Zoomer Thread

Only zoomers allowed.

How is your donation budget this month?

Attached: pokimane.jpg (960x540, 92.3K)

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I can't believe nazifrog is in


Why is the reddit frog related to her?

>they're pandering EVEN MORE to streamerfags
Aren't people leaving in droves because Epic only panders to streamers and Reddit?

that's not pepe, that's POGGERS
by the by, can I get som POGGERS in the chat bois?

Thats not an in-game skin btw, simply some random fan/artist's rendering

looks way better than the real pokimane

I would unironically fug this version of Poki than the real one given the choice

>Only zoomers allowed.

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based #BoomerRemover

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>cute, but deadly
yeah sure buddy, whats her rank?

>back when boomers were little shitters
>if you wanted to spend pocket money you had to get off your ass
>had good savings while growing up
>current gen of zoomers
>can spend all of their pocket money from home
>lol no savings left
>fucked beyond belief when they reach college and high school

How did the style of streaming that is popular catch on? I've enjoyed watching streams before, but they were like CavemanDCJ or Ding Dong so still related to video games. I don't get how so many people are willing to watch generic suburbanites talk. I get that their viewers are like 12, but still how the fuck is this entertainment? Reality TV used to be mocked and was considered something that only bored housewives watch, and now an entire generation is watching an even worse version of it.

>Trump's mishandling of this is killing reliable Republican voters

apocalyptically based

>zoomers spend all their money
>the economy is saved because they don't save all their money
>zoomers get to have berniebro as their president
>zoomers will get nervegear/full VR equivalent
>zoomers will get to go to mars
>we will die old and unhappy

>That picture
Wtf user this is a blue board

it's friend/girlfriend simulator. the latter for someone like pokimane. other streamers are genuinely entertaining though

>it's friend/girlfriend simulator
I will never understand this, do people that sub/donate money seriously think that the streamer looks at them somewhat different than the ten of thousands other viewers?
I can understand it a bit more if you involve yourself with a small streamer with few viewers.

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I guess so. If you didn't grow up with it then you'll never understand

>Coronavirus is actually a goatse

If you're really into e-thots, you can check out thothub.tv/ and save your shekels.

I like watching people who are interesting. Jerma985 MOSTLY, nearly 100% plays games, but he has a fantastic sense of humor that leads to fun things like the chat controlled robot carnival.

>zoomers will get to go to mars

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where is the porn

I donno, I have close friends that watches popular streamers/e-celebs like crazy and even buy expensive gamer stuff because they e-celebs use them. Even had an older friend that was into e-celebs
Only streamers or I've been able to enjoy are smaller ones like Charliewinsmore and such, every time I try and watch some of the popular names they just come off as extremely obnoxious entitled cunts.

>implying most steam watchers aren't lonely millennials

I will now buy your game.

>be 20-something streamer thot
>get shitloads of money for existing
>hit the wall at 30
>picked up and supported by a $oyboy simp fan
>meanwhile, you need to work your ass off to achieve something

W*men live life on game journo mode.

Attached: can't keep getting away with it.gif (245x245, 990.5K)


don't forget their donations from twitch. also their patreon, only fans, and whatever other easy access to money they get from simps who'll buy even their dirty socks

Sfm when

That's not real. Pokimane got some dance added to the game and some thirsty cuck made OP's pic petitioning Epic to make it real (they've done this a couple times with popular fan creations, though never anything like this where they'd need someone else's likeness or IP).

>he didn't win the life lottery

Attached: 1557517587729.jpg (300x336, 29.79K)

It started with the MLG highlight reel shit and evolved into youtubers who would make their own 'highlights' with personal reactions, into shit edited 'reactions' that were just an entire fucking game of trouble in terrorist town where you had to watch 6 minutes of generic game to get to the one notable and funny part, and then the same but facecams.


why is she so fucking cringy bros

Attached: 658324.jpg (588x555, 87.41K)

>the blandest and most boring skin possible
Of course it's some literal who streamer.

Attached: 1484964490761.gif (184x219, 305.46K)

>152 thousand likes
I hope corona-chan does her thing

You are the problem though, you gave her free attention and are talking about her right now.
The very thing you are doing right now is why they do it, you stupid chump.

I mean show your face without that fucking makeup and lets see if you look like ariana grande

I would honestly have no idea who all the e-celebs thots were if it was not for Yas Forums constantly talking about them


I wish it was real so bad. The shit I'd do with this model in SFM

I hope so. For a boomer the only usefulness of these thots is their* sexy models.

*Any resemblance to real persons or other real-life entities is purely coincidental because 3D is PD.

she looks korean mmo character.

>zoomers will get to go to mars
But what would they consoom on Mars? How would that benefit Israel?

gave me a boner

Freak off bud

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fingerless gloves are the worst

ok this is friggin epic, gonna donate my next paycheck to this gamer goddess

is he/she a ftm?


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>making fun out of gender dysphoria
jesus christ, why are zoomers so insensitive?

>date one of the biggest eboys for years
>break up with nothing to show for it
>talk on stream about his sad attempts to sexually satisfy you
>date a normalchad for 6 months
>pregnant and wants the baby
uh gamers?

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Why would I ask the question if I hadn't read it? I'm just asking because I can't tell if it's ironic or true

I'm coming around on this whole tik tok thing. A lot of them are funny.



a good rule of thumb is dont watch anyone with over 1000 regular viewers. it's not really difficult to separate stream personalities from more genuine people though

OP's image is fan made
Also for every one e-thot there's thousands that try and fail. I don't think it's really that easy but if you hit it you hit it big

Dont act like none of you would

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>zoomers will get to go to mars
what's the fascination with mars? there's nothing there...

I'm not into children

Damn SON

shes legal

might be menopause soon tho

Attached: pokimane.jpg (695x380, 43.13K)

finally nazi frog and bestiality girl in fortnite

there's tons of teen to mid 20s girls on twitch that that dont crack more than a few dozen viewers. just like there's fortunate 1%er males that "made it" and arent particulary interesting, there's also a few 1%er uninteresting ethots that made it while hoards of other perfectly fine females are stuck in the forever "15-30" viewer mode and making next to money. Stop cherrypicking the queenthots to reaffirm your phony jouvenille sexist bias