Boring designs

>Boring designs
>Arguably the worst looking stage in the game, with backgrounds and models looking like they came straight from a ps2 game
>Stage itself doesn't do anything new or interesting functionally either
>The FD/BF versions of the stage aren't even consistent with the rest of the games
>No personality or memorable quotes
>Doesn't represent a new series like the other 4 passes
>Even while the game was at it's most relevant, hardly any requests for them were made by anyone when compared to other games series characters.
>Even the bubble that is the FE fandom isn't satisfied, they complain that it wasn't Tharja or Hector or Lyn, etc. instead.
>Only coming with 13 songs
>Only one remix, by far the least(excluding DQ) despite obviously not having any legal issues with getting them
>Spirit battles are generic and lame
>Moveset is generic, when you look past the "muh multiple weapons" and find that they just have generic functions. Compared to Hero's menu or Terry's Go and charge mechanics there's barely anything new brought to the table
>Only DLC character to not have any combos past 2 hits from 0%
>Entire gameplan revolves around short hop fair and bair

There's a reason why Byleth apologists have to resort to insulting people in order to defend them. Because even the slightest amount of critical thought other than thinking that anything FE related is absolutely perfect always reveals tons of issues with them. I think it would be hard enough to argue that Byleth is even mediocre compared to the average smash pick, let alone "good"

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He tried to warn us.

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Also forgot

>Final Smash is an ugly mobile graphic with 2 frames of animation

But seriously, after the last hundred times smashfags convinced themselves that some character is 100% in, only to have it blow up in their face, I can't feel sorry for anyone who was expecting Dante.

Byleth is based solely because she pisses off rostertrannies.

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Hhaha yeah we should eat shit so "rosterfags" (aka anyone who doesn't think the entire game should be just FE characters) would have to smell it

I'd rather have more FE characters than garbage like Geno or Green Samus.

Honestly I just hate all of you smash players so whatever makes you mad is ok in my book

Not to mention that these were the same niggers who shitted all over Hero/Erdrick and Terry for fucking months.

Way to prove me right.

It would really piss me off if you ate shit so you should do it.

Seethe more. I hope alfonse gets in next, followed by Seliph.

That wouldn't make me as mad as you eating your own shit. You need to get on that to really make people who actually play games that aren't anime styled mad

>Byleth is literally only hated because they're a FE character and nothing else

>You hated these other characters too even though they didn't get nearly the same negative reaction!

Which is it?

We get it, they're shit. It's time to move on. Also anyone who exclusively refers to Byleth as a "she" is a retard and a coomer. You will always just be the default no matter how hard you try to push it on twitter and Smash tournaments.

Another thing

>was almost blatantly false advertisement after Reggie's statement of characters being "ones you would never expect like Joker and Sakurai's of being from "brand new worlds"

This character does LITERALLY NOTHING RIGHT.

Fodlan was a new world dumbass.

PLEASE tell me how it's any different than any FE world other than it having another name that was made using a random fantasy name generator.

To be fair I don't think anyone expected them to add another FE rep.

Most expected it to happen just not in the pass where "every character is like Joker I promise! :)))))"

>they didn't nearly the same negative reaction
The fuck are you going on about. You smashfaggots hated every single DLC character that wasn't Banjo.

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Exactly. They delivered on their promise technically.
At least you can look at rule34 of female byleth and pretend you're raping her.

>The fuck are you going on about. You smashfaggots hated every single DLC character that wasn't Banjo.

That would be convenient for your narrative wouldn't it?

>Every other DLC character has much better like/dislike ratio
>Every other character at Nintendo NYC had the crowd roaring while Byleth just got a polite golf clap

>Professor, may I speak with you?

>I appreciate it.

