This series sucks

This series sucks

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>throw a billion enemies on a giant empty map
*siiiip* yeah, now THAT was level design

You could say it seriously sucks.
I find the levels where they have an actual design to be more fun, but a lot of the levels are dog shit. Level design is the most important part of whether an FPS is bad, good, or great.

>bilion enemies
>each and every single one can be evaded/shots dodged/killed before they explode on you, making any damage you take your own fault
It's not about level design. It's about gameplay design.

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I think the gameplay of Serious Sam is a lot like a twin-stick shooter, but in first person, if that makes sense. It's definitely not for everyone. Like I said here , actual levels would make it much more fun for me personally. The thing too is that First Encounter actually starts like that nicely but eventually becomes giant flat rooms with nothing but waves of enemies and a few powerups. There's got to be a happy medium. I'd say slaughter maps in Doom but I'm not a fan of those either. High enemy counts are great, but it can't be *just* high enemy counts.

Serious Sam is still good and fun, but I feel, for my tastes, it gets surpassed by Doom 2016.
Yes everyone brings up the enemy limits, but you have arenas that aren't just flat squares, and the enemies are not only more mobile, but they can actually follow you around the more complex arenas and they do more than just run at you with maybe a few preplaced snipers.
Serious Sam still has it's niche with larger enemy counts, but Doom 2016 does more with it's lower enemy counts.

Attached: Sam vs Doom Arenas.png (1500x900, 1.17M)

Sam is fun if you just wanna turn off most of your brain and focus on killing enemies with a wide arsenal without too much critical thinking.

Some of my fondest vidya memories are 16 player co-op with randoms.

How the fuck did Serious "i slapped a bunch of unity assets into an empty sandbox" Sam survive and get a new game in 2020 and fucking Duke Nukem or Shadow Warrior didn't?

Build engine games are dogshit.

Honestly, I prefer Painkiller to Serious Sam

TSE mostly fixed that by having some level design.
TFE is shit because of empty arena levels though.

That's because Smash TV was one of the main inspirations for Croteam according to them.

>empty arena levels
That's just ancient Egypt being ancient Egypt.

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The talos principal was a REALLY good game and sold as good as a good game would. They seriously need to stop skimping out on the cool secret areas and effects that were in the originals that they excluded from the hd versions.

No, YOU suck kiddo.

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The real answer is that Duke and Shadow Warrior are owned by corporate blobs that see them as one among dozens of IP assets to be deployed and promoted when potentially profitable and retained when not. Meanwhile Croteam is a handful of weirdo wannabe-Slovenians for whom Serious Sam is their primary revenue stream. They'd whore out Sam a lot less if they had any other way of making money.

Sssshhh, don't tell anyone but here's some leaked map data of one of the levels in SS4.

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Are you serious?

I love the spirit behind it but croteam really needs to do something about the formula to be good, or just let the franchise die and develop something else.


I have a very strong urge to call OP the N word but I'm not going to do it.

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zoomers simply won't understand

Fusion or classics revolution?

what about the music

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All of their greater ambitions so far have been hampered by a lack of budget.
The original Serious Sam was supposed to be just one game spanning multiple planets but in the end they had to cut it down to just Egypt while BFE was going to have a portable Time Lock mechanic where you could switch between past and present on the fly like in Dishonored 2.

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CroTeam owns.

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t. mental

Is it just me or is blatant zoomposting/zoomthreads becoming more and more blatant?

>Quantity over quality
Yeah nah, best shooters were made in late 90s.

Summer is here early this year, because of rorona-chan so all the little zoomzooms are stuck at home posting here due to school closures
also eurotrash users being as abhorrent as ever but that's a daily occurrence

give some examples of enemy "quality".

Where else can you fit a billion enemies on screen at once than a giant empty map?

Turok 2

anyone played "Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon" ?

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Both are good, but I'd say classics first, fusion for a replay. Those games are replayable AF if you like the gameplay anyway.

Unreal tournament
Half life 1
Quake 3 arena

sorry I guess I worded that poorly. I didnt mean games with "quality" enemies but examples for enemies that are "quality" and what makes them "quality".

>Turok 2

Try playing it again. It's pure nostalgia.

>TFE is shit because of empty arena levels though
Fuck you, big empty arenas with all kind of enemies coming from every angle is some of the best parts of Serious Sam, the Dunes, the arena before the Cathedral, the Planet Kleer hills, the arena before the helicopter evac in SS3, etc.

