Gordon Freeman!

Gordon Freeman!
Lemmie take a look at you mang

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take a step back monkey

btw gordon, you should fuck my daughter

No way, fag.

>*tickles your chin*
>*wookie groan*

>"I couldn't be prouder if you were my own son."

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Pretty good lookin guy for a black dude


My god you haven't changed one iota. How do you do it?

thats not a real person lol

"Please, Alyx just got her third cat. She needs your penis, Gordon!"

Imagine him with white skin, he'd look like an inbred neanderthal
Really makes me think

Why was
>close your eyes honey
in the HLA trailer?

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Oh jesus man if he was white he'd look fucking terrible. There was a setting on GIMP that could turn people white but I completely forgot what it was. I'd love to see that right now.

Because at the end of the game you will experience the ending of Ep2 in VR.

that sounds fucking heartbreaking
>spend all of hl:a saving eli
>end of the game is watching his brains get sucked out by a giant fucking creature while screaming and crying again

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And it will be a reminder that you still won't get continuation of the story.

good to know you've played it

>two games with the same ending
bravo valve

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Gordon Freeman!
Lemmie take a look at your wang!

If they don't tease HL3 with a trailer like they did with Ep2 at the end of Ep1, I will be genuinely surprised

you are setting yourself up for disappointment, man
don't do it

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Do you think Alyx is a size queen?

He looks like a crack addict.

hey gordon
dr. kleiner told us all to start doing it. we should really do out part for humanity. want to explore my black mesa? i want to you pry all my clothes off with your crowbar and start a resonance cascade inside of me. i'll be waiting for you, in the test chamberrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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he's literally some homeless guy the devs pulled off the street, they didn't even know who to credit

RIP Robert Guillaume ;_;

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Dang, you beat me to it fellow Raising the Bar reader. Almost all the face capture people were fucking randos.

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>hl2 ep2 is recommended before playing alyx
how are they planning to retcon time travel to the story?

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This bitch always looked like a tranny, never understood her appeal.

fuck off negro

You can like someone even if they don't make your pp stiff.

*shrug* I remember fapping to her when i was 13.


I disagree, but uh good for you?


>your face when you realize literally all of half life has been the gman manipulating everyone into not having teleportation tech like him

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Fat chance, homo!

Ikr wish she was like my unrealistic anime girls instead.

what appeal? she's like the precursor for modern western vidya girls

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Cute underwear.

I always thought Alyx was nice, but I could never really waifu her. That being said, if she were to die in game, I wouldn't happy.

>Gordon help, I lost my job after the Black Mesa incident! I'm homeless! I suck dicks for a living!
Why did Valve had to go to such a length? I don't think we needed to know this.

Tell me about the dullest franchise, Armond

She has good graphics and she might be into me. She also comes really close to the camera which is almost like touching her...

I think if her hair were a little more frazzled like the episode 3 concept art she'd be cuter

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she cute

They probably would have if it wasn't made in 2004. Hair tech still sort of sucks.

who the fuck are you, black man? are you the black guy who was looking at that computer terminal, or the other black guy that was looking at a computer terminal, or the black guy who was running away from headcrab zombies, or the black guy i killed for fun?

They have lower LOD versions of her HL2 model where the hair sticks up more, it definitely would have been possible. They did something similar with Nick and Ellis in L4D2-- the parts of their hair that stick out are their own flat models, similar to the 'cards' used for treelines seen in the skybox or on the horizon in lots of games.

I dont think she looks like a tranny but i guess her not looking like a bimbo and the extra effort they put into her facial expressions made her look more real.

Theres an appeal to that.

isn't that basically her design now in alyx?

So here's how they did it for Nick as seen from inside his head. It's the same for the hair on the tops and sides of his head-- just a flat texture with transparent parts. They did the same thing with Alyx back then so they definitely could have done more with the hair. It is weird how hair tech is still behind even for AAA games, even when done well it eats performance so much.

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If you consider Black Mesa canon he's the black guy by the computer wall with Kleiner that's on the way to the test chamber. IIRC he's sitting on the floor lamenting the whole thing after the resonance cascade and you have to ask the Kleiner to open a door for you to continue.

black mesa isn't canon


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>Literally just a hobo they found on the street
Is Valve irl Aperture science?

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>guy on the right is basically that one cut special infected from l4d

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The game will be a flashback caused by the advisor's psychic abilities when it holds gordon and alyx up

Isn't Gordon jewish?

We get it, user. You're gay.

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Valve just loves cutting content.
You could make a dozen GOTY's just from piecing together all their scrapped shit.