>I'm just anxious. It feels like a relief that the weight of this burden falls upon you now.
>The people of Yas Forums have spoken, it is you who they now hate, and not me.
>At this very moment, you are starting an all out war.
>An army of shitposters far larger than the one that attacked me relentlessly in the past 6 months will soon be locked in battle... against you.
>Long-devised strategies are unfolding across Yas Forums. Smashfags are deciding their mains against you and preparing to fight...
>So many threads and shitposts will archive because of this. It's inevitable that even genuinely good posts will get caught up in the chaos as well and become archived.
>There will be countless casualties. With a single command, the flames of war will rage across all corners of this board.
>This is the path you choose, isn't it?

>No matter how much blood flows at my feet, I will not relent for you. We must break the bonds that the Fire Emblem haters have on our beloved Sakurai.
>These sacrifices will allow us to create a future where we never need sacrifice again. It may seem contradictory, but it's the only way.
>Heh. Listen to me. I made up my mind long ago. Yet here I am, seeking your approval.
>Tell me the truth, my teacher. Are you happy with your decision to accept being in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

>I believe in you, Professor. As you believed in me.

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>Worst looking stage

All the 8bit retro stages look and play like fucking garbage

>Exactly. They delivered on their promise technically.

If a game was advertised as "hours of fun" and lasted 2 hours that would be "technically" correct. Doesn't mean the phrase isn't misleading as fuck.

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>Boring designs
>Stage itself doesn't do anything new or interesting functionally either
Walkoffs with stage transitions are better than whatever the fuck Yggdrasil Altar and Spiral Mountain were attempting
>The FD/BF versions of the stage aren't even consistent with the rest of the games
>No personality or memorable quotes
>Doesn't represent a new series like the other 4 passes
Neither did Joker, he represented one game and didn't even rep it well
>Even while the game was at it's most relevant, hardly any requests for them were made by anyone when compared to other games series characters.
Terry wasn't heavily requested either
>Even the bubble that is the FE fandom isn't satisfied, they complain that it wasn't Tharja or Hector or Lyn, etc. instead.
No they don't
>Only coming with 13 songs
More than Hero
>Only one remix, by far the least(excluding DQ) despite obviously not having any legal issues with getting them
Two remixes, don't lie
>Spirit battles are generic and lame
Your opinion
>Moveset is generic
Most wrong point of all, lacking a gimmick meter doesn't make them generic

This, I was expecting it to happen in the second pass at the earliest

On the other hand that means that the least hype thing is now out of the way unless the FE devs make and announce a new game before Dec. 2021, give an early build to Sakurai and the team, and put in a FE character before anyone even knows what the story of the new game is. But really, what are the odds of that happening?

The difference is 8bit games still look okay to look at and have a distinct style while Garreg Monastery would've looked awful even if it was a launch ps2 game that wouldn't stand out in any fantasy world.

love the teacher

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Gotta draw more teacher

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You want to tell me that Pac Land looks better than Garreg Mach?

are you autists STILL complaining over the character that got into your children's party game?

I don't give a shit about Byleth or whatever. You shower dodging subhumans deserved to eat shit for dragging DQ and Terry fans through the fucking mud solely for seeing their characters getting in over your stupid rosterfag trash like Geno and and orange incineroar.

>Walkoffs with stage transitions are better than whatever the fuck Yggdrasil Altar and Spiral Mountain were attempting
No it isn't. Both those stages are better to look at while being less generic.
Failing to do something that literally every other stage does is an issue.
Feel free to post any examples of personality or memorable quotes
>Neither did Joker, he represented one game and didn't even rep it well
He was the first Persona/SMT character, no matter how you look at it
>Terry wasn't heavily requested either
He wasn't but he hits literally every other piece of criteria, and he has an excuse to not be heavily requested.
>No they don't
Yes they do.
>More than Hero
Hero had the issue with licensing, Byleth didn't.
>Two remixes, don't lie
Same song, different languages.
>Your opinion
Why even bother responding with shit like "noooo"?
>Most wrong point of all, lacking a gimmick meter doesn't make them generic
I didn't even mention meters. Nothing about Byleth even comes close to functioning uniquely like Hero's menu mechanic.

