>places in my area close
>now i'm starting to fucking worry hard about covid
>try to get my mind off of it with some vidya
>join match
>everyone in chat talks about coronavirus
Places in my area close
nigga if u get it , its just gonna be like a bad fever dont be a pussy
>everyone acting like it's a fucking death sentence that will liquify you and make you shit out your innards while setting you on fire
>it's just a fucking flu with a worse cough that's only killing the elderly and the immunocompromised
The panicky idiots have affected my life worse than the virus, I just wanted to buy a couple snacks from the grocery store today, but it was fucking chaos like we were about to get hit by a hurricane or nuclear strike. Get a fucking grip. Fuck the media and fuck social media
Put some college kids who visited Italy in intensive care.
For most people, not all. Poor immune systems and smokers should generally be worried. Pneumonia is some crazy shit if you're a smoker.
well thank god im not retarded !
Weak genetics
>worrying about
every time i've had the flu I feel like death for 2 weeks, why should I feel like an idiot for wanting to avoid that
And orange juice
I can't wait for when people stop talking about it, I don't blame them, but I'm an anxious wreck
You shouldn't, plenty of people die from Flu complications. What is the point of this thread?
>worrying about the boomer remover
Are you literally a 60 year old man?
It’s over 3% now.
The thing I don’t understand is if the government (or whatever world leader) is really worried and wants to tackle the issue why are they not issuing and enforcing mandatory N95 respirators for all? At least then they would be covering up that mode of transmission and so long as people wash their hands religiously like a neurotic nut job and keep sanitary this probably wouldn’t be a big deal at all. But yea, never will happen even though there are clear solutions to prevention and infection control.
>1% death rate when every single person showing symptoms is given intensive medical care
Most people survive Malaria with treatment too but not if millions of people get it all at once and hospitals fill up to capacity
Come play Everquest, nobody talks about it, probably because there are alot of boomers playing that game
I'll go on P1999 right now and shitpost about it at Freeport just to spite you
Last place I want to be is the hospital. Those places are a Petri dish of bacteria and viruses. I’d be more scared of dying from HAIs from being there unless I absolutely had to and they had perfect sanitary conditions and infection control guidelines.
Is it more than cancer or heart disease?
>Last place I want to be is the hospital
Yeah, until you catch a nasty strain and need intubation to not choke to death because then you don't really have a choice
>smokers should generally be worried
why? smokers fucking stink 24 hours a day and nobody goes nears them, they're effectively immune.
I'm tired of talking about it too, at work, hanging out with friends, it doesnt matter you're gonna hear a toilet paper joke for the hundredth time of the day.
Did you even read the rest or just incapable of comprehending what it means when I say that unless I have to be there I don’t want to be there.
Now your homework assignment is to look up what HAIs are and their mortality rate. Report back to me on information gathered and remember to cite your sources from credible articles and websites.
Is cancer or heart disease contagious?
Don’t deflect, answer the question.
As far as contagious shit goes why don’t you learn to practice hand washing and droplet precautions or you won’t have a chance to GiT gUd NoOb
I'm guessing you were one of those retards worried about world war 3 as well
Wasn't there a moment where it very nearly happened except some low-level guy decided not to fire the missiles?
that was during the cold war, you probably weren't even alive by then
Even if that is true, war ≠ world war.
This virus is bonkers contagious, 1% may not seem like much but think about what 1% of several million people would look like you retard
just mute chat
I'm fucking terrified for my dad, who just had a bad health scare a few months ago. If I get it he would too.
they tend to put their hands near their mouths very often
This. 1/5 people needing hospitalization is still pretty bad, especially if its all happening at once.
t. zoomer with 40-year-old parents and no grandparents
Call it Sars. That's what it is and China paid the WHO a ton of money to change the name because it's associated with them
SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus Covid-19 is the disease the virus gives you so I don't see your point.
when will the world get tired of china's shit already
When you get tired of consooming made in china shit.
Yeah, Big Boss stopped him
Well one of their hotels already collapsed in on itself and I’m betting that was “made in China”
Then don’t get it
The problem is you're the host now and can infect anyone.
100% of people who breath oxygen all end up dead sooner or later.
worrying will do you no good
there's nothing you can do other than stay inside
What’s worse is that some people don’t know they’re infected while others simply don’t care and continue to go out spreading their STDs and legs for everyone.
Only noobs camp at home while the pros go out on raids
no you dumb fuck.
Don't panic but don't act like it doesn't exist. You're literally lukewarm IQ if you think running around outside or travelling outside your city or using public transit at all is a good idea.
The virus itself is nothing to worry about if you catch it but you should avoid the fuck out of contributing to its spread.
If people weren't retarded it'd literally be 1 city in china infected and it'd all be over.
But people are retarded and now it's everywhere and even more retarded people buy up all the good snacks and toilet paper.
they don't die all at once leaving behind 100,000 ill and then 100,000 bodies for an infra structure that can handle a few thousand.
i hope you don't have respiratory problems otherwise the pneumonia might get you
So your immediate thought then was to go onto a board full of schizophrenics and shut-ins and start a thread about the very thing that's giving you dread?
Too bad people that spread it aren’t being punished for contributing to this problem. It’s also a shame there isn’t mandatory issued and enforcement of N95 respirators. That would at least cover up everyone’s mouth and nose thereby reducing the spread of droplets to others and their surroundings.
Everyone dies you idiot. That’s the point. You can’t prevent death but you can prevent and control the spread of infection. Learn the difference or continue to be ignorant. The virus doesn’t discriminate against stupidity.
i wish theyd close my work, this is gay af.
Big time kek
They fine you really hard and even pursue criminal charges if you spread it here
A 44 year old who is confirmed to have it made an interview in Aftonbladet. Mild symptoms. Am I supposed to be scared or something you fucking loser faggot?
you'll be a walking death machine for old people and babies