Did he do anything wrong?

Did he do anything wrong?

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he was a cuck

He messed with window colors

Being a literal and unironic cuck is pretty bad.

He should have put his job aside and do what was necessary.

>respecting women

>Leave the window plain blue
Why when you can have fun with the different options?

Fuck off, Cid.

You could pick something other than that eye cancer

>not picking bright rainbow color

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why didn't he die of starvation/dehydration

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Hojo experimented on him

did the characters have any "classes" beyond aerith getting a little more magic? or were stats entirely random?

Make them whatever class you want through customisation, some are better suited for things than others.

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Other than punishing himself, no.
He was too much of a white knight, which is why he felt he deserved a punishment for not saving a ho.
Which is absolutely ridiculous but then again at the same time, had he prevented the whole Lucrecia and Hojo thing from happening Sephiroth would not have been born and not have done all the damage he did.

Theoretically Lucrecia started the experience to save his life.
Then Hojo took over.

The difference in stats where pretty small. I mean Barret vs Aerith when it comes to magic is pretty big but actual damage wise it's not really enough to really care about. Feel if they did something like Chrono Cross where each character had an affinity to a element and so you have to balance around that it would be nice. But with FF7 being what it is just put whomever you wish in your party and slap whatever you want onto those characters and don't worry about it.

why did shinra bother hiring fake townspeople if only 1 dude even remembered the place existed
did they even use the mako plant anymore?

>again at the same time, had he prevented the whole Lucrecia and Hojo thing from happening Sephiroth would not have been born and not have done all the damage he did.
But then no one really could have seen the consequences what would happen.
Otherwise you could blame so many more characters.

It held all of Shin-Ra's secrets. Guess you could ask why they didn't destroy everything after the fire and move all the files to HQ but FF7 is known to not really make much sense once you start to pick things apart.

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I hope they fix some of the plot holes in the remake.

i hope the remake includes materia fusion, that was one of the coolest things in crisis core

I expect that they could not just let the town vanish. They already did that to Coral and most of them hate Shinra there.
Plus the Mako reactor was still fully operational and Hojo did taken an interest in Cloud and Zack and had them held and experimented on back at the Shinra manor that survived the fire.

Yuffie or Vincent? Everyone sleeps on the cuck but he seems like a good caster as long as Barrett has blocker materia

he got fucked over and generally blames himself for it

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He had really shitty limit breaks.

Feel they need to. Hell Cait Sith joining kind of needs to be completely reworked since nothing about it makes sense
>Gives a fortune saying they will get what they are looking for but lose the most precious
>"Weird I'll join you to see what's up!"
Makes so little sense what they let him.
I mean the only reason they seem to keep it around is for the clones. As for the manor it is just strange they just left all their files around without any real security when they could and really should have moved it to Midgar HQ in those 5 years.

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>files around without any real security
This is Hojo we are talking about. He don't fucking care what files are about. His whole character is that everything is disposable. Humans, files, corporations even the science he uses.
He does not give a fuck about the Presidents Neo-Midgar plan or any shit Rufus planned.
As for the others not cleaning up, Scarlet and Heidegger were arrogant and up their own asses with their own plots and other shit.
It sort of fits that a company's main crime of hurting the planet by "pollution" and draining the planets life is also staffed by people who just use up shit and throw it on the floor.

Shit, i still don't have Yufie yet. Was I supposed to get her before or after Junon?

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You can get her anytime from the forests around the world map. The earliest point is between Mithirl mines and Junon

Rocket Town has a grass area that is a 100% chance to get in to a fight with Yuffie. Also to get to Cosmo Canyon you have to go in to a grass with a 60% chance.
So you will get her eventually.

>grass area
Dude what?

They are more like forrest area's


The Frankenstein limit break saved my ass once against Dons new pet in Wutai.

thanks doc

Think any time after the mythril mine in the forest you can find her. Guess look at a guide to make sure you make the right dialog choices or she will steal you money and leave.

But personally she is kind of useless overall and the side quest with Wutai is honestly just really annoying. But I personally just hate parts of a game where they take away the major mechanic of a game for "difficulty".
He means forest which is where she comes out.

Actually fun little fact if you fuck up the dialog with her for the very last one she runs away without taking your money. And doing those dialog increase her likeness with you. So if you wish to "date" her just keep fighting her doing the dialog thing until the end over and over again to up her likeness all the whole in the actual game make Aerith/Tifa hate you more and more.

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Thank god. I'm just before the Golden Saucer (just met Barret's little canyon city area).

at least dirge made them someone decent, although its been years so i dont know if it was just a transformation buff or actually changed shit

False. Either you postponed the Wutai until Vincent already had his second Limit level meaning you had more materia than Yuffie could steal from you or you grinded Vincent early meaning you were over levelled and didnt have actual challenge in the fight meaning the limit didn't save your ass.

Either way you are lying scrub.

I mean you have tons of game left so not really a big issue. And the only real "use" she has is her ultimate weapon for some reason allows you to use morph with full power and there is a place where you can farm sources to max out stats if you care enough for that.

>more materia then yuffie could steal
im possitive the first time i did wutai was near the end of disc 2 and i would have had a fuckton of materia

So you had both the Materia she wouldnt steal and you were dozens of levels overlevelled for the fight. I guess you just had brain problems then

>you had more materia than Yuffie could steal from you
That's not that hard to do. The game hands you materia left and right all the time. And feel many people would only do Wutai around Disk 2 when you have the airship.

Right. I'm replaying it and trying to get full completion this time around. I know that sounds like a waste of time, but i do that in most games.

I hope you went back to Fort Condor after each story segment for that extra game of defending the the place for those missable rewards :^)

Be careful not to miss the turtle paradise flyers quest.

Yeah playing it with the fan translation and see if I can spot some difference. Following a guide also just so I can see everything also since I feel last time (and with that first time) I played it I was just mostly stumbling around not really knowing what I was doing back in late 90's.
Oh goody another Elixer just what I needed. Seriously why the fuck they had it so you need to suddenly stop the story and run half way across the fucking glob just to do one stupid RTS and having to run all the way back.
Doing that but have no idea what the reward is.

I don't get that accusation.
Yes I grinded him so I get his Frankenstein before the materia holder boss but to get his second break I need to force to trigger his limit break enough times.
Not to defeat enemies.

I could spoil it for you

>Oh goody another Elixer just what I needed. Seriously why the fuck they had it so you need to suddenly stop the story and run half way across the fucking glob just to do one stupid RTS and having to run all the way back.

What's the matter? I thought you wanted to 100% the game?

>Doing that but have no idea what the reward is.
Stat up sources and Elixir or Megalixir

>Dexterity 2
She's meant to be a fucking ninja

>Yes I grinded him
Thank you for being honest. Next try to git gud.

Did you even read my post? I didn't grinded levels. Only his limit break.

You need to complete the battles for the limit level up meaning you did get extra exp.

Why am I not surprised by that shit. I'm honestly enjoying my time with FF7 but you can tell the team had 0 idea what they were doing 99% of the time and just stitching everything together as fast as possible. There's little rhyme nor reason for a lot of stuff that happened in the game. Like Cosmo Canyon happens and Cloud just goes "ok onward to the next place" WHICH HAPPENS TO BE NIBELHEIM WHICH YOU WOULD THINK THEY WOULD SAY SOMETHING BEFORE WALING INTO THE TOWN!

And even better you guys just walk in say "fucking weird the town is back up" and that's really it for it. You even can walk into the reactor where everything started and nothing of note happens even with Cloud and Tifa in the party.


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Vincent has different requirements because he only has 4.