Monster Hunter

Paolumu fucking SUCKS

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You haven't gotten to diablos yet.

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I love to kill Paolumu. I never ever capture them.

nice big face to clutch claw ZSD to

Paolumu's fucking great, you have shit taste.

But Nightshade Paolumu is the worst.

Some part of me should feel bad for double wallbanging Banbaro, then minetripping him into constant knockdown
But I don't, because at the end I'm capturing him, and it's Banbaro.

I already finished IB a long time ago, Paolumu is just the very definition of a shitmom
>shit design, bland and ugly as sin
>uninteresting and boring fight with an awful moveset, also flies a ton
>shit armor and weapons, no reason to make them even in earlygame
>subspecies makes the design slightly more interesting but the fight somehow manages to be even more boring
If it wasn't for Jyuratodus then Paolumu would be the biggest shitmon in the game no doubt.


Yes, Lunastra indeed.

I never had a problem with it. It's probably one of the least annoying flying wyverns they've ever made, which is saying something considering how much time it spends airborne.

>>shit design, bland and ugly as sin
a furry bat with a donut neck, cool as fuck
>>uninteresting and boring fight with an awful moveset, also flies a ton
flash. pods.
>>shit armor and weapons, no reason to make them even in earlygame
They look cool.

Why can I only join other people’s guiding lands at MR100? It’s gonna take me forever to get that high

Cause that's when you fight Ruiner Nerg

You can join others' guiding lands in the same MR range as yourself. MR100 is just when the highest range begins.

>There are people who have over one thousand hours into this game and actually consider themself as pros yet they still have the baby mode UI turned on in the top-right of their screen.
>There are people with over one thousand hours into this game that still need to actually read it to figure out what to do.
>There are literal subhumans who leave slinger lock-on enabled and are baffled as to why they clutch claw onto the monster's feet when aiming for the head.
>There are MASSIVE FAGGOTS that complain about being tripped yet absolutely refuse to put flinch free on their gear.
There are TREMENDOUS COLOSSAL FAGGOTS who use Longsword, Lance, Gunlance or Hunting Horn

You're actually doing the world good. Otherwise there'd be 10 times as many tempered Banbaro invading every single endgame quest.

>hating on hunting horn bros
this is the worst opinion a person can have

i haven't played since the last update, should i just wait for safi?

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Wait, Safi isn't out yet?

>yet absolutely refuse to put flinch free on their gear.
I'm not going to waste a skill because you can't tell where you're aiming

Paolumu exists solely for the purpose of being bullied

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>expecting people to cater to dribbling retards by putting on Flinch Free
>hating on based Hunting Horn, Lance and Gunlance
holy fucking shit, neck yourself you fucking failure

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No, goddamn it. There is a recon mission for Safi'jiva out, which lets you practice its moves and how to push it to the next stage and evade its literal nuke attack, but you repel Safi there. The actual siege comes out on the 19th.

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All white colouration flying wyverns must be exterminated on sight.

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As a swaxer I know exactly where I'm aiming, and it's through you. If you're too dumb to understand why flinch free is worth it you'll probably contribute more dps triggering my explosions than you would have done otherwise anyway.

*stuns you while you're fighting rajang*

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That's my fetish though.

>only dumb assholes sit in this box

>As a swaxer

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Paolumu is a Mouse bat, why do people think it's a cat?

Yeah, that’s how it inflates so it can float around, idiot

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We know, but it looks exactly like that cat

>1 faint investigation
>some faggot monster comes in every 2 mins to roar and then moves to another area
fucking gay ass shit

the joke is that its angry face resembles the cat you dumb fuck

go back to facebook you underage niggers with your trash overused jokes

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>which is saying something considering how much time it spends airborne.
It's always flying low enough to attack normally though. That's the difference.

You first retard

probably because he doesn't have fast poison tail swipes that deals 100 hp dmg

Paolumu heard Yas Forums talking shit so he got his cousins to release corona on us

>not having stun resistance
I’ve had a stun charm that I’ve never removed because I was just that sick of it

I use stun res only on shit like kirin or silvos

more like
>knocks annoying flying wyvern out of the sky
thanks tzitzi bro

Imagine a rare species with Frenzy

fucking silver rath stunning you by looking at you

good thing no one on Yas Forums leaves their basement so we can't get infected

where did you get an idea I belong there?
I'm not the one with damaged brain spamming degenerate facebook cat like a bot all over fucking website.
Kill yourself you fucking underage piss drinking faggot

I have a feeling they fucked up something with stun values on his fireballs or something

Best weapon?

most broken is SnS now

Heard you talking shit nigga

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>where did you get an idea I belong there?
how else would you know its a facebook meme? try to keep up

what does her snatch smell like?

>Why does people associate these two?
>Receive explaination
What's wrong with you


really? good maybe shitters will stop crying about HBG then

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Baked fish

kill yourself trash

make me faggot, keep seething over memes more

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do you think you're being funny by posting that trash?
by repeating same shit "joke" over and over?
you literally a braindead degenerate and you mark your posts despite being anonymous so everyone knows you're underage and don't belong here.

Jokes on you fag I use GS with zero hud and no items

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>over and over
it was posted twice before you sperged out, take your meds autismo

>There are MASSIVE FAGGOTS that complain about being tripped yet absolutely refuse to put flinch free on their gear.
Spotted the MHW baby. Stop going for the head you retard slashing weapons deal less damage there.