 3 was really tame compared to it.
World in 2 felt a lot more brutal and dangerous as well, despite witcher 3 having plenty of brutal moments of it's own
>implying Yas Forums retards aren't the most reddit thing on this god forsaken shithole
le bane xDDDD le big guy xDDD le sneed xDD KINO KINO KINO! xDDD
>ac was such a good franchise
even AC1 was monotone no skill required garbo
>vidya moments that made you shout "KINO" out loud
who the fuck does this
>shout "KINO" out loud
imagine doing this at your local movie theater
Cutscene in iceborne right before you fight shara ishvalda. The way your hunter marches back to the arena to btfo another elder dragon in a row was kino
Much like plowing your mother
tranny game