>E3 canceled because of coronavirus
>E3 issn't until June
>Coronavirus don't like hot weather and will probably disappear during this time
Why did they cancel again?
>E3 canceled because of coronavirus
>E3 issn't until June
>Coronavirus don't like hot weather and will probably disappear during this time
Why did they cancel again?
Was anything really lost because of it? Now we'll get the trailers without any of the journo middlemen and retarded performances getting in the way.
>doesn't like heat
>increase global temp to save the world
>global climate activists disbanded and arrested
>Coronavirus don't like hot weather
Because of the data leak from last year and most companies pulling out before the virus became a huge issue
All reports and trajectories have this going on for longer than June
>Coronavirus don't like hot weather
You know there are cases in Australia right
>Why did they cancel again?
Because doctors and governments can lie all they want but the money and market tells the truth. Don't take much from the words of people and look rather to what those people are doing with there money.
The gubmint obviously knows something we don't.
It was gonna be peak soulless shit show, if not canceled anyways, even if Corona wasn't a thing. If anything, this was a mercy kill.
australia has had a fairly mild summer after the fires were all put out.
>Coronavirus don't like hot weather
>will probably disappear during this time
Certified retard*
Compare number of deaths in places with warm weather with that of cold and look in the mirror
Its true though
So we must cancel all events until when smart ass?
Corono is predicted to last until october. Schools will be closed until next year most likely.
Festivals will be cancelled. Pride Parades will be cancelled. 4th of July celebrations will be cancelled.
>Coronavirus don't like hot weather
So do the retards pushing this think Iran is a winter country or just are so out of touch they don't know about whats happening there?
It hit Italy in winter. I don't know if you checked a map but Italy is not a tropical country. The virus is worst in places with temperatures between 9-15 degrees celsius. Shit will slow down like snail in the summer and hit places like australia like a plaguetrain, then round 2 next winter here
And do you think Iran is hot all year round, retard?
Deserts have deathly cold nights.
Its temperature is in the 60's according to Google, I assume that's conveniently not hot enough for Corona to be affected despite it not liking the heat.
So the virus will come out at night and then retreat during the day?
people have to plan and schedule to attend events before the event takes place so even if the virus did go away there will be no attendance because no one is going to schedule for it now.
The cancellation was just an act of virtue signalling.
When virus hit Iran they had 10C
Mostly imported
Until the vaccine is approved by the FDA in November, because one is already made.Then it needs to be mass produced. It can take up to a year, provided the Covid-19 doesn't mutate in that time.
And its become a serious issue despite 19C
Because they have literally the worst environment for it to spread
It doesn't matter what temperature is outside when you're kissing the floor in some mosque together with like a million of other muslims
MERS is another corona virus thriving in the middle east. You know, that sandy place that's like 45C all year round.
Absolute based retard
MERS was so low energy man I don't who you're kidding
no sony
yeah iran is peak cool
>>Coronavirus don't like hot weather
>Destroys Iran(fucking desert) and Italy (Mediterranean)
Both of those got hit the hardest when their temperatures were around 10C which is optimal for the virus according to the info we have
There's a reason it mostly spreads across 40th parallel north
australia was also hit reasonably hard and it's reasonably warm there
>australia was also hit reasonably hard
Lmao no it didn't
Vast majority of their cases are imported and their total amount is like a puddle compared to european ocean
>Coronavirus don't like hot weather
Then explain Iran
>There's a reason it mostly spreads across 40th parallel north
Yeah. The fact that the south is a economic hell hole that most nations couldn't be bothered to visit has nothing to do with it.
Thailand only has 50 cases, and that's a country with enormous amount of tourists.
Like every other country that isn't china?
>Trusting the numbers given out by a third world dictatorship
The reason why we don’t see many cases in warmer countries is because most warm countries are shitholes that either can’t be bothered testing or is lying about their numbers.
Thailand only has 50 REPORTED cases. How many cases you have and how many cases you know you have are two very different metrics.
Many countries have had very few reported cases because they either didn't bother checking or aren't even equipped to check in the first place.
Perhaps more importantly though, Thailand isn't in the southern hemisphere.
Aussies had their first cases imported around the same time as european countries
Yet something seriously hinders community spread, i wonder what exactly...
try using your brain.
>another off-topic bore-rona thread
sage, fuck off
This move hurts Microsoft. They'll need to pivot to have a similar Direct-like experience that Sony and Nintendo have been planning for over months.
I wonder if the new consoles will even launch this year. The economy is in tatters. The last time this happened, the console generation was dragged out for another 3 years.
better be safe than sorry
Contagion is a game of exponentials. Those are 50 people who are putting everyone else they're around at risk.
What coronavirus really likes is lots of people in a confined space all lining up to all touch the same Xbox controller.
No Crowbcat super cut.
You are a fucking idiot
population density.
Volcano. You. Jump
Getting cooler. Today it was 18 degrees in sydney
We'll get way less trailers though
>E3 issn't until June
We know you're a fucking loser NEET with zero responsibilities or idea how the real world works, but huge events like E3 don't just spring out of the fucking ground you know? They've likely been planning this E3 since the last one finished.
Italy isn’t hot, retard. It has 4 seasons and is in the temperate zone just like the rest of europe.
Didn't they say that they'll stream all the announcements antway? Who gives a shit about physical e3?
Nice ant map