Will you buy their game?

Will you buy their game?

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No because I'm not a coomer.

What game?

Yes because I am a coomer.

I could if you convince me. I was getting it in Ps4 but everyone said I shouldn't.

>25 year old JRPG masterpiece
>involved in coomer memes

Yas Forums is a mistake now.

Angela and Riesz makes my pp feel strange.

Maybe. I've been meaning to play the first three Mana games for like, 15 or so years now. Finally playing Final Fantasy Adventure. I'd kind of like to just play FFA and then SoM, then play ToM's remake next month to save time, but I'm trying to get through the original version of ToM before then since it's an SNES JRPG and those were pretty great. Plus, it's fun to compare versions. Sticking with the GB version of FFA and the SNES version of SoM because I hear that their remakes were kind of lacking.

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Maybe because I'm not sure if I'm a coomer just yet.

these fags always flock to the mana thread for some reason. daily reminder to fuck off you *oomer retards.

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>No multiplayer

It's based on an SNES game, so I assume there's more than just girls with enticing bodies to it.

wut gaem

The sad thing is this is the sort of thing Yas Forums would've done 14 years ago.

Trials of Mana

I've been out of the loop, does the PS4 version remove anything other than pantsu?

Already pre-ordered. On pc obviously.

I will buy Charlotte's game

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I'm even more out of the loop. Do the other versions not remove pantsu?

I probably won't, to be honest.

I recently picked up the Mana Collection, and I've been enjoying playing SD3 in an official capacity beyond the Neill Corlett version that I've had for the past twenty years.

For as much as I loved the story, the music, the characters and such, I feel like something special is missing when the beautiful sprite art is replaced by 3D, and the co-op aspect vanishes along with it. With the removal of those two things, it just seems like a very generic 3D JRPG. Feels pretty bad.

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No because I’m already playing a better game named Kenshi

yes because i cant be fucked with the original

>another /e/ coomershit game
fuck off

I’m thinking about buying collection of mana. Any thoughts? Should I just wait or for Trials or should I go ahead and get it?

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Yes. I still have fond memories of somehow getting 2 to run for the first time. I would have grabbed the Mana Collection if they brought it over right away, but they waited and waited, and only said they would finally bring it over during the same time they announced that they would be remaking 2. So, I figured I might as well keep myself fresh for Trials.

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Yes. Though I'm looking forward to Minecraft Dungeons more next month since I've played the original of this.

Assuming it's still happening anyway since they still haven't set a date yet.

Yes, can't decide between switch for physical or steam for mods

Do I need to play secret of mana before to get the games Story?

>What game?

The one in green is Ryda from Final Fantasy 4, right?

Yes most likely, not decided on which platform though.

Rydia has green hair, but she is cute.

Please wait for the PS4 version to actually come out or show any signs of censorship before complaining about it. The absolute state of paranoid sonyfags living in fear of their overlords these days.

>Do I need to play secret of mana before to get the games Story?
No, the games are largely unrelated and share no direct plot points.

I like that: they are making new gameplay perks like 'abilities'; dumb broken stats are being fixed; the classes are being rebalanced; there will be reclassing; and the fact that it's just coming out officially in the west at all in general.
I don't like that: it's an obviously cheap DQ11 asset reuse; Hiroki Kikuta got screwed and not a single new musical score was written for the game; the models look really cheap; English dubbing is shitshow as usual; retarded MMORPG-like BEEG RED dangerzone marker; it's being released only two weeks after the fucking FF7R; ergo it's probably going to fail.

Still looks better than SOM2 remake, though.

It's definitely not going to fail. And it's literally not re-using any DQ assets, just the UE4 engine. Also, the models are a great translation of the spritework.

The terrain look exactly like the ones in dq. The models look like they belong to ps3.

Game is like secret of mana but on steroids, best way to describe this game. One odd thing is that SoM played at 60 fps to SD3's 30 fps.

it's quite hilarious, seeing how this game and ff7re have the same battle system but it's done so much better in trials of mana


No, but tell me what it is, please, so that I may masturbate to it on the boorus when the time comes.

I got the collection because I never played ffa or trials. It was worth it for me and Trials has 3 altered stories so it wouldn't a bad idea to experience the original and the remake.

no way 2 toons that someone drew made their own game

btw you can play with english or japanese voice overs

I'll go with English like always.

You can play one half of the characters in 2D and then the other half in 3D. I've played the original with Kevin, Charlie, and Riesz, and I'm going to play the remake with them as well. I've recently replayed the original with Angela, Duran, and Hawke since I haven't played with that line-up. I really wish they made the remake such that all 6 could join the party, and you can switch party members in battle like FF12. Come to think of it, maybe they could add this feature in FF7R.

Nah, no fancy western LE for the console version for some reason and it's on PC, so I'll wait for the crack.

I wanna start a family with Riesz

>I've been enjoying playing SD3 in an official capacity beyond the Neill Corlett version that I've had for the past twenty years
Is the official translation any good?
I'm not sure I want to give SE any money for waiting 20 years with releasing SD3 in the west, and I've already played through the game 4 times with the fan translation, so its not like I'd experience something very new.
I'm also really turned off by the lack of multiplayer in the remake: these days, I think the multiplayer is one of the main selling points of both SoM and SD3.

What's your team?

Mine is Dogman/Cunny/Slut(Magic-user)

I will now buy your game.

Nope, but I'll jerk off to the doujins

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Post more coomer images.

i'm more excited for this than the ff7 midgar remake.
seems a lot better than the secret of mana remake, which was more of a 1:1 snes rom with phone tier 3d slapped on and nothing else.

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I wonder if wolfman will be broken in the remake as well. I also hope magic will be actually useful and fun.
As for me, maybe: Wolfman/Amazon/Thief for full buffing+debuffing and maximum physical damage. Add Moon Saber and the damage will be self-sustaining late game. Maybe replace Wolfman with Knight for elemental damage through sabers, if wolfman's level 1 charge attack isn't broken in this game.

>I refuse to play good games because attractive girls make me feel insecure
Might as well just off yourself m8

But you get more lore if you put Cunny and Wolfman in the first and second team slot.


i finished Duran/Angela's Route a couple of days ago. Thinking I'll go with Reisz/Hawkeye in the remake.

Fuck yeah. I played the original version last year in the collection of mana.
