Nioh 2

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Any tips you wish you knew before playing?

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why is that tonfa bro embarrassing us other tonfa bros? yikes

>cut down by Enki
wtf bros I breezed through the demo

>game is either hard as balls or a complete pushover
is there no middle ground

Any magic or ninjutsu worth using? All of the ones I have are terrible.
I wish I would have known not to pick the bird, the shark and wolf are way easier to counter with. IMO phantom is the best because it is super easy to use like brute and you can use it at range like feral.

>Beat Mezuki first try
This game seriously did get easy. Burst counter fucking DESTROYS his ki bar. To the point it's not even funny. He was actually harder in the LCT.

tfw gozuki was unironically harder

>Any tips you wish you knew before playing?
Watch my video. Literally just use your yokai abilities and you can turn bosses into a cake walk.

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I died to Gozuki like 15 times and then beat Mezuki second try. No idea what they were thinking with that shit. Having an insane mini-boss literally a minute into the first level is retarded game design.

>the twilight mission Bloodstained samurai doesn't have mezuki at the end now
I guess they just added him there for the beta version. I was thinking twilight missions would be super loaded.

>hey guys what should the motif of onmyo magic be
>elemental magic used to hunt oni!
>what about ninjutsu?
>elemental magic used to hunt oni but stronger in every way!
this shit is hitting 800-1000 per hit and it hits 2-4 times depending on the enemy.

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Stages seem on par maybe slightly harder than nioh 1, bosses on the other hand much easier. I'm on region 4 done all the side missions to this point.

where the fuck is the nohime skin

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It felt like a tutorial for choosing your battles except they forgot to mention you can just avoid him. Imagine all the soulsfags getting filtered by the second enemy in the game though.

mfw another hard to reach archer taking pot shots

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Give me the skill faggot.

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Onmyo is good for buffing, ninjutsu for direct damage. I don’t see a problem with that.

it should be pretty obvious that he's not meant to be literally the second thing you fight unless you have brain damage and/or are blind and can't see the several paths out of that area

>getting filtered by an enemy that uses 90% vertical overhand strikes

aint this gal your half sister?

>fall for the switchglavie meme
>proceed until snek shrine boss
>realize I miss 1kat

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>tonfa wont get any new skills because there are no tonfa bosses
feels bad

I just framed revenants for ochoko cups and used the blue summons to help me kill him lmao

*cumshots your thread*

unfff... woah, nice

when do we get summon our mom as a guardian spirit

surely thats why onmyo has over 8 direct damaging abilities!

Why, just start using 1kat you're not locked into the two weapons you picked at the start.

>Imagine all the soulsfags getting filtered by the second enemy in the game though.
>souls boogeyman
Gozuki was the second enemy I defeated.

You don't really need anything besides what you start with to kill Gozuki. He's not difficult.

You restarted when Books of Reincarnation and the Blacksmith exist? Not to mention all the katana's you likely picked up from killing things + mission rewards.

literally for what purpose, earning skills on one weapon doesn't slow down progression for other weapons and at that point you can buy the item to reset your stats as well.

It's not retarded because you don't have to fight him, at all. The item he drops isn't even useful, it only serves as a shortcut/early access to that area of the level if you beat him early.

It's not bad game design. What's bad game design is having a mini-boss who has a harder moveset to deal with. I did not get a single burst counter vs Gozuki (partly because i'm using feral and if I was too close I would miss the burst counter) but i'm pretty sure I burst countered every single one of Mezukis attacks. Mezuki has worst basic attacks too. At one point I had my guard broken by his first swing but the two strings that came after both whfifed...even though I was right in front of him. This doesn't happen with Gozuki because his hits are fucking meaty as fuck and the first hit tracks you hard. Mezuki has a more complex moveset but it's just not as good as Gozukis simpler moveset that hits harder and requires more skill to dodge

I'm in love with the ninja aesthetic this game lets me have

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The devs are fucking dumbasses. So many missed opportunities and they wasted it all on this dumb yokai shifting garbage.

>the dude who raped countless people in the beta needs our help to kill two gaki

My autism is too big and I have to do it the complete style. Please understand.

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Ninjutsu is broken as fuck in general, it's honestly the only playstyle worth using at the moment.

His tracking is broken as fuck, meaning half the time he'll hit you no matter how or where you dodge his one main slam.

You could literally just replay the missions as well. It seems like you're wasting your time but if you're fine with that, all the power to you.

Youre dodging too early.

>tfw two stupid too feral burst counter

Half the time I miss completely, the other half of the time I just slide against the enemy and the third half of the time it works and I just don't get it so I've stopped trying. I still shitpost that burst counters are a crutch and ruined the game :^)

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cute character

>You could literally just replay the missions as well.
You don't understand autism.

>ninjas get wizard nukes while the actual magic gets paper to rub on swords
the fuck man

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then use brute?

tonfa and the new weapons suck ass anyway

id like to point out the fact that it does that much damage with a whopping 12 dexterity!

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can you have ninja swords? uh...ninjato?

Anyone else waiting for the first few patches to iron out some of the dumb shit before picking up the game?

it's still fun to use tho. I just wish we had more than one fucking guard+light attack.

The weapon is probably the most specialized one in the game

you DID kill the bull demon in the first level RIGHT?

>solo is easy modo
>expeditions is slightly more difficult but most of the difficulty comes from enemies teleporting and everyone ganging up on an enemy making it hard to see what is happening
I really think they should've waited another year or two to develop Nioh 2.

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Gozuki does his main red move after slamming down twice with his weapon. Block both hits then burst counter him. Mezuki's standard hit combo does way less damage than Gozuki's.
It says it does more damage if they are out of ki, I don't know why this is surprising.

