What a shitty map.
What a shitty map
Looks like Just Cause
What shitty bait
What a great map.
Oh man have you guys SEEN this crowbcat video? Wild stuff
Imagine if Rockstar made a map this big
grove street. home.
maybe 30 years from now
The map's weird because the city is one of the best, if not the best city ever designed in a videogame, but the rest of the map feels like they just rushed something to put there, like they felt like it needed to have something else, so they just attached this big patch of land on top.
This is the worst video game map of all time.
The hard part eouldn't be making a map of that size, it'd be writing and implementing story that actually makes use of all of it.
Why are there nazis in Walnut Creek?
vice looks kind of shoehorned in there, its like miami where louisana would be
Why is Los Santos an island?
Did you know that according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible
>the desert is the size of 2-3 blocks
>the swamp's like a small street in length and width
>countryside towns are way too close and completely barren of anything really
>its half the map is is wasted by water and mountains episode
GTA III was the only map connected to the mainland
If there's one thing I absolutely fucking hated about los santos, it was those twisty roads that connected downtown to the rural areas
Made driving a pain in the ass unless you went the long way around, and even then you still had to traverse the stupid roads to get to sandy shores
That's bumblebees, and it's still wrong.
No idea
The Rapids area is beautiful though, it made me go /out/
It's more like Miami stapled to Arizona
>because the city is one of the best, if not the best city ever designed in a videogame
the aesthetics are god-tier, the design is dogshit. it's layed out as a realistic clusterfuck that doesn't serve gameplay at all and there are very few interiors or interesting places to actually visit.
Lol fuck off IV was trash and so was the map.
They should have just made a grander version of San Andreas. Everything in online takes place in that garbage wasteland up north.
This is just too unrealistically large. Even The Crew isn't nearly this big and it's meant to represent the entire country.
>imagine if rockstar made something good
Perhaps in 10 to 15 years it could be done, but Rockstar would need to overhaul their engine.
i love V's map, its a great facsimile of LA, the way the city leads into the hills and then into the boonies is fantastic and there is plenty of variety in the map between forrest, mountains, desert and rivers to make non automobile transport a blast. I love offroading in V and biking around the mountians.
Everything that made SA great V did better, the only shortcoming is no las venturas
it's a space time disruption if you go there you end up in 1939 Habsburg
>Everything that made SA great V did better
Try made better map for PS3 256mb VRAM, don't forget this shit is 7 years old, and development started in 2008-2009.
>once you see it
You wont convince me with you no counterarugments faggot, SA is an excellent game no one is taking that away from you hell it even has the better story but 5 has the better map
Atleast in the original San Andreas they had us go through practically the whole map with the missions
Gta San Andreas still feels huge, just driving from one city to another only takes a few minutes but it’s such a comfy feeling
What ruins the map for me is that big lake at the top, makes it look like a Ninja Turtle.
Flight Simulator 2020 map is much bigger
They removed minigames a like horse racing and I never really found going downhill that fun in V since you always had full control over your vehicle, even in air. All going down hill and into a jump did was make your bike go a little faster instead of the ultimate test to survive like it should be.
GTA V is a huge disappointment in ways more than just the horrible map.
oh yeah, 2 petabytes map, miss me with that shit.
>its a great facsimile of LA
I mean it's decent enough that if I watch a movie with LA I can instantly place it in terms of V's map, but to say it's enjoyable is another thing. V's map is mostly wasted space. It went on and on about having animals and a forest and shit, but it's only one little outcrop next to the highway. Giant fucking body of water in a landmass SURROUNDED by water, desert is super small, even though that's the ONE excuse to have a large area of nothing, and 90% of the map is the boonies. Like they got tired halfway though making the city and decided to just fill it with desert. V's map is trash. It's like 20% of what it should have been.
It's not all stored on your hdd at once retard
I know it retard.
so why would you complain about data size retard
It makes sense in a game where you're in the air 99.9% of the time, but in a game where you're on the ground and have to navigate through roads and cities and such, it's just not realistic or feasible at the moment.
Just have a different story per area. Maybe some sort of world changing economic event or imminent war in the background.
It felt bigger back then
It's not the actual map, just a rendition made in the sims engine
Same as
>Deliver the truck from Sin Lake City to South Whetstone
Game size would be fucking 5 terabytes
It's still basically two main roads with bridges connecting it.
bait you retard
Your face is wrong retard,HAHAHAHAHAHA,goteem
I'm kind of disappointed they didn't use more of it.
By that I mean SOLO game, they made so much money with Sharkcard they didn't care a bit for solo mission you can do, with AI less retarded than your typical player.
After RDR2 I wish they would do a world that size, but skip the awful scripted missions and use that effort to flesh out the map with stuff to do like the treasure maps. It'll never happen, but that'd be a dream game.
Then they had the audacity to say they didn't "milk GTA Online enough," when RDR2 came out, lol
Speaking of R2D2, is that pic still relevant?