It took 5 years for Square to develop the first part of the FFVII Remake...

It took 5 years for Square to develop the first part of the FFVII Remake. So factoring in the ground work they have now how long do you think it will take for the next parts to come out?

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>tifa is only 5'6
God I wish she was over 6 feet so fucking bad. I need a giant woman.

The version that';s about to come out is actually the entire game. It's the most well hidden secret in the industry right now.

user, episode 1 might be an entire game, but not the full game.

I would assume it would take significantly less time now since they have an engine, a lot of assets they can recycle, and how the gameplay should work

2 or 1,5 years. S-E also has to slate for other things, like the KH sequel or the next Kawazu game etc


I'd say 3, maybe 4 years.

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this seems most likely

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>this first part only covers 1/3 of the first disc of the original game
Jesus they better offer discounts on the future parts or something.

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You're a fucking idiot.

Its really gross that they don't market it as part 1 and the only people who know its segmented are people following its development. I wonder how many people are going to get suckered into buying it then realize its not a complete game.
Also, I expect the open world to be absolutely god awful.

With Tifa I'm a coomer all day long.

what he said

Didn't Square say something like the dev time for the next part won't be that different from part 1?

People always take about her boobs, but I always that stomach she has now that gets me

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I'd go with two. They have all the assets and groundwork done with the first one.

well part 1 had like 2 years wasted on cc2

>will take for the next parts to come out?
2 years if they're going for 3 parts total.

they got base work done, won't be long. look how fast Capcom does re3 after making re2

literal copy/paste

It will never be finished. 2nd part will sell poorly so 3rd will be half-assed expansion in 2027.
I want to squish those breasts.


2-3 years, it'll cover up to Northern Crater. Then, the final game will take 2 years. The entire FFVII remake will be done by 2025.

Midgar isn't 1/3 of the original

This is a tutorial stretched to be a full game

Since all they have to do at this point is produce the environments, monsters, and scripts for the rest of the game, I don't imagine it'll take anywhere near as long for the following parts.

That's why I said the first disc.

An Tifa

Seemed like the demo told me everything besides how to equip materia. Less of a tutorial than FF13, and that game played itself.

I just wonder now if they're gonna do a .hack thing or Xenosaga thing with the save file transferring.

A year. Most of the assists are made.

i would say 2, but you might be right.
it's like the REmake.

>I just wonder now if they're gonna do a .hack thing or Xenosaga thing with the save file transferring.
What did they do in those?

.hack let you carry over everything, xenosaga gave you bonuses.

We still don't know how the world map, backtracking will work with this remake, though I like a challenge, so I don't mind if things don't get carried over.

2-3 years for the next one, tops. With all the buzz this one is getting, in addition to Sony trying to move PS5s, the brass will be pushing them to get it out in a timely fashion.

There’s also the fact that most of the heavy lifting has already been done, now that they’ve got the systems in place now, and can just flip a bunch of assets. The biggest reason thus one took so long is because halfway through development, Square looked at what CC2 had done, decided they could do better themselves, and then pulled a Resident Evil 1.5, and went back to the drawing board.

if they reuse ANYTHING in the coming titles i will never but a single fucking thing from square again they MUST be 100 percent original with no work taken from old OUTDATED projects like part one

go be pretentious somewhere else

fuck off stop paying for recycled work

I'm so lonely and horny

A LONG time. They already had the basic template for game design and mechanics from Lightning Returns/FFXV/Kingdom Hearts 3, so most of their time went into making assets. And they will have to create an entirely new set of assets for outside of Midgar, the only things they have for part 2 right now are some character and enemy models, particle effects, battle animations and battle sounds.

what is the point of reinventing shit if due to the nature of the story it reappears later in the game? This remake is all supposed to be one game/one story in parts, it makes perfect sense to re use assets in that situation. You're stupid ass wants them to reinvent the wheel every time they make a new car, to what fucking end?

im not paying 60 dollars for someones leftovers make everything from scratch or dont bother

okay retard

okay retard

would you buy a hamburger from mcdonalds if they had previusly sold that same one to the guy who came in before you and he returned it?

>food analogy

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>red 13 is on the first disc

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>unironically being this stupid

What's with all these copy paste answers saying not long? They have a whole fucking world map to build + towns, weather or not they have ass them or make them as big as Midgar is another issue + roaming monsters + roaming giant fucking monsters if we get that far. The whole thing just screams FFXV development time. So delay delay delay.

Another 10 years just to render Gaia, the FFVII planet and overworld

I still can't believe SE got away with this. They completely nerfed Tifa's tits and slapped on DoA style censorship on them, making sure no cleavage or semblance that Tifa is actually female could be shown.

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>So factoring in the ground work they have now how long do you think it will take for the next parts to come out?
It's Nomura and Squeenix, so real talk, probably never.

Probably two years for each part, but due technologic advances and new graphic engines being developed and pushed further I highly doubt the nips can keep up without the game looking dated by the time they release the full game.

>no cleavage or semblance that Tifa is actually female could be shown
except for literally everything about her?

fuck off

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Are you pretending to be a retard? You don't swap to disc 2 until Aries get shanked.

4-5 years. They'll reuse character models, but FF7 has incredibly diverse environments and enemies. Plus the useless padding they have to add to pretend each part is a full game, while being chained to the plot progression of the original game. And let's not forget there's a new console gen coming before the next entry, which will also delay work. 2035 is an optimistic estimate for the completion of the series.

The question is irrelevant, considering 80% of humanity will be dead in the next 2 years.

why do you think they are releasing it in parts?

god I wanna kiss that warm tummy

by what logic?

What 's the difference?
It's incomplete, regardless of arbitrary length or amount of content.
The Irishman was 3 1/2 hours long, but it would still be incomplete if it ended on a cliffhanger for an in-development part 2.
Stop supporting Square. They're industry scum, and they don't even make good video games.

Yeah, like her teenage boy body? You've never seen a female.

t. Shill

t. Braindead coomer

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Yes, just like the LotR trilogy was incomplete and a complete scam.

>Red XIII not even playable
what a riot

AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. The Remake doesn't have to be a 1:1 remake fuck off the original game sucks anyway

kill shinra.

i dont know what teenage boys you are looking at but i want you to go out into the real world for a while

t. roastie toasty