>Hhaha yeah we should eat shit
>a character I don't like getting in (OUT OF A ROSTER OF FUCKING 80) is the equivalent of eating shit

you might just be a little bitch baby. Did you ever consider that?

The second pass literally only exists to advertise whatever shitty ps2 grahpics "software" IS decides to pull next year just so it can also sell like shit.

It isn't, which is why I said "one of the worst looking" at least Pac Land has a distinct look to it other than Brown PS2 bricks.

I literally just proved to you that Terry and Hero weren't nearly as hated. Get over yourself cuck.

It isn't. I'm telling Byleth apologists to eat shit because it makes Smash fans mad. In their own words "as long as it makes smash fans mad it's good" so therefore, by their logic, eating shit is good.

>Get over yourself cuck
>This coming from someone who's still mad about Byleth after all these months

I'm legitimately curious who you wanted instead of Byleth if he's still got you this mad you have to attack people over it 2 months after the fact

>Boring designs
Didn't even have to read after this.

I'm legitimately curious about what's so great about Byleth if you get this mad to attack anyone who criticizes them 2 months after the fact.

>still getting mad over imaginary people not liking Terry 6 months later

nah i agree with them, honestly their design is one of the only good thing about them, at least female byleth for being different. male byleth is at least better than robin

>No it isn't. Both those stages are better to look at while being less generic.
They're flat planes with floating platforms that randomly appear, disappear, and move around - they're cancerous shit and you should feel bad for defending them
>Failing to do something that literally every other stage does is an issue.
Explain how it is
>Feel free to post any examples of personality or memorable quotes
"Let the lesson begin"
"No hesitation"
"Stay focused"
"Try me"
Byleth talks down to the enemy and treats them like they're just a pupil, giving them advice mid-match
Byleth, despite being canonically emotionless, emotes more than Joker and Hero
>He was the first Persona/SMT character, no matter how you look at it
Game disagrees, it says he's a Persona 5 rep
>Yes they do.
I doubt you've ever been in an FE thread, people are thrilled to have an FE rep who uses other weapons and just wish Roy, Chrom, Lucina, and Corrin could go now
>Hero had the issue with licensing, Byleth didn't.
They didn't even bother to include the Overture for Hero despite having the license for it, they just didn't care - Byleth is only missing one notable track from Three Houses, it's not even comparable
>Why even bother responding with shit like "noooo"?
Why bother posting opinions that can be responded to with shit like "noooo", why not stick to facts
>I didn't even mention meters.
You're complaining that he doesn't have a ridiculous gimmick like the other DLC characters, 3/4 of which have meters

>insult people
There is no need for that. Here's the thing: they're in, there's nothing, nothing you can do about it. You lost, it's over


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>They're flat planes with floating platforms that randomly appear, disappear, and move around - they're cancerous shit and you should feel bad for defending them

I gurantee his next post will just say "at least the don't look generic" for the 100th time without ever actually explaining what he actually thinks is generic about the stage besides 'bad graphics'

>n-no you!

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>dodging the question

Who's on your wishlist shitposter

>Still seething

>They're flat planes with floating platforms that randomly appear, disappear, and move around


>Explain how it is

The purpose of the FD/BF forms is to have the exact same stage but with less redundant visuals. It not being the same stage is a failure.

>"I'm a teacher!" and generic quotes is a personality
Nope. This is literally Sonichu tier personality writing.

>Game disagrees, it says he's a Persona 5 rep
Either way he brings a new game into Smash.

>I doubt you've ever been in an FE thread, people are thrilled to have an FE rep who uses other weapons and just wish Roy, Chrom, Lucina, and Corrin could go now

The only thing FE fans agree on is that they somehow don't have enough yet and that it should have their favorite character

>They didn't even bother to include the Overture for Hero despite having the license for it, they just didn't care - Byleth is only missing one notable track from Three Houses, it's not even comparable

It's obvious that there are issues with Square's DLC, to the point of them only being able to get 2 songs per character. There's no reason Byleth shouldn't have had the same amount of music as Terry at LEAST.
>You're complaining that he doesn't have a ridiculous gimmick like the other DLC characters, 3/4 of which have meters
>bringing something new is a gimmick

Imagine any generic fantasy game, anime, movie book, etc. you've ever seen/played.

