>Japanese game
>one of the party members is an idol
Japanese game
>idol character is different on the inside to what the appear to be like on the outside
Imagine if there was a lame idol charactee
Like she has to dance around with crutches and shit
>She realizes being an idol is her true calling because she wants to make people happy
I want to kiss Iori soo badly
ow! my chungus! stop it!
Why does Iori have to go to the bathroom every five minutes?
Really weird personality quirk to give to a character
Anal slut
>Japanese game
>all of the party members is an idols
>their special attacks are a song
What’s a chungus
I want to kiss Iori's butthole
more like minase iori anus defective!
Post the anal pasta
Nips eat that shit up and that's why it's in every goddamn game. Nips make games for mostly themselves, any western sales are just a plus. I don't get idol culture either.
>anal pasta
Probably why their kids are suicidal. They don't get to be a star, are bad at school and decide that life is not worth living. Imagine sucking some stupid star's dick so much that you off yourself for not being like him. Fucking retarded.
Meanwhile white boys like you donate to ethots and watch them get fucked by dogs on fansonly
At least idolchads have albums merch and concerts, all you get is an "Aw thanks" after donating 5000 bucks
They gave her a lot of personality
What Onlyfans are YOU subbed to where you see chicks fucking their dogs
Maybe her butt hurts
I want to give Iori my load of personality
It must be that laxative she takes
What's with im@s doujinshi and anal? Not even just relating to Iorin.
Which one
From what?
i don't care as long as they're sexy lolis
>any game with a party
>that one member who’s rich/famous/etc and is simply there for the writers not to have to think of something better as to how the party has access to good resources
>Japanese visual novel
>idol character
>you can romance her
>bad end : you got killed by her stalker
Why do japs think this is okay ?
>Not even just relating to Iorin.
user... I...
Who are you thinking of ?
idols are considered pure if they still have their hymen, so anal is the way to go.
>no idol group made up of death/blind/cripple girls
Kind of an untapped market, especially with how popular KS was/is here.
>no idol group made up of death girls
Zombieland Saga?
irl cripples are gross but it could work as an anime
Zombieland Saga has dead girls
iM@S Cinderella Girls has a blind girl but she isn't very popular
What do I do after watching all the im@s? Play the games? In order?
What's so great about anal? Does it feel good?
Where did that whole anal thing even come from?
Yes. Way more tight, also, is more morbid.
Does receiving anal feel good?
Is it really? I think the anus can stretch far further than the vagina which is why gigantic anal insertion is a thing.
Why is it only games though? Idol characters in non-idol anime/manga aren't usually popular.
I mean in real life. Find a dozen or so amputee girls in Japan and make them sing and dance.
omega quintet was really a fucking mediocre game.
Nothing, it was invented by porn makers, and jealous gays who hate women
It is less pleasurable for both parties
One guy in japan made a couple of really good iori anal comics, then a couple of others copied that combo and this meme was produced. Its probably not even much more than 10 comics in total butt they all came in quick succession.
frank reynolds
Might work for an idol band like PasuPare or QoP, except crippled. Don't see it working otherwise.
I've never donated a penny in my entire life to someone in the internet. Imagine getting this overly defensive because someone in the internet mocked your Idol worship. And imagine having to call it something that makes you a CHAD. Chads don't worship people they've never even met because of fucking pop music.
Go to bed.
It's a literal shithole. I don't know how it's so popular. I mean gays are mentally ill so that explains that. I guess normalfags are another kind of mentally ill as well. Because it's practically a scat fetish.
>this killed Berserk
It's good and safe. You should start doing that. Educated people already figured that up for you.
Miura just has good taste.
>the idol is without exception the best and most popular character
I don't see why anyone should stop this.
I will be surprised if ethot donation doesn't actually start in some shithole in east asia.
>try anal play at behest of GF
>get a toy
>j-j-j-jam it in
>experience nothing but the awkwardness of having something in my butt
shit sucked, I wanted my orgasm button
do you have any of these dogfuckers' names, for a friend
would slurp
not one but two stupid questions
I've only watched the anime. Unironically speaking, is this a good game to start with? By emulating.