ITT: "yeah, that happened"

ITT: "yeah, that happened"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder you can fix the mistake overkill made

We have this thread every day or two fuck off.

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Now you too can become Anthony Burch!

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Triggered snowflake lol

what the fuck were they thinking with iv

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Remain Upset


i still dont get why this was bad


3 had a similar thing with Cheapassgamer, didn't it?

I would unironically play as Hila.

dios mio, la ogra de las americas....

or maybe he's concerned that constantly posting the same fucking shit over and over again is a sign of your retardation. you can both dislike h3h3 and dislike your dumb threads.

The game gets a lot of justified hate
But it's story missions are good. The ironman/batman/metal gear levels are fucking hilarious and unlike GTAV it embraces it's stupidity
Also the character creator is great

i see that guy walking through the same street point 8 to 9 times a day on London downtown while taking a break to notice if his phone is active

>hamfisted drama in what is supposed to be a comedic webcomic

Gee, I don't know why this would be mocked either.

Sure, but I dont see why it became such a longstanding meme and why people find it so funny. They wanted to make their comic more serious. Who cares?

One is a jew and another is some kind of weird special jew breed.

what did he mean by this

suck my dick faggot

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demo is the most based and fun killer
t. doesn't even like the show

God I hate zoomers so much

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>click on old gta video
>see this

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She looks like her cunt absolutely fucking reeks. You can just tell by her face.

I don't even really know what a Yogscast is, but I don't like that resources went to making a gingermobile instead of something from Pansy Dragon or Phantasy Star

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I've yet to play Demo, seems really fun with Save the Best for Last

wasn't there a pansy dragon stage

You need to understand that finding shitty gaming webcomics has been a staple on Yas Forums since its inception.
B^U was one of the main artists mocked in these threads, as was Dobson.
So this entire Loss shitshow was something Yas Forums saw happen in real life, and that gave the meme more life than it normally would have.

I find it funny that people really thought Ethan and Hila were broke because of the lawsuit

>that dude who had only one gta 4 animation with 1k views and a "gta IV fails lmao" vid with like a million views
wonder where is he now

It's been 87 years since we last had a BALD thread.

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could this be the same for DSP or is he broke for reals?


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There's also the fact that the comic involved him and his wife's direct self-inserts. If you're married to a woman and decide to write a webcomic depicting her having a miscarriage, you deserve to be mocked for it.

DSP is beyond broke.

How many views does his videos or w.e. get?

Now that takes me back

>meet a chick on tinder
>head over to her place to bang
>we’re just hanging out for a bit first to get comfortable
>she puts on a podcast
>it’s a d&d podcast hosted by fucking anthony burch
>we forget to turn it off
>i literally fucked some girl’s brains out while anthony burch droned on about con saving throws or whatever

How did my life end up this way

why is he so assblasted?

DSPGaming, is that his channel? Is that like a secondary channel or does he have a main one?
It's only getting like 1k views per video. That's not even going to pay for the electricity he used to make and upload that video.


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Is this real?

my fave is the one where they throw hair at a computer like shurikens to stop some little girl from looking something up.

Dungeons and Daddies. A friend recommended it to me because she said it was funny. I thought one of the voices sounded familiar, so I looked up and sure enough ANTHONY FUCKING BURCH.

I told her why I stopped listening to it. Now she hates Burch because of his backroom casting call bullshit at Riot.

>beyond broken

How do you into tinder?

I never played any saints row beyond the first, but I had a lot of fun making a squinty eyed gook whose eyes are never seen.

Does he have two dicks?

I thought it was funny

Do you not?

>Swipe right on everyone
>Once you run out of swipes, look at what you got for a match, delete the shitty ones
>Speak to any good ones, get their ph no asap so you can speak on something other than tinder
>Delete account after 2 weeks and make a new account
Also use pics of yourself in favourable lighting, dressed nice, doing some kind of physical activity girls would think is nice etc

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Bee urself

But actually, have a job (even a shitty one), have some nice photos of yourself that look like someone else took them, and find a corny pickup line to throw at every girl you match
Oh and don’t stress too much about the bio just put a joke or some shit in there nobody reads those, maybe mention one of two of your interests in there in case a girl who likes the same things sees it
Conversation is just doing your best chad impression until you can get a date because no one on earth is convinced to begin a relationship with someone via text, you just have to get them to the date which is when you actually get a shot

The rest is luck

>mfw multidicklet

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It's Justin Roiland trying desperately to fill dead air for 3 hours.
The best part is there probably was some hardcore Rick fan gushing about how epic it was that rick and morty were playing with ninja!!111!1

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This actually fits the game with their evergoing roaster of horror franchises. Also we got Natalie Dyer SFM model from this, sexy dirty slut.

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there was a first

Is this real?

Jesus I lasted about 10 seconds
How the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea

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what i wouldn't give to prolapse her anus

What's going on with this dude's neck/chin?
Wouldn't you be embarassed to have your likeness used in an image millions of people will see and you look like that?


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What the fuck happened to h3 anyway

It started as a lite version of sam hyde where they made fun of dumbass internet videos and had fun
Now it’s a political podcast where the definition of an ignorant boomer spouts opinions best described as joe rogan but even dumber

Did the money really corrupt them so hard? Did the lawsuit mindbreak them?

>Oh and don’t stress too much about the bio just put a joke or some shit in there nobody reads those, maybe mention one of two of your interests in there in case a girl who likes the same things sees it

This. Better yet, if you're in to a show that's popular among women (or whoever you're tryna fugg) use a quote from that. I spent weeks trying different well thought our bios and got no matches then changed it to "Pitter patter, let's at 'er." and got six decent matches over night. I don't even live in a big city.

If only!
My fakes folders can only do so much.

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I never even knew.

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would looking like carlos from RE3make but without the muscle be good enough?

Oh how I miss her. :(

All of your questions can be answered with one word.

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