>best weapon in the game is dropped by the final boss
Best weapon in the game is dropped by the final boss
>get a means to travel great distances fast
>can't revisit anything from before that segment
no problem if there is NG+, of course
>game continues after final boss
>every boss gives you a new ability
>except for the final boss
>even though there's New Game+ or the option to replay levels
Or .
You stupid faggot, what is the point of steamrolling the entire game with the best equipment at a high level? That would just be complete tedium.
>Yu-Gi-Oh GBA game
>Beat Marik
>Get Winged Dragon of Ra
>Game ends
>Can't save
>Game reloads to before the final duel
Fuck you Konami. I just wanted the Winged Dragon of Ra you fucking faggots.
>game ends after final boss
>100% game
>It doesn't give you the developer menu to fuck around with everything now that it's over
I don't get why games don't do this. Might as well let players break the game now that there's nothing left.
>steamrolling the entire game
>complete tedium
you sound disabled
>find the secret bdsm dungeon
>Reward from post-game 100 floor dungeon with enemies harder than anything in the game by a large margin is the best weapon in the game
>There's no new game+
>dev nerfs best weapons
>in a single player game
>...and it's only really usable by one class
>Said class is also already the best class in the game, even without the staff
>kill main antagonist
>can't research and develop his weapon
>magic is overpowered
>melee not even a close second instead it's just dogshit
Name a single RPG where this isn't true. I'll wait.
dungeon siege, complete opposite
The majority of SaGa games
>Game has super in-depth post-final boss game
>The only rewards you get for beating the final boss is a lifetime supply of Beer and a lot of fame. No weapons or armor.
Magic is overpowered in Dungeon Siege too, it's just not as fun as melee beat downs so only idiots play magician firing squads.
There's an unused remnant of Skull Face's gun in the files, but no one has properly modded it back in without the game crashing.
>On a specific tile there's a 1/256 chance of running into the boss that has a 1/256 chance of dropping one of the best weapons, granted you spawned the boss that matches your alignment
Guess the game
>New Game Plus
>Starting enemies start off just as strong as endgame enemies and have new abilities and patterns
>it gets progressively harder from there
Id play this.
But then I remember Diablo did it and its kinda awful
It's one of the Wizardry games isn't it?
>game forces NG+ after final boss without telling you
One of the SMT games
>Beat the game in the hardest difficulty to unlock the easiest difficulty
>enemies level up with you
>Name a single RPG where this isn't true. I'll wait.
Magic is early king, but as soon you get those physical skills in mid to late, magic becomes practically useless.
Yeah, SMT1
ff12 had 2 re-releases that both needed to buff magic
the first international version made magicks cast faster
the zodiac age removed the damage cap so magicks can deal a fuckload of damage and is actually unironically viable as a method of damage
>have to defeat 25 bosses in a row
This is only good if the enemies also get new shit as they reach level cap.
Capping the max level for each area could work too, if you wanted those areas to have relevant sidequests and content for a long period of time
>you have to play the game on hard
>find missable special itens in all dungeons
>beat the game
>play the bonus dungeon that is not linked to the main game
>beat the secret boss of said dungeon 8 times
>now you have the best weapon
>can't use on the main game
GW1, enemies gain xp from killing you
>best weapon in the game is dropped by the secret boss unlocked after beating the final boss
>Game continues after final boss
>Final boss gives 1 point of experience
dark souls 3
In Skies of Arcadia offensive magic is really only there to give the females in the party a way to deal damage to bosses
>enemies level with you
>allied npc's don't
Still don't understand why there isn't a mod that fixes this, so stupid to see fully decked out settlers go down to a single pipegun shot.
Only Oblivion is a bad example to that system because Todd and his team forgot to think about what's gonna happen if you don't level up your offensive skills.
I don't recall this, unless you're talking about Arena shit or Dark Dawn. All the side content can be done before Mars Lighthouse in Lost Age, except for the optional dungeon to get Iris. Even then you can get the last Mars djinn like halfway through the lighthouse.
Skyrim. Hacking away with a twohander is way faster damage-wise.
That's fucking cool
Kenshi has a system that makes enemies gain skills when they fight you, so you can literally walk up to some hobo with a stick who has no chance of hurting you and turn on block only, and after a (reasonably long) while, he will start wrecking your shit
I've logged over 1100 hours in Skyrim and I've never found a single reason to use shields in combat.
You can get more creative. At least if the game is well designed
Stunlock enemies, more elemental resistance, shieldbashing mooks to death.
What is "The Binding of Isaac" for 600 Alex?
ffviii was really stupid for doing this
Dual wielding is fast enough to make stunlocking unnecessary and damage resistance can be capped easily enough otherwise
I'd argue Terraria but that isn't really a full fledge RPG.
Evolution games (Dreamcast) did this and made me rage so fucking hard. You need to level up to fight the dungeon boss, but it just makes going through the dungeons harder because they level with you. Fuck those games.
>Strongest enemy in the game gives no experience but will give you his rare loot in exchange for a lemon drop
>Spend game collecting special weapons
>Have to be secret bonus boss to unlock their true potential
>Bonus boss is of course stronger than the final boss
>The true potential is that they get stronger for every enemy you've killed
>They probably won't be stronger than endgame merchant equipment unless you've been farming enemies for some nonsense reason
>Well whatever at least they could be fun to use in NG+ on a mop-up playthrough
>Their unlocked forms don't travel over to NG+ making them useless
Tales of the Abyss is meant to be played once and never touched again.
Every single DMC has done this. Bosses and enemies gain new attacks, their AI becomes more aggressive and harder enemies spawn on earlier levels on higher difficulties.
That game is easy enough as-is, I personally like the skill with Ordinator which gives much better perks.
they carry over, what are you talking about?
>game has 4 people in a party
>all of them have ultimate weapons
>spend all that time getting them for every character and when you get them there is only the endboss fight
>last boss fight is fought only with the MC
This kinda pissed me off in Sudeki.
Still enjoyed the game.