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ITT: Only the best RPGs
Brayden White
Kevin Gutierrez
>not a single Shining or SaGa game to be found
I can always count on /vg/ to have shit tastes in everything.
Levi Rogers
>no Mario and Luigi games
Robert Perry
Most JRPGs aren't even RPGs to begin with.
Also how old is this picture?
John Scott
>recommending the whole Fire Emblem series and not just the good games
Liam Howard
>Chrono Cross
>fucking Fire Emblem 7, over any other FE
>no Rudra no Hihou
I'm sorry, does /vg/ stand for Very Gay or something?
Ayden Russell
I've played a few FFs and Disgaea. Where is the Fire emblem? what do you hit nintendo?
>ITT: Only the best RPGs
Well if were talking WRPGs too
Bentley Peterson
go to sleep, todd
Mason Sullivan
Ys Origin and/or Oath in Felghana belong there.
Bentley Fisher
Nicholas Clark
I reckon 2012. Xenoblade chronicles is on which was a 2012 na release. But no FE awakening or ni no kuni, which are early 2013.
Josiah Ortiz
>Most JRPGs aren't even RPGs to begin with.
Michael Murphy
The list is pretty strong. Trouble is, the list is fucking old. Or rather the games are old and there hasn't been much progress since then.
Adrian Sanchez
The exact opposite is true. Reddit calls everything with stats an RPG.
Logan Sullivan
FE Awakening and No No Kuni we’re both mediocre at best. Ni No Kuni had literally nothing going for it aside the art style and music, and awakening is the most poorly balanced, least fun fire emblem game I’ve played.
Noah Cook
You guys sure seem to know a lot about what people say on reddit. If I didn’t know better I’d think you frequented there or something.
Austin Reyes
It organized well, at least.
Lincoln Butler
>Dragon Quest
>two entries
>Final Fantasy
>nine entries
Eat shit toriyamafags
Ian Thomas
>Disgaea 1
>Chrono Cross
>KH1 over KH2FM
>Devil Survivor but no Strange Journey
not even a big JRPG guy but this sucks. who the fuck made this?
Eli Perez
Devil Survivor 1 is generally a good time though. Strange Journey is kind of boring to me, as far as SMT goes.
Josiah Brown
Radiant Historia is boring as shit.
Christopher Roberts
>>KH1 over KH2FM
It seems like if it's a series with a continuing story, the chart just goes to the first one? I can't imagine why it would recommend Trails in the Sky over SC or Ao no Kiseki otherwise.
Connor Watson
Is Valkyria Chronicles really an RPG?
Matthew Morales
Numbers are going up. That was enough for nips to call things RPGs for a long time.
Landon Mitchell
I don't remember the name of the game but it was a rpg that made a reviewer seethe when he died multiple times to a boss which prompted a trophy that says consult a FAQ already. Just for that alone it deserves the title of a great game.
Isaiah Sullivan
Ys Oath in Felghana
Sebastian Flores
honest question: is dragons dogma an jrpg?
Alexander Ward
WTF I thought V liked Dark Cloud 2...
Jason Martinez
>literally missing by far the best JRPG of all time Xenoblade 2
Colton Powell
LeRedditor in self-denial detected.
Thomas Reyes
Most of these j"rpg" aren't actually RPGs...
Connor Rivera
Add Dark Souls and Dragon Quest XI
Carter Thompson
>no Front Mission
I guess Square werent the only ones that forgot about the series
Jonathan Jackson
Of the list, I still need to play:
Dragon Quest 5
Final Fantasy 5
Lost Odyssey
Skies of Arcadia
SMT Devil Survivor
SMT Nocturne
Star Ocean 2
Star Ocean 3
Tactics Ogre
Tales of Abyss
Valkyrie Profile
Currently going through Suikoden 2. Redpill me Yas Forums. What JRPG is worth playing next?
Chase Perry
Play Ar Tonelico.
Liam Cox
Your list isn't that great.
DQ and FF are very formulaic.
Lost Odyssey has this retarded gating level at the end of the first disc that will likely require restarting the game and building for.
Devil survivor was a pretty bad SMT.
I played Star Ocean: The Last Hope (4) and it had a rather weak story. Fight mechanics weren't that great either. I assume 2 and 3 are similar.
I probably wouldn't bother with Tactics Ogre if you've played FF tactics.
Valkyrie profile games have good story but the combat sucks. Covenant of the Plume was definitely the best one.
Isaiah Cooper
I've always wanted to get into non-Persona SMT games and SMT 5 is taking forever so Nocturne it is. Thanks user.
Logan Richardson
>Devil survivor was a pretty bad SMT.
What a bad take.
Hunter Kelly
That's fucking normie RPGs, not best RPGs. Most people haven't even heard of the best RPGs. These are the ones that had ads on TV and magazines thanks to $$$ poured in marketing them and their consoles being popular as duck.
Jose Lewis
>OG Nier
>And not Nier Buttomata
Nice taste /vg/
Brandon Carter
>no breath of fire
>no azure dreams
This is why /vg/ is shit. They don't know anything.
Brandon Harris
lmao fuck off retard. JRPGs are fucking trash dumbed-down weeb shit for literal subhumans. Nonexistent plot, nonexistent characters, grindfest. And i played through a lot of them cause i didnt know better
Kevin Gonzalez
>no eternal sonata
Not the best jrpg, but a amazing story
Jayden Bennett
You forgot SMT Persona 5.
Leo Lopez
But jrpgs are the quintessential reddit genre
Ayden Ortiz
It's not a horrible list, but a lot of it doesn't make sense. Why are so many FF games on there but no Kiseki games past FC? Why is Chrono Cross first spot? Why is P4 on their at all? Where are the Mana games? Where's Wild Arms 2? Why is whoever made this the kind of person that pretends TWEWY was good? Why is KH on there but not KH2?
Camden Long
Holy shit, I just realized that was missing. So is the entire .Hack series.
XB1 is fantastic. XB2 is trash.
Tyler Clark
I will never forget comrade.
Xavier Campbell
>twin party members
>one specialize in healing magic and the other in damage magic
How many jrpgs do this?
Connor Cruz
>Valkyrie profile games have good story but the combat sucks
Guess you didn't play 2.
Brody Nguyen
oh no no no no
Nolan Hernandez
Actually I was thinking about 2 specifically.
Though 1 hasn't aged well.
Landon Bennett
>a list not afraid to put more than 3 FF games
Putting in Golden Sun but not TLA is questionable and Wild Arms + Fire Emblem deserve at least SOME representation, but otherwise that is a fine fucking list right there. I can even forgive the inclusion of Symphonia
Star Ocean 3 is the best of those
most wrpg fans are subbed to rpg_gamers or just rpg
Sebastian Jackson
>fallout 4 and skyrim
yes, consooom more
Lincoln Morales
rip ni no kuni
Caleb Roberts
>Puts both Paper Marios
>Doesn't put their fucking dad in it
Sebastian Bennett
>implying that normies who play skyrim have interest in rpgs
David Edwards
>Chrono shit
>Mother shit
>Paper backtrack through the whole fucking game Mario TTYD
I'm Yas Forums, and this is not my fucking list
Asher Reed
>Only the best RPGs
Not a single game in that image is an RPG.
Hudson Lee
Easton Peterson
nah it's great, the remake just fucks it up
Eli Wright
first two posts best two posts
Jaxon Murphy
Final Fantasy IV
Lost Odyssey
honestly are there that many?
Ayden Moore
And Dragon Quest IV and Dragon Quest XI