Jackbox 4

come play!


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hell yeah friday night jackbox

I think your stream is lacking audio

>twitch not mixer
also bump

forgot gotta wait 24 hours before they let me stream so twitch it is


well maybe we'll get old mate around in time, I noticed when joining twitch seems to have a bit more delay than mixer too

Any drawfag uses a screen tablet for their drawings in certain games? Mine doesn't really work with the website.

Uhhh it's a bit late m8

It works well enough on phones, don't see why a tablet wouldn't

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Forgot to mention mine is a screen tablet.
I don't understand either it works just fine on that other website where people trade drawings, but whatever.

join the room you 6 viewers

still no sound

getting sounds of what sounds like some sort of messenger program but not the game itself

OP here restarting pc

really gotta start with Tee KO or Quiplash to draw the anons in

now I can hear what sounds like a heartbeat

if you or anyone else wanna start a diff jackbox preferably on mixer please do im just trying to get the ball rolling

audio is good now, thanks OP

1 more user come on lads, plus audience capabilities

australian internet, I can't stream shit

who has the true QT voice?

Monster Seeking Monster girl or Dictionarium girl?

fibbage next OP

the mayor

fibbage sucks

whyyesido is clearly the creep

this is the correct answer

drawing gaemu! drawing gaemu!

based zombie

based zombie

wow what a shit ending

STI time

too ez for zombie

After he was revealed, and I knew I was infected in the first round, I purposely targeted players who were uninfected

I'm a dick

civic doodle pwease

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Oh shit, we've got LOSS in this game

>enter the stream just as OP is starting up civic and join at the last second before audience
fuck yeah I love Yas Forums jackbox

>Garithos was not the monster hunter
what an unrealistic game

I should have put on my hazmat suit the moment the zombie was revealed.

>hehe funne pp
it's gonna be one of those nights isn't it

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>didn't have enough time to write yiff in hell
fuck me

fuck you too mr. mayor

>was gonna erase my title for something better
>time runs out as i'm deleting it

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easy happy merchant incoming

>put 0 effort in
>get half the vote
thanks guys


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if you didn't vote for angry eyes it's because you're a brainlet that doesn't know what ornery means.

survive the internet faggot

It's constabulary!

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Do you have the raping robots?

start a new game already nigger

I second this one.

>usually do really in drawing games
>end up in second to last place
this is not a good omen
rapebots are in jackbox 6, op is using 4
he said he's grabbing a snack you autist

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>Garithos is 2 for 2 if you don't count zombies because they're OP as fuck

>he said he's grabbing a snack you autist
I just joined I didnt see that anywhere

he said that before doodle, ya dingus

oh no
maybe I'M the autist................


>15 viewers
we gettin there lads

I just vote based on humor for this

this round seems bad

This game is fucking garbage, go to a drawing one.

I believe that's the point.

Fibbage works too

Games where you need prompts from other players are really hit and miss

got a prompt that did not fucking work for this segment

come on guys at least TRY to make it possible

I know it's like you retards try to be unfunny.

I didn't get a single usable comment the entire fucking game

>taking turns driving off a building

these people are fucking dumb

one retard always wants sti and then the op picks it and everyone else immediately regrets it
you have to have some amount of wit to play it and Yas Forums has absolutely none
all of them were terrible tbqh

no more please let this be a lesson of just how terrible STI is on Yas Forums

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better than STI

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I don't even understand how there wasn't a bird poop joke or something on the bowl of food

people who voted for them are even dumber

I thought mine was good

>all these baby answers
its not awwrite

wow this game blows