Should I get this or 4.1 for $20 less?
Should I get this or 4.1 for $20 less?
5 plays a lot better than 4
Then why are the reviews a lot worse?
Probably retards
5 is fun. Haven't played 4 but it sounds like it has less features from what I've read.
reviews never matter. EDF 5 has a lot of major improvements over 4.
EDF 5 has garbage mission design compared to 4.1
i play a lot more on PC, but it was when 4.1 got ported over to PC when bad apples started showing up in the community. it was around the middle and a little after the middle of the game's lifespan, so far, when more people started buying it during sales. fast forward to EDF 5 and a lot of those bad apples stayed
but it's still the best community out there. there are only very few bad apples. it's honestly worthy of just mentioning this because the community is so great and even one bad apple you run into sticks out
EDF 4.1 was my first EDF game and I loved it. That said I've sunk over 100 hours in EDF 5. They're both great games.
i always use the
>let's take the vehicle
text chat and they hop in
Does 4.1 have better continuity? So many missions in 5 seem so disconnected, it could be a different soldier fighting in a completely unrelated different battle.
you should just get 4.1
no there's plenty of random jumps to different scenarios before returning to them later.
>bad apples
Cheaters and griefers or faggots and trannies? I'm fine with the later as long as the can't get you banned or suspended.
4.1 has better mission setups, but 5 has better enemies, weapons and gear upgrades, and qol improvements that put it easy ahead of 4.1.
>fencer in 4 intended to be a slow ass tank
>people abuse broken mechanics to go fast
>instead of nerfing shit, they give you even more mobility options
god bless sandlot
imagine what edf 6 will be
The equipment upgrade for each is probably the best part of 5. I just wish there was a reason to use some of them like the tanks.
That's too bad. I like the whole "returning to your starting base" in 5. Or the "hiding in the city because too many giant aliens" thing. But I'm a sucker for an overarching story. Guess I'm looking in the wrong franchise for that.
Some of the tanks are fuckin great. Wish they had a crowd control machine gun, but they're still fine in some circumstances.
what are you on about. most of the missions are pretty much the exact same
has anyone found the full version of the EDF song from 5. its heard during the last few missions
>Someone invites you into a vehicle
>There's no practical benefit to get in
>Get in anyway
>"EDF! EDF!"
I wish multiplayer games focused on the actual team aspect for change, I am so sick of all these pretend multiplayer games that sideline the experience.
4.1 has the better immersion. Dialogue is more fun, the "story" makes more sense etc.
5 has the better "gameplay". In my opinion, the giant robots in 4.1 were leagues more fun to fight than the frogs and aliens in 5. It's hard to say, I think normalfags would enjoy 5 more. 4.1 might feel more dated.
didn't know there were more than just EDF 2025
nah the frogs are straight up better than the robots because there's more to fighting them than just "lol stunlock with fast firing gun"
buy 4.1, if you like it then buy 5
4.1 has better mission and area design and ranger isnt entirely useless in most missions unlike 5
5 brought a lot of quality of life changes and changed the playstyle of all the classes while adding a rather strange loot mechanic
theyre both good games in my opinion and the existence of 5 definitely doesnt mean you should ignore 4.1 just because its older
forgot to say also, the voices in 4.1 are a million times better than in 5, and so is the song
Is 4.1 still active online?
That's the complete opposite. Frogs and aliens just roll, that's it. The robots twisted around and wiggled in the air and shit. You had to actually aim and shoot the head strategically to prevent a minigun robot from shredding you, or strategically shoot the gun itself to prevent a missile robot from 2 shotting you. When a frog or alien rolls, literally nothing happens. I'm still shooting it but not it does less damage because I'm not shooting its chest or head anymore. They just prolong the fight for no reason and not even skillfully since they don't actually dodge you, just make you do less damage for like 4 seconds, totally bad game design.
But the Air Raider lines sound worse in 4.1, though admittedly it's hard to choose between "BEEEAAAAAMMMMM" and "THAT'S ME, I'M THE ONE WHO BUILT THIS SATELLITE! I AM THE SO CALLED GOD!"
Dual gats with the part that makes you run at like 300% speed is funny as hell.
Also Iron Rain is currently $34 aussiebux, is it worth it for that price? I know it's nowhere near as good as the others.
Nah taking limbs is a much better mechanic than having Hectors spaz out when they got shot. They're also faster and more aggressive and will try to actively get around you and hide.
They can't get you banned and this time the game AUTOMATICALLY backs up your saves incase these fags show up so you can easily rollback.
