I've heard a lot of pro players call this game ass, is it justified or are they being whiny babies?
I've heard a lot of pro players call this game ass, is it justified or are they being whiny babies?
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Tekken is superior in every single regard. SFV is probably the worse fighting game this generation. A shame because USF4 was really one of their best work
Granblue does it better but thats not a fair comparison, the fighting game division of Capcom has been shit for a long time. They're really good at extra content and gameplay (except when theyre not) but everything else sucks dick.
The OP didn't bring up either one of these games
Just look at how ugly that stage is, completely soulless
granblue doesn't do anything better. it's just remix of garou and anime fighters.
problem with sfv is that they made it easier and took away alot of risk/reward situations. it also made some characters more flow charty.
fuck tekken
you should see some of models.
abigil and fang doesn't even look like they belong in the game.
>crush counters
>stubby normals
>no proximity normals
>limited combo routes (st mp cr mp special all day)
>shitty roster
>godawful netcode
>no single player content at launch
>had a rootkit
>in-game ads
>ugly as fuck
it's alright especially now but there are better fighting games on the market. But you can't play the president of the world in those games so they're worse
people that call the game bad are bad at it
The code is SO SHIT that mashing buttons during netplay causes lag. If that doesn't make clear enough how shit of a game it is I don't know what to tell you.
Nah, Tekken lost a lot of goodwill with the Leroy shit show and somehow SFV turned things around with CE and people and pros like it again. The games basically reversed roles.
>is it justified
Mostly yeah. Updates have improved the game a lot, but it is more attempts to weaken key aspects of the game people hate than adding and improving aspects. Which is a shame as S5 new vskills did open things up a little, it seems to be the last major update though. SFV is designed in annoying ways, design decisions are clearly meant to create hype while being easy to use. I remember a lot of the pre-release material was going oh anyone can get good and be a Daigo. These changes make the game feel random. Capcom clearly regrets crush counters with how they are consistently nerfed but the system is still there. It doesn't really make sense why you should get more off a heavy when it is already one of the better combo starters and would still be very useful with normal counters. SFV never got the core retooling it needed, they wanted to mitigate aspects without really changing the design of the game. So you have a weird simple rushdown game that is pretending it has a neutral.
I'm not in love with GBVS, but it at least does what people want from an SF game while maybe being a bit too dry. Fireballs are good, keep away and rushdown exists side by side, whiff punishing is easy enough that no one has to get in big twitter arguments of NO SFV TOTALLY HAS LOTS OF NEUTRAL LOOK AT THIS WHIFF PUNISH AND IGNORE IT SAYS COUNTER! GBVS is also a pretty casual game, I especially don't like how meter is handled. But I at least feel like fundamentals are rewarded.
>Anime fighters
>No Jump Cancel Mid
You really need to learn what an anime fighter is
leeroy shit blew over last patch. It was a stain in a very long streak though.
You don't play fighting games
You can keep pushing this for months on end, but it isn't reflected in anything final. SFVfags had to jump on the updating EVO entrants, which last year saw the games trade places constantly. Just look at the Steam numbers, SFV's CE peak couldn't even beat Tekken at normal play
charging for frame data also didn't help
Not the best but it's alright
>crush counters
LOL stop mashing retard
>stubby normals
>no proximity normals
You got this opinion from James Chen. Nobody else cares
>limited combo routes
True but they are getting better over time
>shitty roster
Compared to what? It's easily the best roster in the SF series. SFIV had TERRIBLE newcomers
>things that happened awhile ago that were memed on reddit
>remix of garou
Pretty much the only similarity is the dodge, which don't even feel similar. Outside that they don't share the mechanics which make Garou the game it is.
you didn't play USF4.
>More casuals play the more casual fighting game
>someone complains about SFV
>mentions crush counters every time
What's it like to be bad at everything you do in life? Can you imagine getting crush countered that often?
Are you ever going to be a pro? Do you think what they are trying to complain about will EVER apply to you? Try it out and see if you like it, the game is fun.
I'm just a casual fighting game fan and I got thorough enjoyment from SFV. I managed to claw my way out of bronze hell which is an acomplishment for me.
b-b-but user what pros say about pro level play! And what about tier lists for pros!? Don't you realise they affect you??
Next to no "pro" player has been calling the game ass since the first few seasons (where the game was ass) and the opinion of the game is positive overall. The only people still hating don't play SF and are forever stuck with what they read during the release year.
There are a lot of legitimate complaints you can make about SFV, but I think a lot of people were just soured on it during release. I know I was.
It had an absolutely awful launch, and it took multiple years for the game to really get its shit together and start to rival USFIV in terms of content. By now, it's probably a fine enough game (though I really wouldn't know, I dropped it long ago), but things like the graphics / artstyle, lackluster animations, and certain gameplay mechanics still rub a lot of people the wrong way.
It's also had a whole bunch of issues since launch, like that whole rootkit ordeal, the variable input delay, the absurdly long input delay, terrible netcode, etc. Most, if not all, of this has since been fixed, as far as I'm aware. Other than those, most of the "issues" are just personal preference, like not liking how heavily favored offense is, thinking Crush Counters are a bad mechanic, and other such things, which aren't objective faults with the game.
