Is there any reason to play this game now that Red Dead 2 exists?

Is there any reason to play this game now that Red Dead 2 exists?

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To continue the story of the 2nd, and Mexico.

it's literally a sequel. it's also the better game.

Does a port exist or do I have to stream it via PS Now?

it still has ppl killing zombies in the ps3 version so thats still fun

To see Ross get shot and avenge all the uneccesary suffering he caused

rdr2 makes me not even want to play max payne 3 anymore. the ragdolls, bullet impacts and facial expressions of pain are just too good

Because it's a good game? Also Undead Nightmare.

I liked that you can play morally good as soon as possible right off the bat. Arthur does horrible shit regardless of what you do.

Story isn't as dumb.

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Nope, apparently the code is such a mess that they decided to cancel any PC ports since it would come out even worse than GTA 4's port did.

Maybe because Marston in RDR1 technically isn't an outlaw, he's working for the government.

I also like how you don't have to directly kill any of your former gang's the better game. PLUS if you play this one you will care about the characters in RDR2 more and get all the callbacks to RDR1.

PCfags, does the shooting still feel like shit on M+KB or was that just a console thing? Because I was fine with regular RDR but RDR2 shooting feels awful.

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It's in 4K on Xbox One X. And a stable 30 FPS.

It'll never be on PC, because the underlying code is absolute horseshit to the point where it would be nearly impossible, and Rockstar didn't want to dedicate their time into porting it to PC solely due to that.

And since it'll always be on future Xbox systems, it'll always be only way to play from now on (unless if you want the PS3 port on PS Now, but even then that is not only streaming, but the PS3 version has a lower resolution than the Xbox 360 version on native hardware, less grass and particle effects, and a lower framerate).

Xbox shill pls

>Start playing RDR2
>Immediately ignore the main story and go around doing the side quests
>Arthur helps out a photographer just because he looked like he could use some assistance, helps out a medicine man without expecting a reward, stops a retard from killing a man just because it's the right thing to do, gets a man's wagon back because he feels bad for him, and helps out a crazy hobo get his prized book back because he feels bad for him
>Play the main story
>Arthur is running around gunning down innocents 24/7 and beating sickly people to death while crying about it in his journal
Arthur during the main story and Arthur during the stranger missions felt like two completely different characters.

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that's how I felt too. I hated it. Also too many main story missions are you trying to strike a deal or steal something from someone and it goes sour/you get caught and then you have to kill waves of dudes and then get on your getaway horse/wagon and run away while shooting more dudes til they stop spawning. Side stories are superior.

It's a lot more fun. Firefights can actually have some amount of tension, now that you can't kill anything in your field of view instantly with 2 buttons

It's better than the second game in every way, so yes.

I almost regret playing all the stranger missions because all they did was make me wish that Main Story Arthur was like Side Story Arthur whenever i played the game. Main Story Arthur doesn't even make sense and feels like a fake version of him that goes against his own character because one of the first things he does is beat a man to death for $20 in front of his family even though Arthur's wife and son were murdered for $10. I can't imagine any reality where Arthur wouldn't either tell Strauss to fuck off or just put some cash in the camp box and say he beat up the debtors.

agreed. it's really schizophrenic.

Way more fun horse riding

I am still infuriated that there is no scene where Arthur tears Dutch a new asshole in the middle of camp for doing nothing but hoarding money and hurting people when they apparently used to help out the poor and downtrodden. It'd be a cool moment to see Arthur call everyone out for doing nothing but sitting around camp talking shit to one another while planning schemes that'll only hurt people while he's been running around the state donating to the poor and helping people just for the sake of it. It would've been so cathartic to have a mission where Bill (or someone else that is usually just a violent thug) come along with him to the city to try humoring him only to end up enjoying helping people. But of course the game is a prequel and everyone in the sequel is an evil psychopath so we can't have that.

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you can turn off auto aim on console


To have fun

>The more you help people the more the camp gets influenced by Arthur's kind nature
>It gets to the point where some people accompany him on a side quest or two where they end up helping a couple groups out
>By chapter 4/5 Dutch is frothing at the mouth and throwing a tantrum because everyone in the camp is too busy running around the state doing good deeds or actual work (like bounty hunting) to help him do his stupid mango quest
>Whenever he tries to round up people to commit crimes everyone will just go on about how they should only take down corrupt people or reminisce about how it finally feels like "the good old days" back when they used to help people in need
>He finally gets everyone to rob a bank by convincing them that it's owned by a corrupt scumbag, only to have a stroke when they immediately ride around giving almost all the money away to beggars and orphans

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>Main Story Arthur doesn't even make sense and feels like a fake version of him
If you talk to Hosea, you'll see that Arthur has been pretending for a long time to be a big dumb brute that only knows about killing, and that Hosea is the only one that can see through this facade.
You can also read his diary and see how he's always been thoughtful.

