why did nintendo think this was a good idea?
Why did nintendo think this was a good idea?
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Sex sells.
Why does my dick have to be so big, bros? I didn't ask for this
Trans Pikachu
Gamefreak not Nintendo, Gamefreak. Nintendo is just the publisher, Gamefreak develops most of the Pokemon game with few exception like Bandai Namco, HAL Laboratory and Creatures as examples
I thought gamefreak and nintendo were basically the same company these days?
my bad, sorry.
It's ok, we all make mistakes.
I prefer Lugia
they still need to approve their products though
it's still nintendo's responsibility if shit like this gets through
also, meanwhile in smash
Sauce now,OR ELSE!
The Pokemon Company is 3 companies that work independently from each other in weird ways. GameFreak which makes the mainline games, Creaters which tends to work more of the marketing, and Nintendo which just publish everything.
Actually there has been a few third party companies to make games. Namco being one but also Chunsoft who makes the Mystery Dungeon games and even Koei who did that Pokemon Conquest which is a weird take on Nobunaga's Ambition.
TPC can't really control it's fan's thirst. Whatever they do fans will sexualized it no matter what.
because its hot
Why do you post fanart & ask something about the real company ?
hoyya get the coom audiesncd somehow.
Why did nintendo think any of this was a good idea?
don't ask me how I stumbled upon this.
I just decided to jerk off to something different and found the "pikachu_libre" tag.
I normally get off to normal porn, I promise, please believe me.
but poison existed 10 years before the trans flag was even invented?
What the fuck
Oh? Normal porn? Like scat or rape?
Its anonymous posting. No one here is gunna find out where you live unless theyre feds and theyre too busy false flagging eachother on Yas Forums
>you will never make a schizophrenic chart like this
feels based
So? i guess she inspired the transflag by being one of the most iconic trans characters.
The trans colors are a core part of trans identity, and gaming too.
Gaming is a core trans hobby
I know this is a bait imagine but I feel birdo is one of the genuine choices like erika so...
birdo is not trans, birdo is a boy dressed like a girl which they explained in the SMB2 manual
birdos and yoshis are the same species and yoshis are the females
you cannot deny this, if a creature lays eggs, she's automatically a female
>b-but birdo shoots eggs
yes, from his mouth, birdos just keep the eggs warm in his mouth like an incubator
ah yes, you were looking for normal porn on e621
So yoshi is trans instead of birdo?
Green yoshi is a guy, or rather is more comfortable as one.
They can be trans partners!
every time
how am I wrong? the manual clearly says 'he'
no, yoshi is just a female
But yoshi prefers to be refered to as a male.
Yoshi is trans too.
Transflag colored. Very objectively trans
>80% male rate
>yet 100% are feminine coded
You can tell this was drawn by a furfag just from way that face was designed
a genderless creature wants to be a girl.
It’s a typo.
it's pikachu?
of course it was drawn by a furfag.
The entire pic is full of misleading info to trigger ignorant retards. A hat in time is not a journey full of hardships its a game about getting stolen fuel back to your alien spaceship with cartoon antics. Yeah it has a trans flag in a sewer level but its in a sewer level where it belongs.
Celeste on the other hand started as a story about mental unwellness and overcoming it but not necessarily transgenderism until a year after launch in a updated post game level with a little flag sticker, a childhood photo of boyish MC and a bottle of pills
In later on Birdo became a female so yes Birdo is trans
>But yoshi prefers to be refered to as a male.
when was this ever stated
or, you know, the fact that it's a drawing of an anthro pikachu
'he' isn't genderless
Man trannyfags are so retarded they have to fit everything to their limited world view.
Hey look trannyjannie i typed trannyfag. Eat shit and hang.
Hatkid is trans. The subtext of the plot is about transitioning.
Celeste is trans.
wow, if a reddit user said it then it must be true
>when was this ever stated
when he tries to tongue goomba's assholes for the umpteen time.
Reddit is never wrong.
dare I ask why Tifa is there?
Not everyone who draws anthropomorphic characters can really be classified as a furfag, there's a bit more of a distinctive expression furfags like to give their designs, a bit of a slutty look on faces with open mouths like in that pic.
She's a trans coded character. They keep flattening her chest to emphasize that she's mtf
>You can tell this was drawn by a furfag just from way that face was designed
Yeah or maybe the huge fucking tits on a pikachu.
you mean ftm
my favorite trans character is Mini, i'm glad she was so universally loved and recieved during april.
>Sticks the Badger
like I said, I felt like something different.
I'll admit, I've jerked off to amy rose porn before as well, but hasn't everyone at least once?
>Retsuko's masculine interests and hypermasculine rage
You can tell from her voice and personality
She went by marth and wore a mask to conceal her gender identity, clearly trans or at least genderqueer.
in-denial furries are adorable
every person who draws anthro is a furfag, simple as
ask yourself this, why didn't he draw pikachu like she actually looks in-game?
even the artists of the old days, like for robin hood or the lion king in that one scene
they knew exactly what they were doing, even if there wasn't a word for it yet
>furry isn't furry
based retard
Trans characters, in media, literally do not exist if you retcon them
if you simply say that they're a girl. Then there's no backstory that says that said character was born with a penis.
Its a fucking fictional character, not a person.
>b-but muh translation
if you change something without stating that they were a different gender, they would just be female, not trans. You would have to give context in the very same game or localization for that to happen.
>You can tell from her voice
How is this proof? Every character voiced by Nika Futterman sounds like that.
Now you’re entering the realm of stereotypes.
user, transgirls are girls. Accept it.
You need to prove they're cis.
I'm a furry scalie animefag fantasy fag realism fag land fucker and vehicle fucker because I draw them all.
My point still stands.
Show me your hands, girly.
You can't prove something is female by looking at their genitals you literal fucking retard. You have to think of the implication of that.
Showing them that they were born male and make them transition would mean they're trans
Without that, they would just be a biological girl.
Fellow hackers known as Yas Forums, this normie jerks off to furry porn. Let's doxx him.