So I'm playing pic related for the first time in the MC collection right after having beaten Reach:

So I'm playing pic related for the first time in the MC collection right after having beaten Reach:
>guns are smaller and take up less space on-screen
>melee isn't as brokenly powerful and a single smack won't level an army
>sounds are waaay better, lead-based guns sound more like they fire bullets and not pew-pews
>soldiers seem more competent, you can now leave them fighting on one side while you take the other and they will usually do a solid job cleaning up
>better combination of large open level warzones and tight corridor skirmised
>somehow the UI look way better, takes less space and presents the info you need better
>you can just walk over health-packs instead of holding "E" for an hour
>suit-power mechanics are just gone (I'm guessing they were added later in the series?) but aren't missed at all
>open areas feel far less obstructive, with much wider fire-zones and less clutter to "hide behind"

Overall it just feels like a way more thought-out game than Reach does.

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I'm playing it for the first time and I think it's boring as fuck.

The campaign's fine (except for the fact that the second half is literally just the first half backwards and corridor spam like AotCR and Library) but the multiplayer fucking blows, just like back in 2003.

t. shitter retard

CE is fine in gameplay style but has several bad levels, 2 is where the series peaks in terms of single player experience.

What went wrong?

Attached: marine comparison.jpg (1920x900, 186.71K)

What a lot of zoomers don't know is that the earlier Halo games literally weren't made by the same people who made the latter ones. The reason you 'feel' the design philosophy is so different is because it literally is.

Reach is a more an CE are very different from a fundamental level because two vastly different devs made the games. Dome say it got better in the later games, while others still prefer the older style of the earlier Halo games.

IMO it's not worse it's just different.

Damn I really like this fanmade

Great argument.

reach and CEA are better. the one on the right is hilariously impractical

I agree with this. CE has a ton of odd bumps in the road (too many "driving through corridor" bits come to mind) but overall I'd still argue it the superior experience to Reach.

Bungie didn't want to make Reach. Bungie wanted to make Halo 1 but as an RTS and Microsoft rushed them and forced them to finish up a FPS instead by a deadline. Bungie didn't want to make Halo 2 but MS wanted a sequel so gave them a time limit, but Bungie was too ambitious and basically made Halo 2 + Halo 3 in a single game and it was too much for the Xbox to handle, so they had to scrap everything and rushed to make a new game before the time limit. Since half of Halo 2's original concept was scrapped, they had to do the rest for 3. Bungie was contracted to still make 2 more Halo games after 3 so other than Reach they quickly made ODST.
Keep this in mind when playing the Halo franchise.

>soldiers seem more competent, you can now leave them fighting on one side while you take the other and they will usually do a solid job cleaning up
Agreed, except they don't scale with difficulty. They may as well not be there on legendary because unless you wipe the room they won't survive the first encounter they get into. CE has the best sandbox of the series, even its worst guns, the plasma rifle, AR, and needler, are all useful against something. (Jackals, Flood, Elites)

Duel wielding is cool, but a lot of guns got relegated to shitty automatics competing for the same slot without contributing much in later games.
Halo got too into realism for its own good after 3, it shows in all the UNSC designs

Attached: 1580413716735.png (323x362, 116.23K)

>CE and fanmade just have random slabs of metal slapped onto their arms and legs
>this is meant to be a good thing
you were meant to move on from this shit after the N64, user.

Thank god Half Life remake didn't fall for this trap.

I cant wait to host 24/7 Blood Gulch CTF games when they add a custom games browser

Dunno man, looks like its from a shitty sci fi movie like straight to vhs thats why I like it

I think a lot of the UI-problems you describe come from the color pallet choices.
CE was mostly light-gray/green outside and dark-gray/purple inside and not much else. It made the blue HUD very easily visible and considering sky-combat wasn't as much of a thing you very rarely stared right into the sky.

I also noticed that the marines that accompany you chatter a LOT more. Like they talk a ton and will make situational remark, and often do little shit that charms like walking up and shooting a dead enemy some more and making some macho comment. It adds more flavor to them and you feel like you're trekking with people. People who are trained to put on a brave face and act tougher than they are.

In Reach you get to see their lifebars, their codenames and how many of them are following you in this neat little circle-UI but it makes them feel more like pawns and less like people to me.

Did Anniversary really use the Reach trooper instead of the Reach marines?

Attached: HR_UNSCMarine_Deployment.jpg (1920x1080, 374.25K)

yeah, the company (343 outsourced it) that did it was incredibly lazy.

It's funny to think how much shit Halo caught when it came out. Looking back at it now, and how shit the gaming industry has -become- it doesn't seem nearly as bad.

The future's going to be a nightmare.