Plus, there's also things like, if you have high honor, and suddenly you go on a killing spree killing civilians, even if it happens in a mission, you can talk to one of the girls an Arthur will mention how he's been killing a lot of people lately and how he feels like he's going insane or something.

Well, The idea about Arthur is that he's a good man raised to do bad things, hence why he goes along with all of Strauss's debt work 'til Chapter 6. He very rarely kills out of enjoyment throughout the story and does so only as a means to defend himself, which again he shows to become more & more adverse to doing as the story progresses Cornwall & the whole Wapiti debacle as an example

>not being a bad dude from the get go and immerse yourself as arthur
john not mentioning arthur in the sequel is my head canon that arthur was a fucking dick and the gang forgot about him

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Can't see why not, it's a great game

>The leader of the Lemoyne Raiders, a rogue militia that has several forts and maxim guns and terrorized the entire state
>Bounty - $100
>Arthur Morgan, subordinate in a gang of petty thieves and coach robbers who occasionally manage some larger robberies
>Bounty - $5,000

I kinda feel like RDR1 has more of that Spaghetti Western tone than the second.

>then get on your getaway horse/wagon and run away while shooting more dudes til they stop spawning
I did all those by just lasso'ing dudes off their horses then riding off real quick like.
They just stand on the ground shouting at you, so not only is it easier to get away, it's also non-lethal.

Cornwall Money vs no Cornwall Money

>way back in Chapter 2, out of nowhere in the camp
>Dutch: "You'll betray me in the end, Arthur. You're the type."

Euphoria physics

I can't aim for shit with a gamepad.

Yes. It's a lot better than RDR2. It's actually a video game and has actual gameplay instead of a "cinematic simulator."

I actually wanted this on PC instead of 2.

These games are not RPGs. You don't get to decide whether Arthur is a good person, all you decide is what he does. Clearly he only helped all those people on a whim, the situation annoyed him or something.

>RDR - awesome game, got platinum on ps3
>RDR II - played 4 hours and never come back to it agan

>Hosea increasingly pissed towards the end of Chapter 4
>Trying his best to talk Dutch out of reckless actions, realizes it's futile
>"You'll damn us all"
>when captured by Pinkertons, says basically nothing and dies looking like a man who's given up on everything
that shit hit me the hardest

That actually makes a lot of sense and now I'm sad.

Its a more believable western era than RDR2 from what I've seen around and the controls are more responsive afaik.

I like Guarma

Fuck off with this Reddit rumor shit

I've been seeing this fucking shit get thrown around for YEARS. I decided to see how far I could follow it back and you know what I found? A fucking thread on the Gamespot forum from 2009 where some zoomer is wondering when Rockstar will bring RDR1 to the PC like all their other games, and some retard claims the code was a mess.

But it doesn't stop there. The whole rumor goes: The code was a mess. They had to use "console shortcuts" to get it to run properly, meaning it can't run on a PC. On top of that, there are no //notes anywhere in the code so nobody would know what anything in the code does.

That was the whole post, and over time is slowly devolved into: The code is a mess--and other variations that other retards see on Reddit all the time and give it a thumbs up and just take their faggot word for it.

There's literally no proof whatsoever that any of that shit is true. The fact that Microsoft was also able to get it turn run at a solid 30FPS at 4K, with their potato console should tell you that anyone that believes this shit is a cum guzzling retard

Absolutely. Best is on X1.

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>on the X1X

iT wOuLdN't bE aBlE tO rUn oN pEe-cEE!!

it's better in every way

>that gigantic low-poly rock
>that weak draw distance
>shadowless grass
Aged like milk, really. I was once seething that RDR didn't get PC, but now I feel at peace.

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>I was once seething that RDR didn't get PC, but now I feel at peace
You can bet your ass if it saw PC that grass would have shadows, there'd be enhanced draw distance, and higher poly models/higher quality shaders

the game is much prettier at late morning or noon. great lighting for a 360 game.

If any of those things can ruin an overall great game for you, I'm sorry to inform that you have autism.

Is it too much to hope for an RDR1 remake using RDR2 assets as an expansion pack in the future? They're running out of content for Red Dead Online, and setting the game to 1911 would probably result in more shit for players to grind for.

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>Dutch gives his last gold bar to the old spanish woman to lead them through the cave
>He kills her

I literally just want a straight up port on PC with good performance and keyboard + mouse support.

I like the idea on paper, being shipwrecked and having to do without most of your equipment, but after the endless shooting galleries I was very ready to leave