Hey anons

Hey anons,
My father is gonna die soon and I will get a massive inheritance.
What would you do with money? I'm thinking of helping fund translation teams and making sure games like Dragon's Dogma online come to the west. Is that realistic? What sort of money would it cost?
What anons do you fantasize about?

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Japan sucks.

this is why i'm never having kids

You should probably kill yourself before your dad dies, make sure his last moments are filled with sadness and despair


What would you do then? Boring shit like going on holiday and party? Normie scum.

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Buy the rights to Kung Pow and set up a 24/7 stream for Yas Forumsirgins. Smear the mods to make it a permanent sticky.

Perfectly achievable.

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>soulless ameribug's only concern about his father's death is how to spend the money he's gonna cash in on some grinder MMO tailor designed for trannies

Me? If I were you? I'd probably donate the money to me (me-me not me-you), just a thought but take it into consideration

I'm English and its not my only concern, but why would I delve into that on Yas Forums and get "nice blogpost"

You're a horrible person.

jesus, even more soulless.

Move to Japan, probably somewhere in Hokkaido. Buy a house with a bit of land to build a workshop on, fill it with everything I'd need to manufacture my own projects. Would have to find some new friends to go out with, maybe find some nerdy qt to spend my life along side. Be nice to do what you want and not worrying if it's going to produce income or not.

Japan is based and clean.
Fuck off

Don't waste the money. If you want to set-up translation house, do it as a legit sustainable business.

I'd kys myself

Use some of it to buy vidya and manga

Send it to me so I can fund my dream movies.

I can afford to do that anyway. I wanted to do something ambitious for weebs.

Vidya related?

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>Fund transition teams
It's good that you're helping the downtrodden establish a foothold in the games industry OP, hope it works out for you.

Nope, but I have lived in japan for 4 years and have N1 level Japanese so I’ll translate whatever weeb game you want if you pay me 30 AUD an hour to do it.

I'd make sure they don't fall pray to that localisation SJW bullshit.

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lol triggered weeaboo faggot

What kind of money are you talking about?
Millions ? Why not found your own translation studio? You offer your services cheaply to the studios you like.
Hundred thousands? Pay directly independent translators to work on open projects.

Your picture is kinda what I fantasize. Secluded house with comfy life and free time to do what ever I want with no social pressure.


zoomer newfag

ddo is gone user :(

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Only a couple hundred thousand and three houses so definitely not enough for a studio unless I were to get a loan or something. I could try to make a profit from the translations like a less shitty mangagamer.

Dead Space has some great death scenes.

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I genuinely hope you don't get anything.

So what's the context?

I know user, shits tragic. I never want it to happen again...

If I remember rightly you're getting memories injected or some shit. If you mess up when you aim the needle that is the result.

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Buy one PS3 with one game.

would your father approve of his life efforts going towards translating fucking games? I hope this is bait

He knows exactly what I'm like. You're born autistic nigga.

>you're getting memories injected
Uh with that needle thing? That seems like an odd way to "inject" memories.

Maybe with that kind of money you could get involved into inner circles of some collaborative projects. Like SCP Foundation or anything you like. You get to manage your money and funnel it to the cause you cherish. Translations, server costs, legal actions, salaries, etc etc. Collaborative projects can cost a lot.

>doesn't understand or reply to the question. confirmed your retardation, as if your original post wasnt somehow enough

>Is that realistic?
Yes, but it would be a waste of money. Do something with your life.

So we are allowed to do this but boobs are haram.

Why is Yas Forums so full of EOPs who never lived in Japan, yet act like experts on it?

Protip: any quality you see in Japan exists because people like you aren't here.

>a massive inheritance is a couple hundred thousand and houses in a poor market
that's not as much as you think

Sorry for your dad. But, if you don't wanna turn into a wagie in however long it's gonna take to spend that money, you should consider investing at least part of it into something you can get a passive income off of.


Sound suggestion. Didn't consider a collaboration.

How did that not answer the question in two ways? He obviously doesn't approve and I obviously don't care.

I've done shit with my life already. Been engaged, lived abroad, partied hard on coke.

I couldn't learn Japanese unfortunately. I don't have the patience.
I want to bring that quality to the west, unfiltered with no SJW shit.

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I know its not a massive amount but I already don't have to work, purely expendable.
Thanks man, he has been a decent dad, had his moments.

I'll never need to work regardless.

This. American and European cities are disgustingly dirty compared to Japanese cities.

>How did that not answer the question in two ways?
it didn't user. you just said he knows what you like. just because you like something doesn't imply you're going to spend his life efforts on it, not in the least. how old are you?

Buy property.

actually, don't answer that question. just going to hide your thread. you obviously have some mental issues reading through the thread. your father unfortunately managed to raise shit human being

Got a degree? Become a diving instructor in japan.

use the money to build a spaceship and launch yourself into the sun. that's what i'd do

Sorry for your loss. If you're gonna fund translation teams, make sure they're not the shitty "localizer" people who censor stuff.
With that money, I'd probably do what that other user said and move to Japan, or at least out of the country I live in now. Probably use some on my collection and stuff too. Not really sure what else to do but I'd like to try something ambitious or cool at least. I would use some on friends if I really had any, lol. Maybe invest? Regardless, best of luck to you with whatever you decide to do.

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Thanks man. Definitely making sure of that fact. I'd be very rigid on that fact. Wish Japan was on option but I really don't have the patience required to learn another language. I tried learning Japanese before I went to uni so I know it requires dedication.
Got friends who are finishing their masters in computer programming in a year so helping them is actually a fantastic idea, thanks.

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>Is that realistic?
With such a small amount of money? I'd give up on something like Dragon's Dogma online and think more towards single player games. If anything, I'd try finding a localization team that you already like, and ask them about funding a localization. If you can persuade them then your chances may actually become feasible.

>Protip: any quality you see in Japan exists because people like you aren't here.

Hit the nail on the head. Japan doesn't need scumbags from Yas Forums, reddit and all that garbage. People here like to complain about niggers, but really, they're niggers at heart.

cringe and reddit

>any quality you see in Japan exists because people like you aren't here
i don't think OP is jewish

>What would you do with money?
Buy Index and 1 (One) game.

OP it would be awesome to have fully featured english language hacks of the huge crossover Super Robot Wars games. Such as the ones with the Gundam, Code Geass, etc mechs.

Anyone have that picture of him laughing when the game was showing him something gay instead like two naked dudes wrestling?
Fuck man, when did things turn out so bad.

Yeah, Japanese takes a lot of time to learn and many years to even reach a level resembling fluency. Though I'm sure living there, where everything is in the language, would help speed the process if only a little. Though I'd probably opt for Tokyo personally which has a good amount of English. I'm sure your friends would be very appreciative of your help too. Hope you make the most of the time you have left with your father and good luck.

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Congrats on being able to live the dream of a comfortable NEET user