Play fighting games

Play fighting games.

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Imagine using this to shill your game. Dumb 3S streamboars might as well play Mario Party

Play Smash Bros.

I own all of em on Switch except Undernight for now and pirated Granblue on PC but wasn't very impressed by it.

I'm not going to waste hundreds of hours to get good at a video game and play with stinky people when I could be playing better video games with normal people.

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>satisfying gamin

>to shill your game
>the game from 20 years ago that can be emulated on no fewer than 3 systems

I do and all my locals are cancelled because some faggots are worried about catching a cold.

Is Kuroda still in jail?

man, dude's ridiculous with every character. I've never seen a set where he plays mak, but here he just whips out the kara-fukiage SA2 with no issues. When I was playing 3s I could do Kara demons and some more tricky stuff, and I could get one kara fukiage after sa2, but follow up dash to reverse LP fukiage always dropped. Respect to anybody who can get that, shit is unusually difficult.

nobody is asking you to play smash bros

Wow a touch of death combo! Surely this is an excellent representation of fighting games. Everyone loves losing the game because they got hit once.

No seriously though, the parries are cool but that shit is stupid. It doesn't even appeal to combo fags because 80% of the combo is just the same super twice.

Holy based.

the supers aren't the hard part, it's the double kara fukiage

I used to play them all the time then they became boring as fuck. Guessing on wake up, instant overheads, etc that shit is so fucking gay feels like a coin flip sim

>o-only the smash players smell bad

I do but I'm taking a break until UNIST CLR comes out on PC since that's what most of my friends play. Honestly haven't been in the mood to play any other fighting games.

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I suck but I'm trying.
Still learning the very basics so I'm lucky to get a single win out of 10 matches. That being said, losing is fun in a way because I get to see myself do better on the rematch once I've figured out their tendencies.

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i would but there are too many to choose from and it must have a cool campaign because playing online is no fun in my eyes

>o-only the smash players smell bad

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I'm gonna finally play my copy of DOA4 that I bought in late 2018 for the first time. Never learned a 3D fighter, any tips?

>any tips?
KO the other person before they KO you.

>hundreds of hours
yeah maybe if your just dogshit at the game

>any tips?
download Dead or alive 5 last round core fighters on Steam and pirate the DLC


Have fun. DOA is generally on the easier execution end and more similar to a 2D fighter than you'd think.

How did Fighting games go from being the absolute most normalfag genre to a genre only played by a few autists jerking each other off?

Could it be that every single fighting game is nearly exactly the same for over 2 decades now? Only difference is a bit more shiny graphics and not even normalfags are retarded enough to eat that up.

The vast majority of people who purchase and play fighting games are casual players who will maybe play with friends a few times and maybe do some story mode. It has always been this way and still is. The newest Mortal Kombat sold over 10 million copies and the competitive playerbase for the game is proportionally tiny to that number.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

we did, as promised by Yas Forums everyone agreed on vampire Savior, got 2 okay-good players 3-4 new interested players.
come on Yas Forums on every Friday we are all gonma play
also All Yas Forums will play you guys promised.
please come, I actually was against vampire Savior because its somewhat popular here and there can be good players here, which goes against "we should pick a game that everyone should be at equal standing" but oh well its fun, and people are playing

Already do.
Maybe it's affecting my subconscious but all the tourneys and locals being canceled is slightly draining on my inner showboat to git gud right now but I'm still playing damn near everyday with the group.
Although, I should stop fucking around with my myriad of characters and make more of an effort to just stick with my main to iron out the new stuff
That or finally pick up Chaos

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Was really looking forward to Reflex 10k but NY is quarantined.

>He fell for the coronavirus propaganda

I Too larp about playing third strike on Yas Forums and Reddit! Also whatever new arcsys game is out =)

Holy cope.

Maybe make a discord for this instead of spamming threads that, by all accounts, is practically a /vg/ thread. Im not gonna be here all day F5'ing for the friday thread.

Fighting games are shit. Melee has more options and depth than the best fighting game on the market (Tekken7). Oh no I'm being combod lets hope he has poor execution. There are also no mindgames in fighting games UNTIL you've spent 10 years playing the series.

Low tier b*it.

i'm waiting for riot games to save the genre

No, the fighting game age is over

Melee is fun and traditional fighting games are fun. Stop being a faggot

No Project L? No thanks

What's the appeal of them?

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I did when I was a kid, but only with friends.
I honestly can't see myself spending thousands of hours mastering a video game, I have never taken this hobby so seriously.

>High tempo gameplay
>tons of depth while also maintaining a decent skill floor
>1v1 so you don't have to worry about retarded team mates ruining your chances of winning
>Offline meetups since lord knows your autistic ass doesn't have a pre-existing social life

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Those sprites and animations are so sexy, i'm gonna fuckin cum

Super/ultra moves, parries/coubters, and longer combos requiring precise inputs creates a barrier to entry most normals don't care to cross.

great sense of accomplishment even for your tiniest of achievement such as performing a simple combo that you couldn't do before

discord is gay

the journey, remeber all you need to do is be better than yesterday

Cum over here

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>third strike
>20 year old
>op doesn't say which fightan you should play

Imagine being so stupid

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I'm learning Rival Schools with a friend. Any advice for beginners? I think I want to main Natsu 2.

I do, Tekken 7, SFV and sometimes even Soul Claibur VI. Im REALLY into SFV since the champion edition though.

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I don't have any friends and I don't like talking

>so of course i just dump 100+ hours into generic military FPS multiplayer games instead, it's ok when it's autism i like

I spent ages getting good but they're pretty flawed conceptually
It's not worth it to get good
Their design is just shit


I enjoyed Tekken in the past, 3 specially, but up to 5 but I just can't keep playing it. I always found the juggling mechanic cheap, stupid and lacking of skill.

No, you just haven't played these games at a high level

Above average isn't a high level. Your statement could probably be applied to most competitive genres. Maybe you should play a sport.

Neither have you

So you two haven't actually played these games at a high level
For sure they are fun at a low-mid level, but the deeper you go the more flawed they become

Rev up that list of flaws.
Because 'flawed conceptually' it's just bullshit.

>y-you're wrong t-trust me bro
The easiest example is DBFZ, the fact that game is popular at all speaks volumes to how little fighting game players actually think about mechanics

Oh, I see.
You have zero arguments.

>still no arguments
And as far as PC goes DBFZ is far less popular than Tekken7