Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?

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Do what?

Have gay anal sex.

I'm straight but I've cum from my wife fucking my ass, I imagine an actual dick probably feels good.

Alucard is also pretty heretical just by virtue of being Dracula's son

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>I'm straight but I get fucked up the ass until I cum also a dick probably feels good

I just can't fathom letting another man just dominate you like that. I mean what kind of sick fuck enjoys being held down and fucked in the bum?

kill his dad

You aren't straight.

This. Gays are sick.

Why does the west need to shove sex into everything to make it "mature" and "deep" and say fuck every other sentence when shit like Hellsing can do fine without it?

but what if you're the top fag and not the bottom fag

He wanted in.

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Hellsing Alucard was also fucked in the ass though

the average american poster

Anatomy is anatomy and doesn’t care about your sexual insecurity. Men have the prostrate located inside the rectum and it feels good when it is stimulated. These are facts.

technically if he's not attracted to men he's straight. buttplay doesn't make you a faggot. If anything it makes you a chad. Only an insecure deeply closeted fag would accuse someone of being a fag for enjoying wholesome pegging from their wife.

*saves your series*

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That wasn't the only thing that was shoved and deep

You know what else feels good when stimulated that isn't inside of your asshole? The penis, which you can stimulate without being a faggot.

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imagine being this insecure about your own body. Is it gay to have your balls sucked too? What a fag!


I didn't know the insertion of a phallic object was involved in having your balls sucked

bro not gonna lie i'm drunk as fuck and if i randomy via magic became a girl i'd be 100% down to get creampie'd by me friend desu

gays are literally living rent free inside your head you insecure retard

you probably insert phallic objects in your mouth all the time. Ever eaten a hot dog? OMG what a faggot!

having your penis stimulated is literally no different than having your ass stimulated. if you get off to it you get off to it, it doesn't make you gay. Being gay is being attracted to the same sex. You can never so much as touch another man's cock and be a huge faggot. If you're this insecure over your own body then that's probably you.

>Anatomy is anatomy and doesn’t care about your sexual insecurity.
If only gays knew this and would just stick their dicks inside vaginas like nature intended.

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But masturbating means you're touching a man's penis and a man's touching your penis, how is that not gay?

>like nature intended
yeah I'm sure you only wear animal pelts and are typing this on a fuckin pc made out of sticks and rocks

That sounds nice, user.

>having your penis stimulated is literally no different than having your ass stimulated.
There's a pretty big difference actually. If you're sticking phallic objects up your bum-bum for sexual pleasure, then you're taking on the role of a female. Normal people don't eat for sexual pleasure so it's different.

look ultimately as men we're slaves to cock (our own specifically) so why not

Jesus this thread is just a trainwreck.

Sure, you're not gay, but you're still a disgusting sodomite.

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Nature intended for me to type this on a device made from humanity's ingenuity because humanity's ingenuity is what propels the species forward. Nature didn't intend for me to stick things up my ass because sticking things up my ass doesn't help anyone.

your logic makes no fucking sense.

There's nothing wrong with being a bottom and getting fucked in the ass by a hard penis.

anal is unironically disgusting, whether straight or gay

Straight men do not seek anal penetration. It feels good to you because you're gay, it would probably feel just as good to get railed by a guy, but I'm straight and desire neither of those things.

I kind of expect vampires to be degenerates, you live so long you just end up sucking dick out of boredom, like Reaver from Fable 2.

Only someone who sticks phallic objects up his ass for fun can't understand why it's unnatural and wrong.

That doesn't make sense, that's like saying a man is straight for wanting to fuck holes, even if its a mans hole. Getting fucked is feminine, not gay.

>If you're sticking phallic objects up your bum-bum for sexual pleasure, then you're taking on the role of a female
>implying sticking things up your ass is "the role of a female"
Most chicks don't do that user. If anything, more guys do it.

Let's look at it this way , I want you to really think about this. Balls were never meant to be sucked, and I mean never. That's not their intended purpose. YET, some people like having their balls sucked. They can be an erogenous zone. Like nipples can be an erogenous zone. Not their purpose, but same thing. Surprise, surprise, the asshole is also an erogenous zone. It doesn't have to be a phallic object, it can just be a finger. You're telling me if a hot chick fingers your ass that makes you a faggot? How is he a faggot when he's the one getting fucked yet we're sitting here arguing about fag stuff like two homosexuals? Literally rethink your life you mega fucking cock choking faggot.

Alucard wasn't really that old in the animation... Though tbf, considering what I've heard about the writers, they probably have no idea how old he actually is at any point in the story.

I've never shoved anything up my ass, nor do I desire it. I also don't like having my balls sucked. But I can make the distinction that wanting either of those things doesn't make you a fag because homosexuality is literally defined by what gender you're attracted to.

Having things shoved up your ass might be a little faggy, but it doesn't *make* you a fag. Understand?

Let me put it to you like this; it is the female's role to be penetrated by a male. If you're being penetrated by a male in a sexual act, then you're fulfilling the role of a female. Simple as that, it really doesn't require a Phd in Gender Studies.

using nature as an argument backs you into a corner. condoms, birth control, oral sex, female/male anal sex, are all "unnatural" and "wrong" by your retard logic.

>this thread again
Does Yas Forums complain about the shawshank redemption? No? Then why does Yas Forums do this?

It's a Castlevania thread. What did you expect?

ayy, welcome to the bi master race

That isn't even valid because it's shoehorned in so hard it hurts my brain
pic related

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Well, you're not incorrect for most of that but oral sex does provide an actual use as foreplay for penetrative sex.

Not gonna lie but you sound like a fag bro.

Not an argument

>not an argument
I don't need an argument to tell you're a raging homosexual.

>condoms, birth control, oral sex, female/male anal sex, are all "unnatural" and "wrong" by your retard logic.
Yes. Besides oral.

okay. so you admit to being a retard. argument over.

This isn't Yas Forums related. Take your faggot Netflix spinoff and shove it up your ass you spamming piece of shit.

Please keep showing everyone how mad you are

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Being gay goes beyond attraction to men retard, there's an active-passive dichotomy that's always been inherent in history. Part of being a fag is playing the passive role, and I'm willing to bet that anyone who loves prostate stimulation also emulates feminine roles in their everyday life. Straight men don't shove dildos up their ass. You can act enlightened all you want but literally everyone knows this, including you I suspect.

sounds to me like you've got a bit of an oral fixation

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I'm tired of the gay rape backstories in anime. Its in berserk, gundam IBO, deadman wonderland, trigun, hellsing and now this shit. Its such a fuck you, like "You know this awesome badass character you like? Well he was fucked in the ass! Yeah"

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