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Except, you know, every type of enemy is greatly designed and doesn't feel unfair to fight. Also their visual designs are also great: really memorable and easy to differentiate from one another. Amazing enemies in large numbers, really fun to fight.
So much this. On one hand, Sam stays soulful and memorable, but on the other small budget makes the games worse overall, with heavy asset reusing and a lot of cut corners.

Explaining why enemies in those games are quality will take much time.
Simply, they fun to fight against. Especially in fear and unreal

Elaborated enemy placement and actually planning level design on making enemy encounters interesting instead of spawning 100 brainless enemies into bland, open areas and repeat. Serious Sam formula gets old pretty soon for anyone with taste in level design.

>Except, you know, every type of enemy is greatly designed and doesn't feel unfair to fight
Didn't knew repetitive Quake and Doom monster clones were greatly designed, they just feel like a chore to me to fight, there is almost zero enemy placement and barely any pathfinding into them, feels more like an arcadey parody of classic shooters than having an spot next them.

>Also their visual designs are also great: really memorable and easy to differentiate from one another

I also can't stress enough how great the sound design is.
You can already hear from afar or around corners whether you'll encounter a Kleer, Biomech or whatever any second to their distinct sounds and can already chose the proper weapon for the task.
Currently I'm replaying Doom 2016 again and I often can't tell from what kind of enemy the generic evil growling is even coming from.

>repetitive Quake and Doom monster clones
Only somewhat fair for SS3 and only because they were reusing assets from their attempt at a Doom game that was rejected by id. If talking about other Sam games, the classics specifically, all the enemies are original. I don't remember headless screaming dudes, skeletons, biomechs, reptyloids, scorpions, charging bulls and a shitload of other cool aliens in Doom or Quake. Also see
You obviously never played a proper Sam game.

t. The Examined Life (of Gaming)

>Serious Sam formula gets old pretty soon for anyone with taste in level design.
That's very much underselling the enemy design and the level of threat prioritization required to deal with them.

Serious Sam is best described as a first-person tower defense game where you have to thin the hordes before they overwhelm you. This works because you cannot outrun enemies. Enemies in Serious Sam pose time-sensitive threats because they move faster than you, which is why Painkiller completely fails at this since you can bhop eternally around enemies and never worry about them ever getting close.

Headless Kamikazes pose the most immediate threat to you because they are one of the most damaging and fastest enemies in the game, which is also why they're telegraphed with very obvious screaming. Amidst the horde of other enemy types you also want to switch weapons to take them out first. Werebulls are a different type of threat because they are so fast that they can run past you, whereas most of the enemies you fight always come from one direction. So if you don't take care of a Werebull in time, you have to worry about the enemies in front and the Werebulls from behind. Kleers serve as common footsoldiers by forcing you to strafe with their projectiles and their leaps if they get too close, at which point it becomes hard to recover. The Biomechs are tall so they can shoot their high-damage high-AoE rockets at you over the rest of the horde (and so you can hit them too). Reptiloids add another layer of threat prioritization by constantly firing homing boogers you have to shoot down, and Harpies force you to divide your aim between aerial and ground forces. Scrapjacks and Khnums can actually lead their shots from very long distance, so you'll get hit if you're still moving in the same direction.

Mix and match these different enemy types amongst other level gimmicks, and there you go.

I like this game but the enemy variety is really weak and Skaajrs aren't that interesting to fight

Serious Sam isn't about the level design because it's not a classic shooter like Doom, it's like a first person bullet hell

Yeah, it gives exactly that vibe. Nearly all weapons are long range (ALL are long range in SS2), all maps are large open areas.
also the soundtrack kicks ass why the fuck nobody mentions it

I don't share your sentiment

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what about ss2 enemies?

to be fair, only TFE and TSE were good.
Serious Sam 2 and Serious Sam 3 BFE were kinda lame.

best enemy encounter theme coming through.

>play unmodded Serious Sam
>some of the best designed enemies in any FPS
>play modded Serious Sam
>worst fucking custom enemies I've seen in any game and I've played modded XCOM 2
I don't even want to talk about the levels

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Croteam doesn't get enough credit

wtf bros I can't do it either

sometimes quantity = quality

It's pretty great. Not many shooters like it.

That's the problem with mods for hard games in general. Mooders don't understand what makes the game work. That's why most mods for something like STALKER are garbage

>That's why most mods for something like STALKER are garbage
i was with you until you said this.

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I have thousands of hours in Stalker and he's compeltely right

and he's wrong.

I mean the "obscure russian garbage" type of mods