Play daggerfall

play daggerfall

Attached: 220px-Daggerfall_promo_screenshot.jpg (220x165, 18.46K)

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no thanks

no fuck you

fuck off todd

But I'm already playing Arena

Sure thing! While I'm busy downloading it, could you do me a favor and add Skyrim and Skyrim: Special Edition to my cart? They're both super fun classics and I recommend everyone buy another copy

>bawww there's no FPSlike easy combat like My First WRPG For Babies Skyrim, this sucks!

>wanna play daggerfall?
>make a highly specific class as you will never get out of the first dungeon if you use any other class
>then once you get out realize that the rest of the dungeons in the game are fuckhuge time sinks that throw inane bullshit at you like the brick walls that instakill you sometimes

Wow fun game

>old good new bad

skyrim is bad though


No, seriously, why? Have you just never played ANY actually good first-person RPGs?
You should try the following, in any order.
1. Ultima Underworld
2. Arx Fatalis
3. Lands of Lore
4. Might & Magic
5. Wizardry
6. The Bard's Tale

is gog the only place to get functioning copies of those grandpa rpgs

Pretty much, yeah. A lot of these IPs were snapped up by EA, Ubisoft, or Microsoft during the sixth/seventh-gen crunch, so a professional port or remaster is almost certainly not coming.

>make a highly specific class as you will never get out of the first dungeon if you use any other class
Are you actually retarded? lmao

I would hope they never get remastered this industry is incompetent trash

I know something like this in fallout 2. You can roll melee weapons and stroll through the temple or get fucked if you go guns because your melee accuracy will be

I did for like 20 hours and it was a lot of fun, it felt really immersive and I liked the size of the world, it gave the game an extra layer of immersion, especially being able to go into any building in pretty huge towns or just wander off in a random direction for hours and just see wilderness and featureless land.
In the end there's no real reason to play it other than novelty or nostalgic value, it's good but it's so dated that many games far surpass it.
The music was easily the best part, best of any TES game

>in the end there's no real reason to play it other than your personal enjoyment

I still find it retarded that it didn't start you off with a gun or at least give you one after the temple of trials. It would have made sense too. I mean they kept the vault dweller's jumpsuit so it wouldn't be too far fetched for them to keep his handgun as well.

I played a little, I thought it was fun.

daggerfall combat is more braindead than skyrim's



Is it true Todd voiced the skeletons?

Can I play Unity with this UI? I like it much better than the nonexistent UI of Unity.

What can I actually enjoy doing in it that I can't in Morrowind?

Only thing I can think of is being able to use the calendar to find the Daedric princes special summoning days and shit

Attached: House Indoril.jpg (1920x2218, 1.57M)

no it's just a stock sound effect

Being asked to play Daggerfall is kind of a lot. The game is ambitious but also a complete fucking mess.

Fallout 1 gave you a gun even if your Guns skill was your shittest combat skill.
It just makes sense. Give the poor bastard going out to his likely death a gun, at least.
Consider playing a no death run of Fallout 1. The stakes are unimaginably high.

Now that's some bullshit.
Now that's even more bullshit, I have to agree with that other user, you are retarded, you can run past more enemies and you don't even have to fight the final guy.

how? what system? what app?

Drag a cart around to load up with loot.
Climb walls as a strength character's alternative to magic levitation.
I dunno.
Daggerfall has a fun core, but the procedurally generated dungeons can only stay fun for so long.

this post kills the OP


Daggerfall is more FPS-like than Skyrim.


But he's right, new games are all dumbed down versions of older games.
All genres have become easier and simpler than what they used to be.

I did for a while with the unity port but it had issues that needed to be worked out so I'm waiting for a more finalized build.

why? there are tons of old crpgs that are better.

Daggerfall is meant to be a fantasy simulation. It's not an rpg like we think of one. It's suppose to simulate adventuring in a fantasy world.

Basically you're suppose to play it like you're playing D&D by yourself save for a computer calculating shit for you.

that's a retarded oversimplification

also OPs game suck gay dick

No, it's simply accurate, games are the most casual they have ever so if you are not a straight out casualfag, these are bad times.

>like you're playing D&D by yourself

Attached: Embarrassing.png (300x249, 82.82K)

is daggerfall unity playable yet

I thought it came out months ago and was getting constant threads on Yas Forums for a week?

I thankfully wasn't browsing Yas Forums all week

Play Daggerfall Unity

Attached: Daggerfall_LightMod.jpg (1920x1080, 658.38K)

Good tune but it the repetiveness drove me crazy after five minutes

In daggerfall you at least need to stock up on relevant potions if you don't want to immediately job.

>make specialised character
>run through dungeon making sure to close doors behind you
>get outside and fast travel to first proper town

>so dated that many games far surpass it
In scale and design there has never been a true successor. That's the whole reason for its resurgence with Unity. There's nothing like it.
Nothing with the fuck tonne of optional and exclusive factions, nothing with the world/dungeon vastness. Nothing with the complex reputation system.

If this game design was used in a contemporary title it would be unique in the market.

>The Bard's Tale
I tried it and it sucked.

I love grinding out rng dungeons and grinding maps on Obliv was also my favourite part about that game. I actually like the dungeon crawling roots of the series.
The rpg stuff is good in it as well. Books actually leading you to amazing lore abiding tools and benefits is just the cherry on top. Daggerfall is to sim what Morrow is to rpg and I prefer sim

Does it have everything implemented and working?

Yes, and plenty of cool mods.

It has everything since like 1 year ago.

Attached: Daggerfall_Undead_Army.jpg (1920x1080, 601.86K)

Does it still have the random (semi-)naked chicks scattered throughout various towns/buildings?

pre-battlespire/redguard elder scrolls has a boring setting

Of course! Also photos of all the chicks Todd banged hidden in various random paintings you can buyor steal at pawn shops.

Attached: Daggerfall_Lewd_Picture_01.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

>actually has the most unique setting
>but muh gnostic/hindu shit
Time to swallow the iron pill bruh

they are stashed in palaces too