What about Garreg Monastery would make it stand out in any of them?

Where did I defend Arena Ferox or Colosseum
Garreg Mach isn't random at all, your comparison doesn't make sense
>It not being the same stage is a failure.
Explain how it isn't the same stage
>Nope. This is literally Sonichu tier personality writing.
That's good then, that's more than Joker or Hero got
>Either way he brings a new game into Smash.
So did Byleth, glad we got that cleared up
>The only thing FE fans agree on is that they somehow don't have enough yet and that it should have their favorite character
>There's no reason Byleth shouldn't have had the same amount of music as Terry at LEAST.
Terry's challenger pack came with music from SNK's entire library, to have 50 tracks bundled with Byleth you'd need to include multiple variations of every map/battle track in TH as well as non-map/battle tracks, like the tune that plays while wandering the monastery

the other guy was right, nothing would make me more enraged than you livestreaming yourself eating a sizable bowl of your own shit. i don't know if i could calm myself back down from the blood-curdling hatred i would feel from you consuming your own fecal matter.

>Where did I defend Arena Ferox or Colosseum
>Garreg Mach isn't random at all, your comparison doesn't make sense

Because if it was random you'd still be defending it.

>Explain how it isn't the same stage
The dimensions on the blastzones are different than the other omega forms.

>That's good then, that's more than Joker or Hero got
They at least have unique designs to make up for it unlike Marth 8.
>So did Byleth, glad we got that cleared up
No they didn't. We never had a Persona character in Smash.
>with Byleth you'd need to include multiple variations of every map/battle track in TH as well as non-map/battle tracks, like the tune that plays while wandering the monastery

Why not? There are already multiple songs put in multiple times but remixed differently like Id Purpose and songs that aren't really suited for fighting like the Pokemon routes.

Daily reminder: If you encounter this worthless lump of shit online, it is your civic duty to beat them as humiliatingly as possible at every opportunity.

If we're lucky, this will encourage these faggots to pick a character who isn't a boring waste of development time.

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Stay mad

>We never had a Persona 5 character in Smash
Also we never had a Fire Emblem Three Houses character in Smash


Whatever retarded bullshit you want will either never be in the game, or be relegated to the second pass, please, learn how to cope.


No, we never had a persona character, period.

We had plenty of twink blue haired anime swordmsen from "Fire Emblem" though.

only proving me right.

>what you want won't be in the game
>unless its in the game, then it still won't count
ah yes, preemptive coping.

Amen, watching everyone STILL seething ITT because of their inclusion only makes me enjoy playing them more.

>unique designs
Fire Emblem Isn't a game it's a series.

He will always be in the game

>>unique designs

Yes. No one has an outfit like Jokers and no other series in Smash has Toriyama's style.

Despite every FE character being drawn by different people they all look more similar to each other than the Hero alts do. And Toriyama is criticized by how redundant and samey his designs are. FE is fucking pathetic.

Fuck Fire Emblem and fuck Smash

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>mmmm enjoying this shit! People not liking shit makes it taste even better!

>Boring designs
They're not that bad, they're actually pretty cool, the only bad thing on their outfit is those retarded sleeves
>The worst looking stage
Lol! It may be a bit uninspired but there are worse looking stages, hanenbow or whatever being one of those
>Stage doesn't do anything new or interesting
Neither hero's or joker's, banjo one rotates but that's it, Terry is the only cool one
>No personality or memorable quotes
They're waaaay better than Corrin on that department unless you're talking about their game which would mean you're not talking about smash
>Only DLC character to not have combos past 0%
LOL I'm looking at you hero, the one who doesn't have combos past 0%

Overall it's not the best character but I'm still satisfied with their inclusion, at least we won't get another FE character until the next game

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