The wait is finally over bros, the most badass game in the world is finally on Steam. You did buy her game, right?
Borderlands 3
I bought someones game, not hers.
Randy being a greedy dumbass actually saved me from diving into this trashfire head first. I'm not buying her game until it's completed and heavily discounted now.
sorry spent my money on ori, got a much better game
>even considering playing it when there is only 1/4 DLCs out
This post feels like some marketing ploy
BL2>BL1=Pre sequel > 3
Borderlands 1 has best guns, pre sequel was the most fun (personal experience). 2 has the most content and best areas. 3 is decent but underwhelming
>her game
She dies in this game lol
go to bed randy
>Borderlands 1 has best guns
Oh no no no no
Just having mashers is enough to put BL1 over BL2 for me. Though there are other reasons, like the weapon-generation system not being dumbed-down to shit.
But mashers are in 3 too, along with a lot of great weapons. BL3 gameplay wise is undisputedly the best. You want futuristic shit? Get a Maliwan, Atlas or Hyperion weapon. You want a lol so random shit with explosions? Get a COV, Torgue or Tediore. You want your average military gun? Dahl or Vladof. You want your classic hunting gear? Get a Jakobs.
I only meant in the context of 2 vs 1. I agree that 3's weapons are pretty good.
Well day one is going well not even a second into the game and i have Bethesda syndrome. Welp that's what i get for buying cucklands 3 back to 2 at least it's playable.
Is that Windows XP?
Played for 16 hours today. It's time for me to go to sleep though, starting to get a headache.
Have sex
I had sex right before the game came out. Woke up at 7am so I needed something to do to pass the time.
Nah don't care about it anymore, going to buy it when it's like 10$
I already spent my money on a good game, so fuck off randy
One of the few likeable characters and they unceremoniously kill her off to make way for some screeching retard
real genius shit
>her game
You mean the one she dies in and is replaced by an annoying, unassuming teenager dyke who bosses you around?
update steam you can't use the based library anymore. you're stuck with the new zoomer UI.
>pre-sequel was the most fun
god no. pacing was horrible and skill trees were full of stacking mechanics
3 > 2 > Tales > TPS > 1
Fuck off marketer
cope harder, Mayakeks
Pre-sequel didn't have pointless, enormously vast wastelands unlike 2, which is a big point in it's favor.
>Pre-sequel didn't have pointless, enormously vast wastelands unlike 2
Yes, yes it did.
Pre-Sequel was far worse with its pointless vastness, the fuck?
Not even a Mayafag, I'm just baffled by the marketing strategy applied here.
I mean, why would you kill a waifu, then try to sell a game by rubbing it in the face of waifufags? Doesn't make any sense to me.
Maybe they thought moze would have traction?
Yes right on release. A few months ago.
she dies
Lilith dies too
Can my shitty 5-year old gaming laptop run it?
(GeForce 960m, I don't know why it says 530)
I'm using a Lenovo i5 930GT and it works on low settings, so yours should be a lot better
The game would have been 10 times better if Ava died a horrendous death to make up for killing off perfectly good characters.
It would been 100 times better if she didn't exist at all.
this game really pushes my 6 gig ssc 1060 lol i think it's time for a upgrade at some point.
Remember, purposely spoiling the plot of something is against the rules!
The game is 6 month old though
That rule holds as much weight as no racism outside of Yas Forums. (e.g. not at fucking all)
>rules besides no cp matter
Pick one and only one
Who else is sitting on an old ass machine and running it on low settings? Fuck my life does it look ass.
okay reddit
if is right maybe I'm about to - in a few days when the download is complete.
Holy shit is this game really 75GB? Seems ridiculously high.
Might not bother buying actually.
No and I won't buy it ever. I refuse to even pirate it.
When I heard they killed Maya my interest in this game dropped to 0.
>Playing borderlands for the story
You fucked up.
It is around 70? Forgot how big it is, but definitely around that area.
Punch your specs into youtube and see if anyone made a benchmark yet. That's how I saw that my hd7850 2gb card from eight years or so could make it.
It was a time of life thing, playing co-op as Aurelia with my friend who played Jack to level cap. Plus the low gravity / ground pound was a great mechanic. Overall the game is unpolished and severely lacking good endgame content, but despite it's flaws the game's still fun as hell imo
Tyreen is cuter
The only aspect of TPS that is better than previous games is the gameplay and classes, both which have been surpassed by BL3. There really is no reason to play that game now
Nah no thx, Maya die and it game over for me
prove it
>They kill maya for the retarded kid
>They kill aurelia because lol killing vault hunters that some people might like is epic
>No mods to remove the retarded kid yet
>No new vault hunter dlcs confirmed
>Nigger siren
Is the end game actually good now? Otherwise why even bother with this pile of trash.
>non-binary ROBOT
It's obviously a fucking joke. Do Twats remember what jokes are?
I've seen pics of the new characters and they all seem to be brown. Not just their skin color, but their outfits. What's up with that? I literally can not distinguish any of them from each other.
>Get banned on the forums for '''''''misgendering''''''
Game would have been good if you could bone Maya.
Dat peek of skin at the hip makes me diamonds, but her game is boring and she dies anyway.
Just play 2 and be her.
I did that 8 years ago and have no desire to do so again.
>Gearbox too incompetent to make a Krieg timetravel adventure to save Maya
Its not like Borderlands isn't a retarded enough setting for a timetravel plot, and Krieg would risk time paradoxes and potentially destroying the universe to save best girl.
The kid (i literally can't even remember her name now) sucks, but is the least of the game's problems.
>Is the end game actually good now? Otherwise why even bother with this pile of trash.
The "endgame" is to grind for weapons to make grinding faster so that they can then nerf anything even remotely powerfull into the fucking dirt so you can't farm anymore. So no. It's not good.
Also Amara is a pajeet. Get your slurs in order.
"Her game", she dies unceremoniously to be replaced by a self insert teenage emo retard lesbian.
prove it incel
>*not playable*
Good fucking job.
>Gaige also not playable, not eve in the game
Why even bother at all.
no racism outside of Yas Forums. Drive into my once beautiful country town, niggers drinking in the parking lots harassing people for cigarettes, weekly stabbings, town is empty at night now.
I wish I could go back 10 years before my kike corrupted country decided diversity was it's strength.
It'd be fine if the girl was also cute.