Left or Right?
Left or Right?
>pick female character.
>people call you a tranny.
>pick a male character.
>people call you a fag.
What do Yas Forums?
stop caring about what other people think, you trannyfaggot
Left Knight/Kung Fu/Genie
Right West/Cyber/Ninja
The one that is cute and funny.
what the fuck, I imagined the female character looking better judging by the fanart but in reality she looks like a retard.
whats the opposite version of that supposed to be?
Yumi is yummy
This nigga gets it.
Who are these people? Do people come into your house on the regular and berate you for your choices in video games?
Reminder: Yumi is easy mode. So aside from being a lolicon if you pick her, you’re also a filthy casual.
Left was easy mode.
You dirty casuals
I don't want to disrespect my dad on here.
Just beat the game twice. One with each character.
I say it like this: I likes ya, and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way, the choice is yours.
>likes lunch
fuck off yumi. I know the superior choice when I see it.
Wild and silly
Left was better all around.
The Monkeys using the net to catch you was one of the scariest experiences I ever had in a game.
>had a crush on that one girl/monkey/singer thing
>would go to the last section in the songbook just to replay her song over and over
Did anyone else do this? Also
>spent hours creating skits in that miniature movie maker
wrong game, you get called a pedo either way
I always mistook them for these two
Right, I don't have latent tranny inclinations so I don't play as the girl unless there's no choice.
OK coomer
I always played as the guy.
Childhood is wanting to date the right one
Adulthood is realizing left would make a better wife
Fuck you Yas Forums quit making me tempted in buying more of these shitty games for the c
But I wanted to date the other one because I thought she was cute.
The one on the right seems like someone I could be friends with
why are you gay
>ape escape
nigger run is peak playstation FUN
Adulthood is wanting to fuck both
You think these games are funny?
I am a boy so I play as a boy.
Simple as that.
they are also very cute
God I would give anything for a remaster or sequel to this
What, you don't? What the fuck's wrong with you? Did your mom drink while she was pregnant, did your dad drop you on your head as a baby?
Quit chimping out
Yes. I don't know who they are or where they come from. I lock my doors, turn of all the lights, and they still manage to get in.
What, just cause I'm black I'm chimping out? You don't know I'm black. You don't know anything. You're nothing. You're always going to be nothing. Fuck you.
Honestly I'd rather play as Kei if it weren't for his retarded, unnaturally spiky blue hair. I know you shouldn't care about how a character looks over how they play but I just can't help it
Right fucking left
I played as the boy back in the day when I played this. Nowadays I would absolutely choose Yumi.
Left cheated on TM Revolution in real life though
When I was young, I would play as Yumi and intentionally let the monkeys steal the net and capture her. It turned young me on. Now I play H-games with female protagonists, so i guess I know where that came from. Thanks Sony Computer Entertainment America!
Look it up this was nearly 20 years ago though
Should I play Ape Escape 2 or just skip to 3? I've never really heard anything good about 2.
Eh, 2’s good but it feels really different. I’d say you can jump to 3 if you want something similar to 1. Then play 2 if you really want more.
superhero Sayaka
Left. Why the fuck is this even a question?
>Favorite subject: English
>Favourite subject: Japanese
I don't fucking believe you.
haven't you heard, we aren't using the word "fun" anymore
Cute and funny > Wild and silly
no, that's teenagehood
some never grow out of it
Probably differences between the EU and NA releases.
Yeah I understand that but that seems like an odd thing to 'localise'. Then again they did also change the main characters names for no reason.
Here's your Spike bro
Wait, what the fuck was the chara designer thinking, giving spats to an underage?
why do you ask questions you already know answers to? Do you chuckle to yourself as you solve the captcha and hit submit knowing full well the reason? Fucking grow up.