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Other urls found in this thread: to hack 3ds

and redpilled.

Lmao look at this grampa and his old ass flashcart

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whenever I try to load new games onto mine I have to re-insert the memory card and the r4 several times before it works. What's happening and how do I fix it?

Still have mine, never paid for a single DS game

master race coming through

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best investment i had done in my life, played hundreds of games, and today, it still works, i put the homebrew to use it on my 3DS and use it on it.

>tfw got one of the timebomb versions
>the replacement was timebomb too
The fucking chinks who designed that shit don't deserve to live

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Yeah mine just stopped working too, shit sucks

just get the firmware that bypass it, a quick google search will put you into it.

Uh, can I have your attention please?
Fuck slot 1, fuck slot 2 and last but not least, fuck cartridges

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like it, but an extra 2GB of DS games with is nice.


There is literally nothing better than the DS library and nothing ever will be.
Well, maybe the PS2 comes close. Maybe.

Who r4/wood/ here?

Just got a 3DS and want to mod it. What's the most retard friendly way of doing it?


PS2 and DS are kino, so many good games to emulate its insane

>cartridges on 3ds
just install Luma3ds, dont be a retard.

>just install luma3ds to play DS games
tm++ blows dick compared to r4

That's the one I got too. It's pretty smooth.

>mfw just got an acekard
>modded 3ds still works with it so I can play neoDS all day

R4 for DS games and Cia for everything else, that's how you do it.

Step aside peasents.
The king is coming through.

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firmware/change date on console

the packaging for the original R4 was creepy as fuck like it was some forbidden mystical artifact

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>it was some forbidden mystical artifact
It basically was for us.

Cheap ass parts, same thing happened to mine. I had to insert a piece of paper in between the cart and the DS to make it work, your results may vary.

Mine doesn't work very well anymore and freezes every 5-10 minutes. :(

>haven't had a DS for years even though it defined my teen years
>got a used but basically brand new Japanese DSi XL (LL) with a custom collector's design, Acekard 2i, and a microSD card
>all for dirt cheap, like around 60 dollars in my currency
I feel like a king.

>brand new
Got myself a used one from ebay for around 20$, when triggers and battery on my dsi died.
Great condition.

based on what?

on redpilled.

I knew a guy in college who bought one of these to play a translation of a JRPG and that was it. He continued to purchase DS games afterwards.
Sometimes I just don't know about people.

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Expensive AF then made obsolete. Reee

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I've been using this shit to play Soul Silver but sleep mode doesn't work. The game runs at half speed while in sleep mode and crashes when I wake the 3ds.

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Imagine not buying the games you liked (except phg - sold that shit back)

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r4 was my first love,
acekard was the one meant to be

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*bypasses your proprietary memory format*
nothin' personnel, shareholder.

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>they stopped making these just as mine quit
>impossible to find them anywhere, if you do they're used and likely about to fail
>still has by far the best ui and featureset of any flashcart. by far the best way to play ds stuff on real hardware, despite the extra battery drain
Fuck I miss that nigga like you wouldnt believe
Twilightmenu isnt the same, nor is an r4

I could see it for games I'm crazy for, or that have features flashcarts lack like hg/ss' infrared, but collecting some shit like ace attorney
Nah fuck that man.

>not CycloDS
how was it having to wait for patched versions to come out that worked on R4??? I could play them instantly.

change the date of your DS, you dunce. There are youtube tutorials for this, how have you not figured it out?

>sold hg
nig you're retarded, that game has special features that cant be emulated

NOT BASED. they would always break down after a couple months. my mother used to buy them from the flee market

There's an autist on /vitagen/ who gets absolutely assblasted when you so much as subtly hint you might have used CFW or pirated something, sometimes he just assumes and goes off all the same
next time you want a laugh, go visit /vitagen/ and post a screenshot of a Vita game in PNG, chances are the autist will start hurling curses at you, it's really amusing to watch.

>pointless battery drain

why wouldn't you
the only reasons to pirate are poverty and a game being shit, but yoy want to run it so you can get funny content for gifs
bypassing drm is legitimately about being able to use a piece of hardware you bought however you want

That sounds pretty based desu. I won't shit on buyfags even though I'm a piratefag.

I didn't like the game.

But how will I know what day is than?

I'm glad you can hack just about every console with an SD card these days. Having to pay $50 or more for a flashcart or some other piece of hardware to pirate games was bullshit.

DS flashcarts were like $10 at the height of their popularity

I have no idea when the height of their popularity was but they weren't $10 when they were released.

I still have it and the m3 simply and g6 lite for the slot 2 on the ds, and I still use them if I ever turn those things on

more liek $1 for original R4s at thier lowest and even cheaper in bulk.

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There were many DS flashcards before the R4 but that one became so popular because it was so cheap.

What was the name of that 3DS flashcart? Sky?

>hey dad can i have pokemon for my birthday
>buys me one of these instead
>now get to play every single ds game ever made as a kid, while the other kids are stuck with their shitty $60 pokemon diamond cartridges
Thanks dad

There was Gateway and there was Sky3DS. I think there may have been others but they were pointless.

fba retroarch exists, you know. I don't believe there are any emulators on DS that don't have a better 3ds equivalent

>used to only play flash games
>got this cart and assumed that's how games worked
Man it was a surprise when I found out that games were worth 40/60 individually, shame I lost my old one

Is there a reason to use flashcard over Twilight Menu? to hack 3ds

It has better compatibility. Usually better loading times too.

you know you have to be over eighteen to post here right?

I still cant believe these things cost like 2.50 each. Fucking 2.50 for every DS game plus whatever you could emulate.
Didnt know how good it was until they were trying to charge me 80 bucks for the 3DS one.

Also that time a couple years ago when they got an exploit on the 3DS working so that you could use your old R4 again after it was obsolete and useless years.
Truly the most God-tier flashcart of all, who would have thought it's lifetime would last like over a decade.

google "3ds hack reddit" and you will find an entire subreddit with guides on how to do anything. replace 3ds with any other console if you want to hack your other consoles.

user, if you were 6 when Pokemon Diamond came out you would be 19 now.

The DS came out in 2004. People who were 3 years old at the time are over 18 now user.

you didn't say pokemon diamond,zoomie

I gotta DStwo and loved it but it just aged like shit and barely works anymore. I have to reinsert it like 50 times for my DS to read it.

I don't know why all DS flash carts are so fucking cheaply made. Like they're cheap to buy of course but I'd pay premium for a flash cart that doesn't fucking break.

>reading comprehension: zero

literally finish reading the post next time

M3 and G6 slot 2 devices where the best shit ever since you could select which GBA game you wanted in the slot 2 for Pokemon trading, the sexret bosses in Mega Man ZX and that ring in the beginning of Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow!

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Imagine being illiterate

For me, it's the EZ Flash 3-in-1.

How's it like having one additional chromosome?

your original post, not the reply no need to samefag because your upset

>The fucking chinks who designed that shit don't deserve to live
Well, have I got got good news for you

>not only illiterate but incapable of reading a reply chain
So these are the kinds of people who whine about zoomers

You just made me remember that one time I shelled out for a DStwo. I was 12 at the time so $40 was a lot. Stopped working in like a day or two. Tried to send it back to the Chinese website for refund like they said, of course they never responded and I never got it or my money or anything back and the site was out of business soon after.