I want to make Mario as famous as Mickey Mouse

>I want to make Mario as famous as Mickey Mouse


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I mean, he kind of already is.

it pretty much already is

In this current day, Mario is probably more well known. When was the last time you see a kid holding a Mickey Mouse plush compared to a Mario one.

Bizarre how Mario has less personality despite having much longer stories told with him

he do be kinda already doe

>as famous as Mickey Mouse
Has Mickey Mouse appeared in anything released in the last sixty years? I think he's in faggot hearts? I am in my mid-twenties and the only time I have seen Mickey Mouse in my entire life is the two minutes he shows up in Fantasia.

We did it boys the reign of Mouse is no more

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It's amazing how quickly Mario overtook Mickey.

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Disney as a company is more well known than the mouse. More kids would recognize Disney over Mario but not Mickey over Mario.

It says a lot more about how they squandered Mickey as a character throughout most of the last 40 years. The new Paul Rudish shorts are the closest they've gotten to giving him a personality instead of making him a bland milquetoast mascot. Even Walt Disney didn't see Mickey as some goody two-shoes who always did the right thing.

You obviously haven't been to the baby section of any store.

Mickey is in almost every nursery in the entire US. Everyone born within three last fifty years had any least one baby item with Mickey on it.

Yo could probably argue Mario merchandise makes more, but 100% of the population recognizes Mickey

That’s what happens when jews take over.

The real question is, who's more popular: Mario or Pikachu?

That seems to be the case for all worldwide mascots, you can't have them be too derivative or unappealing, they have to maintain a blank slate to fit in any scenario and so on. Mario does show some character but compared to the rest of the cast he's just there to bounce off them or for them to bounce off him. Only now are you seeing Mario with some personality.

On a meta note, as soon as he got more character you started to see him with better promo models. Part of what made Mario so soulless and sterile were those shitastic GC-era models that still get used to this day. Compare Rare's stuff in the fucking mid 90's.

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Mario >>>> china rat

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>as famous
Mario already beat Mickey quite a few years ago.

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I did say GameCube-era models. The N64-era was still a time where Nintendo wasn't so protective and gungho on keeping things in such a set format. But those Gamecube models were outright horrible.

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I'm just showing how he changed a bit. Honestly the Gamecube ones aren't bad (there are some really good ones that are to big for me to post). Renders became less interesting for sure, but they didn't become awful until the Wii and DS era.

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He succeeded. In fact, I see Mario all the time, but Mickey largely only exists as silhouetted ears now. When was the last time Disney released a major motion picture starring Mickey?


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Fair point. In fact, you're right about DS/Wii era. But remember Mario Party 8 did have some good looking models.

He may not be as well known but Mario is arguably more famous, and easily much more beloved.

Yes but they're closer to his current design than those older ones, something weird about those

One thing I find really interesting is that from the 64 and prior they would also include backgrounds. I guess starting with the gamecube they decided there was no point in rendering the backgrounds since the technology was so much more advanced. I think that illustrations are the best way to handle the artwork now. This is from the SNES and puts the Wii and DS to shame.

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Been there, done that.

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For the time I think they were good, but I'm glad that we're seeing even better now.

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The N64 model was based around his classic look, you see how stubby he looks there and on any of the SM64 renders.

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He has that cartoon short series right now. They play it on some TVs on Disney, they upload it to YT, and they (I think) play it on Disney Channel. He was also in Epic Mickey, but yeah, it does feel weird for him to be a character mascot who isn't really involved with his brand. As a kid, I watched House of Mouse, and he was in that too. But that was the extent of what I knew him for other than just being the face of the company.

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>Epic Mickey
We try to forget about that game. I'm glad that it introduced me to Oswald though.

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nobody cares about mickey anymore so he did it

He got his wish I guess. Really because Disney took Mickey behind the barn due to his association with Walt.

The fuck are you on about? The GC models were fine. You're misconstruing it for the DS models, aka the sterilized New look beginning in 2006 with NSMB.

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Turns out the reasoning for that may have to do with the new size comparison chart Nintendo had created for that era. I'd post it if I had it, but basically everyone looked like they walked right out of NSMB including DK which what explain why some of his artwork looked so bland at the time.

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No one remembers jack shit from when they were a baby though.

Mario is a major gaming icon and gaming is extremely relevant now to people of all younger age groups (i.e. what anyone would actually fucking remember). Mickey's silhouette is more recognizable than the actual character is, as others have noted he's been completely and utterly squandered in recent times. I would argue that Donald Duck is more well known than Mickey is.

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I have it.

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>tfw nintendo world is going to be using the bland 3d world shit
its not fair bros

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I just managed to find a comparison.

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I'm guessing this chart is also why Piranha Plant is a super heavyweight in smash.

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>I would argue that Donald Duck is more well known than Mickey is.
He's not more well known than Mickey but he is indisputably more popular, and you could argue he pretty much always has been.
I'd even argue Goofy is more popular than Mickey. At the very least he seems to resonate far more with people when he's played up as a bumbling, well-meaning dad.

Mickey is just there to be a corporate face.

which era are the rows from?

>That top Yoshi
I think Mario Party 10 did that too and it stuck out like a sore thumb.

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Top I believe was made for 3ds while bottom is gamecube. It looks to me that they used the NSMB renders to update it.

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You guys hyped?

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It’s so weird to see pre rare DK on official Mario art

Say what you will, but Mario cannot beat Mickey. Mario's merchandise cannot even beat Winie Pooh, much less Mickey's merchandise.

Mario also has a huge problem, he has no personality. Mickey is very bland annoyingly lame and inoffensive family friendly of garbage, but you can say he has a personality. Since Nintendo is autistic and obsessive about Mario not having a personality? I have to say I don't give a shit about him. His games may be fun to play but he sure as fuck isn't interesting. I would sooner watch a movie about Luigi exploring a haunted mansion with ghosts than the incoming Mario movie. God damn it, give Mario a personality and a speaking voice already in cut scenes.

What can you even do with Mickey Mouse? I can't Mickey Mouse seriously for two reasons his lame personality as a nice guy combined with his grating voice. I don't care what annoying says Mickey Mouse's voice sounds like a dude having their testes squeezed and hearing that voice in some dramatic scenes from Kingdom Hearts kills all drama. It's just a garbage voice. I just hate Mickey's voice way too much. And you can't do much with a character who sounds like Mickey.

I think that game came out at a time where both D.Ks were sort of coexisting.

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They tried to, but dropped all that once the Wii came out.

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