It's very understandable that the game doesn't have the greatest reputation at this point.
As for the pros themselves, I wouldn't know. I don't follow SFV competitively.
There is something wrong with SFV’s models. Cant really pinpoint what though. Fang and abigail are bad even as concepts, but even shit like Laura which is pretty ok/normal has a weird model. Might be the hands lol
Honestly Im just waiting for project L. Riot is gonna btfo fg dev niggers and chinks.
I think some stuff you could argue isn't good design for the intentions of the game. Like the DP change. The game is heavy on pressure, offensive and high risk choices. DPs are already punished more than previous games cause of CC. So every version being invincible would be fair enough, it is an offensive big risk to deal with big pressure.
The response to that seems to be you just want to mash DP! No because it would still be heavily punished, high risk high reward like the game is already based on. There isn't anything wrong with characters having a strong tool which means you need to address the match up differently. But it is one of those moves certain players complain about spamming, so it wasn't change cause it matched the game's philosophy. Certain things in the game don't feel like they make much sense given the game's intentions.
evo will be cancelled anyways who cares.
That's fair. As I mentioned, I stopped playing long ago, and, coincidentally, I never actually played a character with a regular DP (Nash > Alex > Urien > Alex > Ed), so the change didn't affect me much, so I can't really comment on that.
I do think it's an odd change to suddenly require the expenditure of a resource just to get a DP, though IIRC, other games in the series had similar things like that, didn't they? Remy's flash kick in Third Strike only seemed to have invuln on the EX version, and likewise for Dudley's DP. Or am I mistaken?
project L(oss) is going to be a shit casual fighter worst than granblue.
just imagine rising thunder with lol characters
>niggers and chinks
the fuck?
imagine an all wifi warrior evo. devs will finally see the benefits of rollback tech.
Funny how everyone has to shit on SF just to start a discussion about their own poverty game
3S was also weird about invincibility. I believe Ken and Akuma only had it on HP DP, or something like that.
Really I think a lot of the annoyance in SFV stems from the feeling that characters had stuff took away. Be it moves from old games, changes to normals or nerfs of what they current have. No one likes that feeling, that their gameplan has less to it. There is a reason that later DLC characters seem to end up more celebrated, they often had things added, expanded on or a rework that gave them many things to work with. Same with vskill 2, it is fun to have a new way to play with your character that can factor into different match ups. The most frustrating feeling in a fighter is the feeling you don't have anything to work with, which doesn't have to be part of SFV's DNA. I wish they bring the earlier roster up to these levels, design them with where certain updates have taken the game.
I walked away from SF after 4, but one thing has always bothered me... why are SF5 character models so fuggin UGLY?
The game had many, many problems
Champions Edition is okay, but it still still the first SF 'service' game, full of microtransactions, annoyances and bad memories
Core gameplay is fun
low budget, they outsourced them i believe
it was only made because sony bailed them out.
Unironically the Street Fighter game I played the most. Crossplay is the main factor though, since I'm a PC only player, it's the first time I play a fighting game where there's so much people playing, I don't repeat players all the time, and there's no "certain hour of the day" to play the game like USF4 had. I can click on the game 4 in the morning, and I will be able to find matches easily.
Also, I can't really say much about the game on release: I have picked it up only when my wife was released on it, in arcade version. About content, if anything I think the game is actually bloated with it. I don't think I have even seen it all, as I'm interested mostly on just online features.
Some niggers are just too eager to press buttons at the wrong time specially Kage players. I think most modern fighting games have counters, and in bigger number. In SFV they do give more opportunities, but seriously, if you ignore sweeps, most characters have only two counter buttons. How much of a faggot button masher do you need to be to get countered every god damn time by hits with such big start-ups?
Unsure about Abi, but FANG was outsourced. I actually think fang is one of the best designed characters in the game
Fang is so god damn ugly, are you insane? I don't even want to lab him because of how ugly he is.
I will never understand people who pick ugly characters. Are you insane? So many cuties, and even Cody if you are a homofaggot, and you pick somebody uglier than beating your mother? Jesus.
Post Kino SFV music
A shame nobody plays as her even me. I think I have encountered only one Falke during all the time I have been playing SFV.
How come you guys always jump to this, when not one person in the thread has said they dislike CC cause they can't hit buttons. All we got is saying it doesn't really make much sense to give an extra reward. This is something Capcom themselves have clearly decided was true as well, considering how consistently they have nerfed CC. Heavily skewing the reward towards heavies didn't stop mashing, it meant Bison players mashed even harder. The failure to give everyone good pokes is hurt more by some of the best being/having been your heavy with CC property. While by itself not fixing the issue of SF4's reliance on lights, Rashid's 100 IQ footsie button wasn't fixed by CC but actually addressing the move.
Crush Counters exist to make counter hit combos easier for new players, to make comebacks easier and to artificially try and create big epic moments.
Imagine listening to larpers.
it had a really rough start, but the game is great now.
a lot of people were also angry coz it's different than sf4
desu falke and ed both felt really weird to me
There's literally nothing wrong with CCs. If you got whiff punished by a fierce or houndhouse, you sure did fucked up badly.
