What are the most cringy stuff that this board has experienced?
Most recent examples I can think of is this or the Blizzard/Chink drama.
What are the most cringy stuff that this board has experienced?
The Grinch leaks have been totally memoryholed from this board, but I will always remember
Smash threads
Pokemon threads, which were so much worse they had to be exiled
E-celeb threads
The Blizzard chink drama was great because anons were posting cock pics in threads because they were asking for photo IDs to delete accounts so guys were just sending them cock pics.
Wojacks and Pepefags.
Every frog and wojack post is the most cringe moment on the site at that given time.
>Pokemon threads, which were so much worse they had to be exiled
I guarantee that you weren't here back when pokemon was allowed on Yas Forums. Hell, you can still talk about it now, there's no rule against it.
Especially those fucking “war” images of Yas Forums aligning with reddit. Holy shit talk about embarrassing
Recently? Easily Alucard gay sex threads
Nigger, there was a day when the entire board was pokemon, and a third of it nothing but porn.
this, nothing will ever come close
Smash and Pokemon threads are bad, yes
I remember when Moot banned Gamergate discussion on here because it was getting obnoxious and they sperged out for an entire week on the entire website. Then they fucked off to tiny cripple chan and proceeded to hold some semblance of superiority over Yas Forums.
Looking at the kind of schizo boomer Qanon poster 8ch has now, I feel like we didn't lose anything of any notable value.
Oh no god forbid. If you bitch about porn on Yas Forums you're the normalfaggiest normalfag that ever fagged up this site
Nailed it.
Also one of the nails in this place's coffin.
Feels good/bad man frog getting turned into pepe. And the literal religion that popped up around it.
I wonder what the creator of this image thinks about the cultural resonance that is spawned. Really goes to show the power that a single person can have over reality.
I'm bitching about the entire board being pokeymanz. I also bitch about smash not being exiled to /vg/ where it belongs and e-celeb bullshit not being exiled to Yas Forums or /vg/ or anywhere the fuck else where it belongs.
people from reddit/twitter/facebook who came here for Yas Forums and feels faggotry, then decided to make Yas Forums their epic anonymous circlejerk away from reddit
When people started using the term Yas Forumsros instead of Yas Forumsirgins,
Wojak and Wojaks from other boards.
Anything sjw
Fuck off.
>Wojaks from other boards
what does that even mean
Bowsette was quite cringe, but I think GG's muh optics was by far the worst.
Oh and also takes a spot on the podium.
>any female streamer on twitch
>1 to infinite viewers
>always a cuck mod in the chat
shut the fuck up chang and kiss my ass
Anybody who makes game hate threads is a cringey faggot
Gamergate was fucking gay. It was just an excuse to harass journos for being fags and casuals and everyone knows it. That would be funny but the useful retards that convinced themselves they were championing some cause are pathetic. Literally gave Anita Whatsherfuckingname a platform to transform the industry. Congrats dipshits.
Gamergate was something
>such spicy drama that it's been in the spotlight for a year or two
>was baby's first introduction to "videogame journalists"
>Yas Forums tried to get involved and moot removed spam filters for a month
>Yas Forumstards tried to get everyone to migrate to hot wheels site with little to no success
>moot discovered to be a baggage cuck and he asked mods to dox themselves to remain mods
>sells the site to hiro and then leaves to be a trophy for Google
I think it was a nail in the coffin for any sort of journalist credibility more than anything, Zoe actually tried to remain relevant by making up an incident that happened years ago but it got a developer to kill himself, officially bringing zoe's killcount higher than gamergate's, if it wasn't already high enough because the incident caused the 8 site to populate and then led to at least one mass shooter
Gamergate was based as fuck, that Law & Order episode was amazing.
So fucked up when that bitch, barely 48 hours later claiming she doesn't care and it isn't her fault at all. Bet the guilt chips at her on the inside though.
pepe and wojak being spammed every single day
Gaming journalism never had any credibility to begin with. MSM just running their story was pretty shocking though. And how powerless controversy is if it's not coming from the right people.
>Australians are allowed to post here
You're right, this takes the cake for cringe.
I thought GG was about sjws sleeping their way into the industry like that shitty megaman game being made
This, frogposter and wojak posters are the cringiest shit ever seen in this shithole of a board
>Blizzard/Chink drama.
That was something.
It wasn't. It was about making fun of that skinnyfat retard Zoe because it was funny. Then faggots tried to make it about resisting le sjw agenda and it was gay.
tecent protesting lmao
TORtanic. It made it impossible for Yas Forums to actually discuss any new game, because people are still chasing the dragon of the perfect failed game
Gamergatefags actually self-inserted into this.
Moot banned it because he's a leftoid scum. Imagine supporting censorship
oh good for you then
I don't think that's true anymore. At this point half of Yas Forums posters were still in diapers when it came out.
I was looking for this pic thank you lmao
>because people are still chasing the dragon of the perfect failed game
Except no one is. In fact TORtanic is just used to deflect criticism for bad aspects of games.
You fuck off the resetera. Sjws are ruining gaming
They'll never understand user, don't even bother. Those that followed GG and had the capacity to understand moved to Yas Forums, the ones that cupped their hands over their ears and pretended like the issues uncovered by GG existed in a vacuum and were not the result of a broader problem in society are not going to change their minds now.
It's not good for me. It's bad.
It is funny how little actual facts people know about GG tho.
H-how could she not win?! It was her turn! Why did the GOP cheat her, she won the popular vote?!
Gamergate was actually really funny it was hilarious how much drama it caused.
It's even funnier how Zoe is able to stream along simps to support her even when she gives nothing back to them.
My brain is so fucked up that I had to think for a second to remember if that was the original.
>the issues uncovered by GG
can you elaborate
holy fucking cringe.
and Yas Forums was unironically defending this.
Only thing Blizzard did wrong was not perma banning the guy.
It was about a certain indie scene being in bed with journalists. Phil Fish had already destroyed most of the goodwill people had for them, but it was still disappointing.
At first it was a pretty normal controversy, Kotaku edited articles with disclosure, other edited their ethics guidelines etc. But suddenly they decided Zoe was absolutely untouchable, stuck with that and would not budge at all. It was Streisand effect from there.
Nice fantasy.
My friend made such a big deal about this when it happened, but he still plays Hearthstone on his phone. What a fag.
>Soros tried to shit up the company and make extreme drama about it
>later on he buys 45 millions of shares from the company
I wonder ((who)) could have behind all the drama!
Mommy posting
nigga, i was here back then, unlike you newfag.
the vast majority of Yas Forums was totally behind this cringy shit and was spamming "vivian james" all day long.
I wish I could kill every single "person" who draws these disgusting wojak edits and posts them here or elsewhere.
It's scary. You can only know anything if you were there. The entire record is fabricated by the media.
The moment Yas Forums became obsessed with transexuals. Now you fucks try and force everything to be about them and try even harder to convince people that everything is related to em so you have something to bitch about. Even if its rule 63 but you fags dont know what that is anymore.
katawa shoujo