>>tfw two stupid too feral burst counter
You're also too stupid to use the right too twice, fuckin retard. I don't understand why anyone has trouble with it. The only enemy that keeps tripping me up is Tengu while every other enemy and boss I do just fine with. I fuckin hate Tengu bros

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It is bad game design though, because as you said he's significantly stronger and more difficult than the actual boss of the level and the fact you face him at the very start of the game exacerbates it. You don't even get a few groups of enemies to warm up on, just one and then you're thrown in the shit with the broken fucker. It is not immediately or abundantly obvious that you can skip him and keep going, making it quite dumb all around.

Gonna get filtered so hard by the boss of the second stage

Was really hoping Onmyo was worth using this time. Oh fucking well, atleast I can pretend with the new ninpo shit. I tried so hard in the first game with autistic levels of reforging and abyss grinding for the absolute most Onmyo power I could get. And it was still worse than my half-assed kunai build.

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how do i change my gestures?

Can you post the other elemental ninjutsu

Personally, I think they should've just cancelled the game entirely
the whole thing is a fucking broken, buggy, unfun mess
but don't say that to the people having """""fun""""" through gritted teeth because they have severe buyers remorse and don't realize it yet

have you played sekiro? if so think the feral burst as a mikiri counter

>Gozuki does his main red move after slamming down twice with his weapon.
Doesn't take a genius to notice this. Also I tried blocking it and i'd get my ki raped too much. I still beat him.

No because I beat him in the alpha before burst counter even existed, the one move I remember fucking me up is now sadly a red aura move so...get that ass bursted

Is 1Kat & Spear still the GOAT?

This isnt what i wanted.

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Snake Boss' tailswipe is getting me good bros. Going to give him another go now that it's been a few hours. Was he pretty easy for everyone?
Loving the decision to go all in on tonfas, I can feel the flow pretty good, I just wish I had more skills unlocked for each stance

why are you doing the main mission instead of the submission where you fight a few mooks and fight his spirit?

Does it not drop there?

>It is not immediately or abundantly obvious that you can skip him and keep going
Okay retard
>Game starts you out facing a locked gate that says it has to be opened from the other side
>Walk down path to the left
>See a bunch of open space with a giant enemy
>Enemy is on a set path and doesn't notice you at all
>Can see a hill leading up to where you saw the gate
It doesn't take a genius dude. I knew you weren't supposed to fight him but I did it twice anyways in hopes I could be an epic cool guy for doing it but I realized I was getting raped then rushed to the gate.

I wasnt aware of such a mission.

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I beat him on my second or third try.

Maybe read the fucking UI?

Is the spear cool? I'm gonna start ng+ soon

It is not on PC, how the fuck are you playing this right now? Did you actually pay for PSN sub and bought the 60 bucks copy?

it's in the same region so if you don't have it yet then you're like 1 main mission away from it being available

Yes. Only took me like 2 hours...

Based. The game is a pretty mediocre, basically just doubled down on and failed to learn from all the bad parts of the first game like level design, enemy variety, and RNG loot and ruined the good parts by bogging the combat down in a bunch of dumb as fuck new mechanics that don't even really work very well together or make much sense. Reels of lazy asset flip and throwing everything they can at the wall to see what sticks. Also seems like the devs seriously resent Sekiro and wanted to try and one up it by making the game more artificially difficult. It was a bad choice.

>doing expeditions
>everyone using switch glaive
>they just spam low stance which stunlocks fucking everything as I sit there holding my one mirrion forded nippon steeru

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Jesus christ, did you get the game early?

Fellow tonfag here, you'll get the timings down eventually just hold block while you dodge just in case. The most dangerous part for me was getting bored/greedy. Then I saw somebody just cleaving through the boss and both snake arms with an odachi and seriously considered dropping the tonfa.

I've beaten almost every boss so far on my first try, feels really easy to me.

yes i have the game for almost two weeks

All I wanted was more weapons and more movesets. This entire demon transformation and yokai pokemon doesn't interest me one bit.

I was also trying to see if Honda had one
just got his set Text instead

Can someone give a rundown on what each weapon type plays like?
Didn't play Nioh 1 at all so i'm kinda unsure what weapon to pick.

>i got filtered so the game is bad!

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fuck this fire demon


It's called imagawa diehard

Thanks m8.
I relate to that other autisitc user. I cant allow myself to keep the loot and amrita i earned while farming this guy.

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Are odachi, kusa and 1 kat iai spam still the kings?

>bait his punches and kicks
>hit him afterwards
>run around his tornados
>bait his attacks again
>rinse and repeat

Forr some reason I only use the monkey spear throw core. It just feels to be the best. Am I wrong?

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Gakis are more difficult than some of the bosses. The difficulty is all over this place.

Why does my summon keep dying in w seconds on enera

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Go with a single katana to start. Then pick whatever you want as a secondary. Katana is the most balanced and easy to understand weapon so it makes learning the combat easiest. And frankly, it's the most fun weapon anyway.

>Gakis are more difficult than some of the bosses

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when do the next set of dojo missions unlock? just beat yoshimoto, i'm tired of all the skills i want being gated.

Is it an actual human or one of the blue graves?

Yeah, we know you're no genius.

dead wrong, how far are you?

Once you try out the big snake one you'll see the foolishness of your actions.

Why do blue revenants leave sometimes without dying? They have a timer or something?

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>all these tight spaces with either fire, drops or both in the second mission
Jesus fuck stop. At least the third mission was better although the boss decided to be a faggot and started camping in its poison pool.

Tenshi eating a corndog!

How is it? Better than Nioh 1? Is it still a shameless Souls ripoff?