The great debate.
The great debate
A full beard doesnt suit him in my opinion.
Left = Chad
Right = Sôy
Left would fucking DESTROY right.
Are there seriously people that like old, back pain riddled, "BOY!" Meme Kratos over OG, badass, beat you with your own leg Kratos?
One of the rare cases where a full beard actually makes the character look less manly.
Isn't he fucking evil and all-powerful? Why is he even still a protagonist anymore?
Normalfags sure, the game was just journo bait.
Beards are for people who dont have a strong enough jawline to look manly. This is unfortunate, but also an acceptable way of hiding.
nu-Kratos does even look related to real Kratos
Soul vs. Soulless
Kratos was one dimensional, but fun in all 7 games predating 4. The problem is that hes alot weaker in 4 and hes holding back his rage, but he also feels like a character whos learned and resents the hatred he built his life upon.
Real men don't keep onions beards. Period.
Why is his red mark different than left? shouldn't it go down near the corner of his mouth?
I haven't played the new god of war and probably never will but I've watched gameplay of it. Does the combat feel good? It seems pretty run of the mill and I really don't enjoy games for their story so I don't get the hype
Even if people hate the gameplay of GOW PS4 I really don't get it how why they hate his character in that game, his progression makes sense and doesn't nothing to bastardise the character.
why kratos goes from a litle bear to full lumberjack from nowhere, did he shave in the hell or something?
He's been ambiguously "evil" since the first game, and unambiguously wicked since the second game. Arguably everyone in the series is evil or fucked up, besides the Titans and maybe Athena.
>and doesn't nothing to bastardise the character.
this accurately explains dad of boy
this is actually a case of the designer not giving a GREEK character a GREEK beard. He has some kinda static pubic mountain of facial hair for a beard. They fucked up their job real bad
But that's not why people where a fan of GOW.
He's also not as pale, i think that him maturing and coming to terms with what happened to his wife and child and making a new family and teaching his son to not do what he did, is slowly lifting the curse that was put on him.
It doesn't even look like the same person
very much this
It's not as good, the flow is different.
I don't mind the new look but it's hilarious to me that they moved his tattoo to accommodate the beard.
Why would he have a greek beard when he doesn't want people to recognize him as greek?
People played GoW because its a power fantasy in a very easy to convey setting. They dont play it because Kratos is endearing as a protagonist. Hes fun, but still a raging retard at the end of the day.
Love how they cheated with his tattoo for the Nordic-era.
its almost like... peoples appearance changes with age
Hes already recognizable. Greeks look different from Nordic people, he has ash white skin, hes vastly taller than your average human being and keeps to himself. