Party members who are only useful during early game

Party members who are only useful during early game

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>instakill any non boss enemy

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>Dragon Hustle
>Not useful

she has a bad midgame but her lategame performance makes up for it

Imagine actually swapping out Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko.

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Teddie is better Chie and Naoto is better Yosuke and Yukiko


I never use Yosuke.
Kanji needs to get into the party, being the better character in the game, I sure as hell woudn't take out my wife. This leaves Yukiko...meh...Naoto is cooler and Teddie is funnier.

Chie and Yukiko are optimal but Persona is too easy to care about that. It's better to play the characters you like.

Chie was my only requirement for my P4 party.

Everyone else was interchangeable. Granted, used Larry a lot because of the offense and healing.

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She can almost two shot bosses in Golden from what I remember

Doesn't she get Agneyastra in Golden which significantly increases her damage potential?

Teddy is in some ways a better healer but Yukiko is more rounded in her other moves

My party these days tends to be Yu/Yosuke/Naoto/Yukiko. No real need to bring physical damage dealers since Yu gains the samurai man, Yosuke has the status moves, and Naoto is best for anything other than bosses

Haven't played in years though.

Kanji is better than Chie

She doesn't learn her really useful moves until Magatsu Inaba, and that's if you level more than you have to

She gets it in vanilla but not until the high 70's

Yeah but neither has as tight an ass.

I heard it's possible in vanilla too. Like if you can drop the helpers chie can punt the main boss for an instant win

I've never seen her do it on bosses and I kind of doubt that would be possible, but at lategame she can use charge/god hand which is essentially the same thing

Imagine running ANY lame ass females in your party
Kanji, Teddie, Yu, and Yosuke 4 lyfe

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You must have loved Kanji's dungeon, you giant faggot.

Only party comp you need in P4 is Yoshitsune, Helel, Kohryu, and Scathach

Too expensive.

At lowest level runs, her ability to dodge basically everything is way more useful than kanji


Glad I'm not the only person who thought so. I ended up liking Ken more than her even though his stats were kind of shit, just because he could actually fucking HIT things. Plus he always seemed to get an outsize number of crits on basic attacks, which helped.

>only person who thought so
Everyone hates yukari mate, only people who don't are the losers who love her

No excuse, especially when the game hands out full-SP refill items out like literal candy the further you get, and the Chakra Ring halves SP cost too.

Based and bropilled

What, too spicy for you to handle?

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To much of a self centered whiny bitch

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Oh I know, I just meant in terms of her combat. People always talk about how great a healer she is when her low accuracy and endurance make her more of a burden than anything and her offensive magic isn't good enough to cover the shortfall

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Tifa is a beast, she can easily kill every boss in one or two hits at most with her Powersoul for most of the game, but her ultimate weapon sucks.

I still used Powersoul late game, she could hit 9999 even with Morph (used her instead of Yuffie), although it relied on a critical hit, which is around a 50% chance with 255 luck.

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Oh, I see. You're a retard. Enjoy your submissive doormats then.

You probably fucking like Sakura

Why the fuck would you waste a slot on chie?


You're going to have to be a bit more specific. Do you mean Futaba Sakura? Someone else? That name is generic.

>what is SP items

jesus christ user.

You're really fucking dumb for being unable to follow the reply chain, aren't you?

the fuck are you talking about? hama/mudo characters are ALWAYS objectively the worst party members in the game.

Why didn't I have a tomboy kung fu gf in high school?

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you still waste a slot you retard.

>naoto worst
Shields of Justice is the most broken support skill in the game.

Funnily enough, he's actually much stronger in the mobile/steam version of the game as other party members can act while he's charging.

You also get it at the point in the game where the only enemy it's of any use against is Margaret. Far better to just apply Dragon Hustle to everyone and get to attack spamming. With everyone buffed Rise also has no choice but to use Mind/Power Charge too, meaning your attacks deal 2.5x damage for free.

>Pinkshit who spent her entire life chasing after a guy trying to kill her and all her friends
>In any way comparable to Yukari, who lived her own life for herself and despised the very Arcana she's aligned with for making people weak, then gradually opened her heart and chose to fight for the sake of the world and later that person on her own

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>Useless to the overall story
>Mouthy as fuck
>Makes only bad decisions

>at the point in the game where the only enemy it's of any use against is Margaret
I don't think you understand how busted this skill is. there is no level requirements naoto to get that skill. you could be on very hard and be severely underleveled to a point any enemy can one shot you and have it. it's THAT busted. imagine being at level 50 on very hard beating the last boss while the "recommended" level is 70.

I beat the entire game on very hard with only Izanagi
It's not hard

>maxed out leveled MC with max level persona

wow user. wow.

Bitch my Izanagi was level fuckin 56, and Yu was level like 60
It takes zero effort to max out the stats of a Persona with Shuffle Time minor arcana cards and Magician up their skills to ludicrous levels. At that point levels are only useful for fusing new Personas.

Level also plays into the damage calculations.
Doesn't really matter unless you're playing on the highest difficulties though.

>Realizes the Kirijo Group's original objective of creating a time machine
>Tries to use it to save her friends
>Tells the people who are hiding secrets to stop being fucking retarded
>Gets so strong she learns Megidolaon and Primal Force, as a magic-type Persona user
Like I said, she's just too spicy for you. I bet you tried to hug her too early and reversed her link.

You kids are all worthless scum.

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I already said I was playing on very hard
And like I said, it's not hard
One cast of Dragon Hustle towards the end and everything dies from anything, and likewise Rise can only throw out Charge buffs because Chie already max buffed everyone, meaning you don't even need to charge yourself.

This is my boyfriend, say something nice about him.

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Unless it's a boss battle, absolutely.
She's useful in general
Teddie and she are fairly interchangeable.

i swapped out party members when they ran out of SP and didn't advance past like level 4 on the fox social link. i also avoided fights that weren't big shadows whenever I could, to conserve sp and assuming that getting a ton of xp in one battle will compensate on losing out fighting smaller shadows. i was absurdly wrong, always strapped for cash always underleveled but i still got through it with all of my friends instead of leaving people on the sidelines. i did the same shit in P3 with party member conditions since I pushed the MC to continue climbing even when he was tired if any party member was still in good condition.