Why did it take until Death Stranding for people to realize Kojima is a hack?
Why did it take until Death Stranding for people to realize Kojima is a hack?
go back to your tranny discord
thats exactly what you should do tranny
that didn't make sense
it said it again!
oye hoye! what a dialogue!
don't like the punctuation, feels iffy
DS actually genius and the more you lot express you dont understand it, the more stupid u look.
Another one of these threads? That's at least 3 currently, threads just dedicated to making Kojima look as bad as possible.
Enough with your autism, you spammer.
Agreed. Hack Fraudman is doing just fine, outstanding really, of making himself look like an untalented faggot all on his own. The threads are unnecessary
>Don't criticize my hackin' frauderino!!1!
>omg eyepatch means they look same
Snake was modeled after different people for each game retard
Not enough. I still see Kojimbodrones try and defend him.
All without their consent, which makes him an even bigger hack.
he got the consent of kififier
Nah, being a hack is just straight up using a likeness. Big Boss and Snake Plissken is so obvious, it's not like anyone was trying to hide it. It's all kids who weren't alive when Escape from New York came out and watched some retarded youtube video explaining it to them and all of a sudden they have to go make a thread about something that was clear to everyone else. For christ's sake, Snake even goes by the alias Plissken in MGS2
>being a hack is just straight up using a likeness.
So what Kojima was doing then?
I don't really see much of an issue here. It's not like you'd mistake any Metal Gear game for Escape from New York.
It didn't, it only took till MGS4.
It's a reference, for fellow movie fans. Being inspired by another work of art and having it influence your own creation, building from it is how art has always worked. They're not even close to being the same character. Not that you would know.
I'm baffled how it took you that long to come to the realization.
You're not really helping your case here. Everyone knows Kojima borrowed a lot from movies, but Metal Gear was such a hodgepodge of ideas stapled onto its game design concept that it doesn't really resemble anything in particular.
You'd have a much stronger case criticizing Snatcher.
>Both named Snake
>Both sent on stealth mission
>Both betrayed by their commander
>not even close to being the same character
lol retard
>you guise Blade Runner looks like Snatcher!
the absolute state of zoomers
Wrong movie. That's from Bad Trouble in Little China.
Seems to resemble alot of things to me.
Yes. Many things resemble a lot of things. Very good, user.
>Cliche plot points=character
lol retard
If anything MGS 4 could have made you think he's a hack and Death Stranding proved he wasn't.
>every character in MGS is david bowie
Ultimate deepest lore
Kojima would be a hack even if he didn't steal shit and call it "homage".
Criticize him on actual parts of the game not and not just superficial shit, like how characters look, particularly on artwork he himself didn't make.
You know that whole argument being used against him, that he's a part of a team and doesn't deserve all the credit, it goes both ways you retard.
No similarities here!
god, don't forget "Diamond Dogs" literally being a song (and the plot of MGSV)
kek u mad bro
Yes! Let's just ignore half the content of his 'games' is plagiarized!
holy mother of kino
Oh god, he's referencing 100 year old shit now like he's a man of culture.
Him and Tarantino should hang out, they could spend the whole day agreeing with each other.
Kojima is one of those guys who thinks media references are a substitute for having a personality, isn't he?
We could do this with a lot of games.
Yes. He seems to be living a delusion he's anything other than a nobody.
Sure Kojimadrone.
No, user, that's you.
Is just an overrated shit creator. And his last game was just a piece of crap
No, visuals are not half the game, if you can show me the direct plagiarization of his stories and characters stories then I would agree with you.
But all you can see is shallow superficial shit and that's all you'll ever use against him.
>this character art that was made by someone else other than Kojima looks like this other character but has almost nothing in common proves that he is a plagiarizer and there he and his characters can be dismissed completely!
Come up with better arguments retard.
>but visual similarities is all I have!
There isn't a bigger nobody on this planet than Hideo Kojima.
kojima had literally nothing to do with that cover art lmao
whoa this just in nothing is wholly original
>schizophrenic obsessed poster who spends all of his time seething on 4channel about one person calls that person a nobody
sounds to me like you are suffering from some delusions, if he was a nobody would you make threads about him daily? Kojima is celebrity tier and transcended being a mere game developer, that is a fact like him or not
Snatcher is better than Blade Runner. Snatcher is actually enjoyable, while people pretend to enjoy Blade Runner.
Yeah he plagiarized Terminator once and by sheer coincidence plagiarizes it again!
He has to pay actors to be near him. He's a fucking nobody just like you.
reminder that just because you are not cultured enough to notice the references in other works it doesn't mean they don't exist.
if you bother to look into it you can do this for every single movie/book/game
>has to pay actors for their work
yeah no shit
Not a single real creator plagiarizes to the degree Kojima does, dumb animeposter.
jesus christ user
just read some books watch some movies
this is just cringe
is tarantino a hack too? i mean at this point you will probably say yes
That will never happened. And you know why? Because Kojima is just an overrated bad gaming creator
No, Kojima wishes he was as competent as Tarantino. All Japs are inferior to Western creators, that's why all they can do is steal.
I never got into the MGS series but I recently finished MGS 1 and now I'm playing MGS 2 and it fucking sucks. Why am I playing as a tranny femboi? Where's Snake?
Snake died on the tanker, better get used to Raiden
Why would you? If you have to, just watch it on Youtube, or better yet read the plot on Wikipedia to save yourself the brain damage from Kojima's Film School 101 cutscenes.
elaborate how the 1000 references in tarantino movies are different than the 1000 references in kojimbo games
could it be because you don't know about the references in tarantino movies?
but that would mean that all this references about kojimbo you are posting are things you searched on purpose instead of noticing them wich would make it quite sad user...
>Why am I playing as a tranny femboi? Where's Snake?
It's 2020 and people are still assblasted about Raiden? Get some help
Tarantino actually makes good movies.
>he got himself into a corner and know he doesn't know what to say