What game allows Charisma to prevent combat?
What game allows Charisma to prevent combat?
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Dungeons and Dipshits is awful. Meleefags get cucked forever and spellcasters rule forever. Not to mention the Sorlock Combo is the best multiclass in the game.
Imagine trying to hide in the bushes with pink hair and red and yellow flowers on your head
fucking libshits. trump supporter would have made a better comic.
Why the white girls gotta have those ugly ass piercings?
With a high personality, there are bandits who won"t attack you at all; some even offer training.
he's literally a trump supporter
Why attack at all? Just go away, if they didn't see you.
Its a substitute for interesting personality traits
For a second I thought the hooded girl was the neo-nazi guy roleplaying as a big titty character.
It's so they have a hole to breath through when their mouth is filled with dick.
stay salty lefty. maybe you should go read sinfest if you want to stick it to the patriarchy.
what are your interesting personality traits
I mean besides not being able to speak, leave your room or besides the fact that you spend 16 hours a day infront of your monitor obsessing about games which you don't even get around to play?
>roleplaying as an Elf
>wants to befriend and get gangbanged by Orcs instead of killing them
This checks out.
>black elf
Immersion broken.
Like HoE3 or IRL?
What are drows
Mama mia that's a lot of projection!
When does shit titfuck the orcs?
Literally black, not brown skinned niggers.
I legitimately fucking despise how the how the people who used to beat you up for playing DnD are now the ones playing DnD.
Everyone involved in a hobby needs to gatekeep as hard as possible, or this shit will happen to the things you love.
I like being able to talk your way out of combat, or at least the option to. Kinda what I would do in real life...along with rolling up into a ball and crying.
Wow, she's like some sort of sexy tar-monster.
fuck your rebel flag
Should I say "Afro-American" elf?
You got beat up by girls? lol
God damn I love big tiddies.
Projection the post
Blame the internet.
Hes got a point about begging though
>go for a shit
>roll a 20
>you push out a solid gold log and are now rich
>roll a 1
>you push out your soul by mistake and die
Is dnd really like this?
How about we fuck on, tar baby?!
Skill checks don't auto-succeed on a 20
If your DM is a huge retard, it is.
DnD was always normie shit with the most basic bitch fantasy setting that plagued the genre forever.
t. underage
since your stupid ass baught all the toilet papper im going to use your racist fucking flag to wipe my ass
My father owns a clothing store, and he has a lot of weird hats. So I make sure to wear a new hat to work every day. My friends call me "many hats Dave".
What about you?
>interesting personality traits
I keep hearing this argument.
What actually is a interesting personality?
>titfuck the orcs
I like the way you think
Then what obscure shit were losers playing?
For me is to be able to have a good conversation with actual opinions and not parroting shit they heared somewhere else.
that's the type of women who'll unironically play a campaign of DnD.
>the how the people who used to beat you up for playing DnD are now
how do you get beaten up for playing DnD. You kinda can't do this in public mostly because, you know, it takes a fuckton of time to set up properly.
Only with a dumb DM
Any more reasonable DM would make natural 20 'you have a satisfying shit that slides out effortlessly and leaves nothing on the TP and goes down in a single flush' and a 1 be 'you have an awful constipated period shit and it takes half a roll to wipe up and it clogs the toilet and makes it overflow soiling your shoes'
ridiculous outcomes like your examples though can be fun occasionally though
>Tell DM I want to piss in the dragon's eye as a final act of defiance (the dragon is some ridiculously overpowered obstacle not meant to be fought)
>DM advises against it but I insist
>character *unzips dick* and I roll for it
>'hey dragon, check out how hard I can pee'
>hits dragon square in the eye and sends it falling out of the air to the ground in pain and confusion
>the floor beneath it crumbles under its tremendous weight impacting the floor and it gets impaled on a stalagmite in a cavern below the dungeon
Wheres the joke
But don't we all parrot shit even if we came to that conclusion on our own, so to speak?
There's only finite answers, reasonable speaking.
can't say anything about escaping combat but in poschengband and frogcomposband which are variants of angband, you get discount in shops because of charisma
how is wearing your nose ring on top of your fat head your personality trait?
Based and redpilled
r*asties btfo
How will women ever recover?
The signs were showing the direction the internet would take already before 2k.
But the event that build the foundation of everything turning to shit can be traced back to a single day.
June 29th of 2007
The day when every Stacey, Chad and fucking normie in between made appel richer than god with the first iPhone.
Good listening skills. I've noticed charismatic people are good at both speaking their mind confidently and listening to complete strangers as if they're close friends. Most people could only do the speaking
When people say "personality" they 90% of the time mean to say "being able to hold a conversation worth a damn". You can have a very basic personality and still be able to entertain others.
Repeating a similar thought because you've thought about it and came to the same conclusions isn't the same thing as regurgitating shit for social brownie points
Brainlet here, what is Kyle talking about? Do people not think like they speak?
A reasonable DM doesn't let you roll for shitting, as if it were FATAL
I know, I was just using a similar example to his
Also user...
FATAL is good
Don't be silly, this applies to men and women this said, I don't remenber any woman who could give me an engaging conversation
>Skyrim dialogue
>tfw have both