Granblue Fantasy Versus

Will you play their game now since it's already on PC?

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>delay based netcode
>no crossplay
Naturally, I won't.

>90% of matches found get cancelled 5 seconds later
Is it all South Americans

New york lobby is packed.

Any tips on playing Metera?

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Shoot things until they die

We won't miss you.

I'll buy it the day that Cagliostro is announced and not one day sooner.

Post sexy mature ladies

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Already bought it. Will probably regret it when I drop it in a week but fuck it I'm having fun now.

Is it cracked yet?

I will buy when she gets in

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No bonuses no play no pay

My biggest fear of playing fighting games on PC is that there is no community there and a year from now there'll only be about 50 people playing. Cross-play should be a necessity for fighting games.

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Reminder that Vyrn weapons are banned at tournaments and should be banned in ranked. They lower cooldown on EX moves and turn one button specials into instant cooldowns negating the difference between technical and easy inputs. The only thing that hasn't been confirmed is if they mitigate the damage that some characters lose between easy and technical like Fastiva's 360s doing more damage than easy.

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Has this been confirmed?

The netcode is still garbage and buying it supports gachashit, so hell no

>£75 for the game + character pack

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can someone post ferry skirtpics? thanks

What if they don't die after getting shot?

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Street Fiver scared japan away from cross play.

I want Zooey to fucking come out already.
I've been waiting for her from day 1 and I've wanted her announced for Relink since it was announced in like 2016.
I'm also upset the PC version gets no codes despite the fact I barely touch the gacha

Yes, by multiple sources. It's the reason why every tournament has banned them after the first day.

How many people are playing right now?

Shoot them more


There were a few hundred people in the open lobbies when I was there 2ish hours ago.

I don't get how I'm already B rank despite fighting for like 2 online matches at most.

I'm rank b1 and i've won nearly every match out of just under 50

>fighting games on PC

I swear I didn't do anything weird.

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you can show us your name on the playercard. it's different than your steam id, unless you made it to be the same. Mine is GranblueifulJoe

In a week from now? Like 10

what, how do you unlock them?

Winning all the placement matches puts you at B1, losing 1 puts you at B3, no idea what beyond that

Different shit in RPG mode. Stuff like dying 5 times as Ferry, beating Bahamut Proto 3 times as Zeta, pausing for 60 seconds straight as Narm.

Mirin when


>mfw I get my shit kicked in but the guy said "you were fine"

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prove this to me, I just went and tested for myself and cd on various moves on the same character, one with vyrn weapon one without, were exactly the same for both

take what you can get

So €80 with the DLC?

whats a delay based netcode?

does an ex easy input special have the same cool down as a normal ex move?

>shit netcode
>no crossplay
>late port

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Is the RPG mode worth anything at all in terms of content? Stuck with shitastic DSL with some ass levels of latency so online is kind of a no go for me. There any value here outside online?

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There's input delay to sync players together. It makes it so that the game looks smooth when playing online, but if you're too far away from the person or someone has a shitty internet connection, it can feel like shit because there's increased input delay. It's not bad by any means, people just prefer rollback.

Press button, character does thing 0.25 seconds later

No not sit on my lap, sit on my face

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I don't know why people keep going on about rollback when it's been proven that nips can't implement it properly to save their lives

is it -50% off yet on g2a or cdkeys

So you only play fighting games with rollback/crossplay?

Not much of a list

I'm gonna make Narmaya a secondary until they buff her or something. It feels like it takes 5x as much work to even be decent with her.

I wish all you guys the best, and hope you enjoy your game for the 2 months generic anime fighter #1578912 is relevant.

A month late is certainly a lot better than most jap FGs, but the other two factors are way more important.

Except Capcom did implement it properly in MVCI, they just bungled everything else.

Who else is excited for Djeeta?

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Doesn't she have a cannon crush on Stan?

djeeta's ex timbs..