>Frogs and aliens just roll, that's it
they have an actual AI and flank your ass unlike the robots who just mindlessly walk in a straight line like every other enemy
>strategically shoot the gun
you can shoot them anywhere to cause them to flail around, meaning that literally all you need is a gun with a high fire rate.
meanwhile the ayys and armored frogs require actual precision aiming to not waste with hitting armor
Iron Rain is the worst edf title made, even worse than loading screen defense force tactics on ps2.
iron rain is a pure shit. not even worth a pirate
I had fun with it. It got some cool ideas but the game is like a 6/10.
That's Insect Armageddon by far.
>Shooting armored frogs in their exposed necks for an insta kill
Fucking the best shit.
Yeah, sure. It's not that bad, just way worse than mainline, I guess is the term.
It has lots of cool stuff in it (I still hum the main battle theme from time to time), but unfortunately it has mostly terrible weapons and Wing Diver is still fucked over for no reason.
>Only has a downward boost
>Airtime is ridiculously short
>Flying speed can't outrun ants unless you go at full throttle, which just leaves you out of energy and swarmed any fucking way
>Still has the defense of glass cannon
>With no class weapons anymore
>Also they decided to release an Attack on Titan class that does Wing Diver's role a hundreds times better
On second thought, fuck that game.
When reading about Iron Rain it sounds pretty cool, like having actual customization option and tons of weapon to choose from and being able to upgrade/buy them instead of RNG drops.
Vehicles should honestly be overpowered, or at the very fucking least have better controls. I want to feel as much of a badass as I am playing a soldier. Otherwise what's the point? Whether it's the bad controls, poor damage or piss poor speed, it often sucks. I never find myself using them at all outside of being AR.
vehicles have their uses with enough creativity.
like for example loading a bike up with c4
It's a bit hard to explain, really. It's not a bad game per say, but it's really noticeable when they screw something up. It has some cool stuff too despite a lot of bad things, like N64 circle explosions and the transforming robots.
I had world's more fun in 4.1 and 5, but there's still fun to be had in Iron Rain. Unless you only like to play Fencer, in which case go fuck yourself you glorious flying bastards it's finally time for your kind to suffer too.
Iron Rain made IA look like a fucking masterpiece.
IA wasn't terrible but it wasn't the edf I knew and loved since ps2.
Iron Rain on the other hand is fucking stupid.
Yeah thats the issue why take a clunky rail gun tank when you could just take a sniper and move faster and ignore hit stun?
Or why take an air raider tank when the mechs have more firepower and better guns?
It just gets even worse once you get endgame gear and they just get left behind.
I mean it's still worth a playthrough if you like EDF, I'll say it's a bit better than the first game.
I like the controls keep them
IA was an unfinished game that looked ugly and felt boring to play.
the edf games have seriously underrated OST
Fencer was fine in IR if you know how to play it. Class is finally slow tho, so you have to get good at using the shield
And I had finally gotten that first theme out of my head too, at least it's a good song though.
>Fencer was fine in IR
it was more than fine, it was actually really good, it just plays nothing like Fencer at all.
It's just a floating tank with a shield now and you can't even change your outift either.
>if you know how to play it.
Like it takes that much to learn, it's just like stamina management.
>Class is finally slow tho
Literally the second fastest class, only lagging behind Spiderman Exoskeleton near buildings.
>it just play nothibg like fencer at all
I mean, it's basically a more fragile shield fencer but who can fire two weapon while holding its shield
>it's just like stamina management
Still a hurdle for some, I've seen IR fencer being called shit several time on those threads.
>the second fastest class
You're the slowest when attacking and you can't judt dash around if you want to protect yourself with your shield.
And IR is BOTH of those while being terribly designed and doesn't get better or fun at higher difficulties. I enjoyed hectors for the first time in IA.
IR is just retarded. The customization REALLY doesn't make up for how boring it is.
What's the deal with 6? Or last EDF. Is it really bad?
More people play 5 and multiplayer is where it's at.
We don't have 6 yet.
What? There's no 6 yet. Mainline is made of 5 games and there's two spinoff, Insect Armaggedon and Iron Rain.
Nah I enjoyed Fencer and Spiderman, only played Air Raider in IA but it was shit. Not sure how you could enjoy the hector in IA they're piss easy and barely react when you fire at thel, they're basically damage sponge.
it's a shit game developed by some no name shovelware developer with a more "mature" presentation
>lower monster count
>a lot of hit knockdown your character
>more serious story that is boring compared to the kino that EDF had become since 3
Then there's also a lot of change that you may or may not like. Still worth a playthrough if you like the serie imo but try to buy it cheap.
isnt 4.1 just 2025 with minor changes?
It's a big upgrade with new enemies missions weapons and abilities per character. 2025 is the fourth game. hence the name edf 4.1
is it insect armagedon 2?
pretty much
It's a different timeline.