ED almost feels like from a different game. Guess they made him really simple with all those charge attacks to be a good character for begginers. At least he teaches people to space correctly, instead of just "hadouken shoryuken hadouken shoryuken" like the beginners that start with Ryu.
I never touched Falke, as I don't have Champion Edition. That's why I wanted to fight more Falkes, but they are all so god damn rare. The only Falke I met I even went all soft and let the dude play his game just so I could see what the character did.
shut the fuck up nigger, tekken is a completely different niche
You would get better than average damage anyway, even on a normal counter hit. But even Capcom realised the reward was too much but can't outright scrap a big mechanic like that. CC is just about making it so much easier for anyone to get that damage, while trying to make big comebacks happen more often cause that is exciting. It was never about this seems like a fair punishment or to stop mashing.
>whiff punished
Doesn't need to be a whiff, cause of the priority system heavies are favoured. The game didn't need that on top of everything else, the buttons are not that slow and already have the advantage of better range.
It had a bad launch. It's gotten better. I came back with Champion Edition and I am having a good time
>tfw rewatching SFIV excellent adventures
>A shame because USF4 was really one of their best work
im a pro player and its pretty good
The game as it is now has come al ong way. It's still pretty weak in terms of gameplay but the initial release was absolutely terrible on top of being unfinished.
The major issue still remains though, it's the core gameplay, so no amounts of patches or character balance changes will be able to truly fix the game.
Friend, my character have a launch Crush Counter with heavy in the middle of a combo. If I'm fighting a character who have no CA, I purposefully miss the timing of the heavy hit to not combo properly on his blocking just so I can launch the fool who keeps pressing buttons while on pressure. As he is on the air I trow a tengyo hadouken, then an EX hadouken, and finish with a medium shouoken. On V-Trigger 1 that takes a hunka damage. One well land roundhouse, her farthest normal, and I can already get close enough for pressure or grab, it the opponent does not tech it.
I don't care if Capcom likes Crush Counters or not, they can suck it for all I care. The point is, that I do like Crush Counters.
Poor Mike man
Why poor Mike? Hes already back to gobbling companys nuts in his mouth and being a good lil shill. Everyone knew he wouldn't last its all he has going for him.
>Poor Mike man
What do you mean he hasn't streamed in a while and all his SFV are no cam no talking just default game music
But playing Ryu and zoning and antiairing with him literally requires you to space yourself correctly.
You've gone from everyone who dislikes it just wants to mash and don't appreciate the mechanic. To well I like it look at my game plan. Great, some people like that Kuso Sailor Moon game. Next time don't be a faggot and pretend there aren't reasons to dislike it. SFV players really don't help with the animosity the game gets
Well he did say he has no time to hang out. Plus again with the nuts in mouth thing he probably cant say anything with mcrib lording over him.
SFV OCs are lame as fuck
> Tekken is superior
> Its Clunky
> Its Slow
> Its too much damage
> Music Sucks Ass
> Full of WiFi Warrior
I withstand for both the reasons, as they can live in the same universe
Yes, I like Crush Counters because it is good to pick fools. And yes, people who bitch about it are buttom mashing retards, or else, just like everyone, they would've been using that tool in their favor instead of bitching around. People complaining about Crush Counters now, are the same faggots who complained about FADC and plinking them.
>SFV players really don't help with the animosity the game gets
Why would I be shitting on the game I like? Just kill yourself, faggot. I would not play Tekken or the gacha franchise shit even if that were for free.
Yes, but just spamming shit won't get you even a single match with ED, while with Ryu the scrub wins other scrubs by just doing these two moves. ED at least teaches them that fighting games is more about thinking and planning, rather than going for unsafe stuff.
Umm sweety Tekken has SUPERIOR limb based combat.
>Banana Ken PR was a prophet
shame he died in that hurricane
>Mike shits on SFV
>Mike starts playing SFV again
When will Street Fighter ever innovate on II and why does every fighter except Smash Bros and the 3D movement MK games copy it?
if you dont like crush counters just pick gill
oh wait he's a technical character and none of you retards could play him
>why do the genre defining mechanics never evolve?
Smash is not a fighting game, by the way.
>commits a 13 frame mistake
>literally every character takes you for half damage
No wonder everybody plays three rounds.
>Yes, but just spamming shit won't get you even a single match with ED, while with Ryu the scrub wins other scrubs by just doing these two moves
Scrubs can always find another scrub they can beat by just mashing one or two moves. Including Ed. That doesn't mean anything. Ed's design doesn't force good fundamentals, he has just consistently been a low tier character who lacks good options to work with.
Fang is ugly in his character design and that makes him charming. Characters like Ken are supposed to look good but end up looking like crackheads that just crawled out of the sewers.
>he has just consistently been a low tier character who lacks good options to work with
Because he is made for beginners and people with no execution, not for veterans. Do you think it makes a difference for you or me that his moves are just holding buttons? Of course not, we can make moves consistently
You gotta think on the different level of players user, no game is made thinking exclusively on pros.