Miss me yet?
Miss me yet?
No, fuck you
Better than MGR
Yes, I liked DmC more than 5.
please kys
not in a million years
Underrated game
So easily ignored just because dante's hair isnt white
Like boo fucking hoo
It was decent, name it any other title people would be sucking it's dick more
It's plain obvious they gave up in the middle of development, because the levels and the story just go full boringly retarded.
Fuck no, I'm glad Capcom told Tameem to fuck off and made DMC5.
>successfully gaslight everybody into thinking that the pajeet was responsible for all the dumb bullshit in DmC when it was actually your own direction and you strongarmed him into following it
It's the crime of the century, how did they get away with it?
DmC was pretty good overall besides that Dante could have been more likable. I didn't mind Vergil being a total douchebag in it.
It was a 6/10 game. It's fine to like it, and DMC5 isn't without its flaws, but don't even think to compare the two
He's actually Greek/half Greek if I remember cor-
>"is the Afghan-born coder, and son of a Cypriot assassin, who set up shop in a bedroom, rewrote the rules of indie gaming and overnight became very, very rich."
>implying ninja theory's original concepts were any better
Have you seen their fucking concept art?
I like DmC's environments, soundtrack, and main antagonist more.
The environments are cool for the most part but the They Live-esque words pasted onto everything get really obnoxious. >LOLOL EVERYTHING SAYS OBESITY AND CONSUME DO YOU FUCKING GET IT YET???
Soundtrack is whatever, I don't care for wubstep. I guess it's fitting for the style of the game.
DmC's Mundus is equally as obnoxious as all the floating text. He literally exists to preach "capitalism bad" to the player rather than to be an actual character.
And for clarity, I don't give a fuck what themes the game is trying to convey. They wanna smash capitalism, fine whatever,
have fun. The issue is that the game's social commentary completely overrides the construction of an actually compelling, unique villain. Their writing priorities are completely out of order and it's distracting at best.
Heavenly Sword
and it wasn't very good when they called it that either
It's interesting how westerners can't make action games to save their lives and at the same time Japs can't make first person shooters or real time strategy games.
Almost like certain elements of game design and knowledge are embedded into different cultures through repeated and exponentially-growing exposure
>almost like
go back to ró ›ˇeddit
So, what's next for Devil May Cry?
DmC 2: the netflix anime
>we will never see the true vision of methhead dante
pretty sad desu, if youre going to change might as well go all the way on it
the story and chracters of dmc sucks ass because they were still trying to mimic the old dante/vergil relationship
Oh, I forgot about that.
I hope you enjoy Dante's depiction as a cartoonish flamboyant homosexual
Will Dante get buttfucked by Vergil?
The weird thing is that they give Mundus this big speech where he justifies everything he's done and Donte just goes "lol I killed ur kid tho". Like they forgot to actually preach their message. There's no counter to the things that Mundus says about human society needing structure. Donte doesn't stand for anything, he just kills Mundus because he's evil.
This game would have been remembered fondly as a decent hack n' slash if it simply was a new IP instead of what actually happened.
Nah, that would please fujoshis and that's the last thing they want (they were anything but happy about Buttlucard).
Probably Dante will be fucked in the pooper by a Donovan expy.
>.... and now the path is clear for us to rule
I almost punched my tv
Man, I should go back to play the DMC games.
Never played them before and the DMC 5 hype convinced me to start, but I only finished DMC 1.
Once I'm done with the game I'm playing right now I'll start DMC 2.
Behold, literally the only decent weapon/gun design from DmC
I ask as someone who only played DMC 1:
Was DmC a bad game from a pure gameplay standoint, or all the hate is due to the story and reinterpretation of old characters?
DmC streamlined weapon switching to the shoulder buttons allowing for the greatest ease in weapon swapping in the series. However, that's it's only strength.
I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, and I hope it doesn't discourage you from playing 3
I wouldn't.
fucking V is better than entirety of DMC:DmC
Dark Souls 2 and Nioh are two games that are considered the worst of the worst by everyone but I personally think they're good games and are among some of my favorite games ever. So, I'll give DMC 2 the benefit of the doubt.
Also, I don't believe on skip games; as long as I can if I get into a series I play in order.
I hate Dark Souls 2 and it's still a far, far better game than DMC2
But hey, I respect your attitude. Go for it user
is there anything that isn't reddit for you retards
God speed, user. I admire your spirit. I'll just warn you again, this is one of those situations where there's a little more merit than usual to the hate.
As an action game, DmC is relatively alright but almost all the things that make it alright are directly pulled from Itsuno's games, and from what we know from interviews and whatnot, those aspects wouldn't be there if Itsuno wasn't forced to give assistance because of the shit state the game was in prior.
Other than that, it actually feels incredibly stiff and fights feel like you're wading through mud with a stick up your ass.
The original release (the only on the PC STILL) also has no lock-on and the substitute for moves that were previously locked behind it are terrible. A double forward input for Stinger is trash and thanks to the removal of lock on, launchers have a dedicated button which further dumbs down the movelists.
The original also has TWO buttons solely dedicated to the dodge which is just redundant, regardless of whether or not you believe that an action game should have a dedicated dodge button or at least require an extra layer of execution like prior DMC games.
I'm sure you've already heard how shit the story and characters are too.
>main antagonist more
Jesus fuck, what sewer were you born in?
>Also, I don't believe on skip games; as long as I can if I get into a series I play in order.
fucking based. Don't be a retard and skip DMC2, make your own experience with it and decide yourself. You'll end up skipping it either way, but atleast you will know what and why you are skipping
I legit want a DMC 2
The two series should run concurrently. The Jap series and the American series.
There is only one true Vergil
i will always just pretend DmC is an actual prequel with kat dying at some point making dante become the wacky pizza man because theres no point taking shit seriously anymore and DMC3 starting right after virgins DLC
Why even bother adding DmC to your head canon? It doesn't even work as a prequel with Mundus, all the angel bullshit, the characters' backstories and general personalities. Why bother?
What the fuck is that
I agree
I disagree
I imagine that some time between 4 and 5 Dante wrote a screenplay based on his life and sold it off to some retarded film company who made DmC the movie.
Just make the Netflix series a DmC sequel. It's not like anyone cares about DmC's gameplay and it would perfectly fit the target demographic.
it was a fun little action game and better than the majority of western made action games
I agree with playing a series in order but who considers Nioh 'the worst of the worst?'