ITT: false advertisement

ITT: false advertisement

Attached: cyberpunk2077.jpg (1200x800, 107.16K)

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Fuck CDPR desu

lmaooooooooooooooo tureeeeeeeeeee

but niggas still gonna play the game
idc it"ll prolly b fun

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Bullshit. HIgh res vs low res. I own it on PC and run it on highest and it looks like the "false advertisement" slide

prove it

By redownloading a 100gb game, installing it, and taking a screenshot just for you? No I don't think so.

ok, thanks for the quick reply

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i'm pretty sure this was the first thing that they made for the game and they hadn't even figured out what the game was supposed to be except for le cyberpunk themed

the game doesnt look anything like this wtf

Everything they have shown could very well be false. I’ve been skeptical for long enough to stop listening and so I’ll wait and see.

Any game with a c*nsole release will always be preceded by loads of bullshots and pre-downgrade trailers.

TW3 was the worst offender of the previous decade.
Sadly, Trannypunk 2077 will probably follow the same pattern.

Attached: angrydonald.jpg (639x480, 14.91K)

>mfw when this faggot's trying too hard to sound like a zoomer

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Pro-tip: game doesn't exist until you play it yourself.


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Well maybe not put the cart ahead of the horse then, retarded slavs

You us going there right up until the end there before we could tell what you're actually mad about.

But why

i just don't get the appeal. it looks absolutely generic to the point of boredom. i guess just naming the game after an entire genre supports that

only a small percentage of the game, sold as if it is the full game.
Btw the story is complete garbage and one of the worst in RPG history. Nothing makes sense, it's like a kindergarden kid making shit up on the spot

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ah i see the name is based upon a tabletop game, but still the game looks boring

No it doesn't, shill.

This game looked awesome at the E3 demo, then we just got a flat-packed world on release. I know you can turn a lot of the options back on again but it still doesn't look as good.

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this, im not opposed to a RPG with a cyber punk setting but all I am seeing is a FPS with a cyber punk aesthetic (if you can even call it cyber punk) and I am not interested in playing another solely FPS game.

Not looking forward to the remake at all, but your spoiler bait got me, how dumb do you have to be to not understand the story of FFVII?


Since modern PCs easily can run it in at max at 144hz+, why not just release the old graphics as an HD pack?

>still mad about sunlight

Attached: laughingagamemnon.gif (400x206, 1.76M)


you are not very intelligent. Understanding it and the story making sense or being any good have nothing to do with each other. The story has complete artifical plot turns that come out of nowhere. The overall story is completely stupid, makes no sense, has no meaning and is the cheapest artificial drama a human can come up with.
Instead of listing all my arguments one will be enough to prove my point:
- Aeris death is so retarded artificial and constructed. The most innocent of all a flower girl and getting stepped dead in front of you in a church by the gaems baaaad guuuuuy, you happens to be your evil twin BUT HE IS NOT DUHHHH

If you think FF7s story has any value you are one motherfuckign retard. And this is the problem with some products, they make stupid poeple even more stupid. Like the matrix... holy fuck are some people dumb, it's dangerous...

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Its a teaser not an advertisment.


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A teaser is an advertisment


Launch trailer is.


I work in advertisement and a teaser is also an advertisement. You would be suprised how many thinks are advertisements. Even ballpens are advertisements.

English isn't your native language I see, that could probably explain why you're so confused. Your example sounds like you never actually played the game.

>people are still stupid enough to fall for bullshots

Also you realise this isn’t advertising right? And even if it was, it’s safe if they include a simple disclaimer like “Footage not representative of in game”

But why?! If the game looked like this everyone would love it.

Instead we get cyberpunk Saints Row.

Attached: randall-flagg-first-appeared-in-the-dark-man-1569006682.jpg (780x437, 31.5K)

Is this how next gen will be? For real this time?

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There are 150 million consoles. How many high end gaming PCs are there?

Lol, you are too dumb to know what it is like to communicate with a dumb person. Because most people are more intelligent than you.

Yes, it is long time ago that I played the game. And it doesn't matter how much you understand of it, when it is for the most part completely stupid and artificial:
>The planet's lifeforce, called the Lifestream, is a flow of spiritual energy that gives life to everything on the Planet. Its processed form is known as "Mako".

Could it be any dumber, idiots like you will think of this as acceptable writing:
>During Final Fantasy VII, the Planet's Lifestream is being drained for energy by the Shinra Electric Power Company, a world-dominating megacorporation headquartered in the city of Midgar. Shinra's actions are weakening the Planet, threatening its existence and all life.
And before your stupid brain thinks I do not understand the connection between harvesting the planets resources like oil and water in the real world, I get that. The problem here is that the writer tries to put this shit on a emotional level. This is unnecessary and obviously to force sad emotions out of the player. This is a trademark of cheap writing you can buy those books for a dollar at every trainstation.

This is absolut lowest level of writing:
>SOLDIER, an elite Shinra fighting force created by enhancing humans with Mako;[13] and the Cetra, a near-extinct human tribe which maintains a strong connection to the Planet and the Lifestream.
This is so anime, resident evil shit writing. Muh super soldier made out of planet lifestream... it's as bad as xmen writing... holy shit. It's so pulled by the hairs. If you try to argue that this has any quality and is not lowest IQ writing, I am not going to respond.

I reached the letter limit so fucking read the plot. You seriously have no taste or understanding of good writing:

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>Any game with a c*nsole release will always be preceded by loads of bullshots and pre-downgrade trailers.
Its pretty much just Sony games now.

You'd be dumb to not realise they ain't showing Night City at night until the launch release week, it has no much hype talk around it now its become its own monster, like the map with GTA.

lmao you sure showed him

We already saw the Night City at night. It looks like shit due to brownish shit colored filter and washed out last gen colors.

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Got lick a toilet, kurwaken.

Looks like a less futuristic version of Las Vegas.

Saints Row at least had flying vehicles, customizable cars and bikes, multiple apartments, multiple voice types, body customization and third person.

CP2077 doesn't look exclusively like Saints Row the Third. It suffers from that samey brown blandness that plagues the current gen games like Mafia 3 too, pic related for comparison.

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It just looks like a less retarded Rage 2 with less fun gameplay. Perhaps they will blow it out the water with amazing writing and quest design but visually it looks generic and boring as fuck.

>amazing writing

>dey no da wey
>shitfuck maricon
>cleaner than a coven cunt
>ayy pendejo por favor
>cocks shiet
Judging by that demo I'm not optimistic about it desu.

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Why does most of the new gen games lack color so much? They try to be as realistic as possible but the world IRL is A LOT more colorful.
Instead it's all just gray,brown and bland like you say.

its a game sperg, nobody has ever claimed FF7 to be the pinnacle of storytelling

unironically have intercourse

Shit hardware and shit art directors. Kinda like how every Hollywood produced shite that involves the medieval age all has that grey filter and everybody wears earthly colors.

Thanks for reminding me how much I hate that shit

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Next gen will be a ray tracing wank
Nothing will be improved upon

>concept of optimization so that more than 1% of players can play a game is lost on Yas Forums

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I don't watch many movies so I can't really think of any Hollywood medieval age movies...

Holy fuck, that looks really bad

it extends into TV as well

turned from shitty rpg to a good game, nice.

>night shot released which is exactly what they want

mentally ill cp2077 haters are hilarious