Nobody except a few Quake lardasses gave Halo that much shit, it was an instant hit because the game is fun.

Well yeah, but those were some loud Quakefags. The media and a ton of console gamers loved the fuck out of Halo, but a very vocal minority really tore into it.

That picture really doesn't do the Anniversary garbage models any justice. When I first played it, my first thought was "Why is everyone so fucking fat?", and then "What's with Captain Keyes' botox lips?"

What a colossal fuck up.

reminder that halo is, at its core, simply a slower arena shooter

>with bigger areas
>and vehicle combat
>and only 2 weapons
What was your point again?

that some people are incredibly autistic and dumb about what genres can and cannot be expressed in a game

I've only played the first 1 hour and a half of Reach (stopped to refund because the audio was so bad) and the first 3 or so of CE and no way CE is better than Reach. CE, from what I played, is like 80% repeating corridors. It's ridiculous.

I tried to play it for the first time high but there is a way too fucking quiet audio issue, plus getting way too high, I had to stop. Gave it another go the next day, had to turn up audio a ton and the game was just boring as fuck. I got to the part where you're driving the warthog saving groups of marines and this one section by some rocks I got the warthog in a spot where I had to drive past some marines but they wouldnt fucking move so I nudged one out the way softly and they all shot me to death. Said fuck this shitty game and quit. Maybe I'll come back in the future, the audio probably will never be fixed tho these absolute shit retard developers

The audio issue is only in Reach. In CE it's all crystal clear.

I'm in the same boat, I just beat it the other day. I was really liking it until sometime after I ran into The Flood. They're fine themselves, but when I run into a random rocket launcher wielding space zombie in every other group and instantly die because I didn't already know he'd be there, it makes the last 1/3 of the game such a cunt.

no, I confirmed this with my friends who have it too. The audio in CE is fucked where you can barely hear it, you have to turn it up loud as fuck to make it playable.

Literally incorrect. Playing it right now and the audio is perfectly balanced with 0 out of the box tweaking.

Literally works on my machine.

>Half Life remake

I can confirm that this is bullshit.

lying samefag nigger, the audio is super quiet to the point you can't hear shit without turning it up a ton compared to Reach.

and it is objectively a fucking awful game
imagine how fucking worse Reach is

Reach honestly feels like a CoD game in terms of linearity and story focus

Halo 1 was far more freeform and let you play around with shit more

Something wrong on your end then.

its not just my end, my friends have the same issue. Plus the coop campaign is still laggy as fuck randomly making it almost unplayable. 3 months for this shit quality port of a game already on PC in the first place? Fucking garbage

>its not just my end, my friends have the same issue

I guess you're both retarded then.

I will admit that Reach has serious audio issues, but CE runs like a dream and every line is crystal clear. You are objectively wrong.

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Kill yourself faggot. Developers are retarded and don't know what the fuck they're doing releasing broken shit. Also I checked with two other people, friends is plural dumb esl subhuman. CE is shit even if they didn't go above and beyond fuck it up more

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retarded nigger you're the one who's wrong

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How about some literal proof then?


Skip to about 5ish minutes. Real gameplay, you can hear everything loud and clear. It's all well-mixed, and it all works.

BASED. Putting faggots on suicide watch.

>works on my machine
How about you deepthroat a shotgun and pull the trigger? games fucked for lots of people, not just me

Attached: kool-aid man did 911.png (403x354, 240.66K)

See , and remain cope.

samefagging autist kill yourself

Attached: Dissapointed_pepe.jpg (251x242, 13.71K)


How is a video of some literally who playing the game on medium-tier hardware with 0 issues not proof?

Explain to me what could possibly convince you if not that?

This is why I ignore ODST and Reach.

>audio is fine for random faggot on YouTube
>invalidates any possibility of issues for everyone else who owns the game
Advanced Stupid

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So your søy-argument is "my copy of the exact same game is special and there is nothing wrong on my end at all"?

Sprint into traffic.

>Reach honestly feels like a CoD game in terms of linearity and story focus
It is, that's why it's shit.

you're the kind of retard who unironically posts works on my machine and lacks the brainpower to comprehend how things working for one person doesn't mean anyone else who is having problems with it is lying. Consider chemical castration to do the world a favor

You cannot be helped nigger. I give up.

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Help yourself to a full tub and some razor blades faggot. Audio levels are fucked and you're a retarded gorilla nigger who can't comprehend

There is NO chance you can count above 5.

What you expect people to believe is that there is a problem with the game that is only effecting you and your friends.

What I think is actually happening is that you haven't actually played the game and are just shitting on 343 using information you heard online. In doing so you conflated the audio issues plaguing reach with CE.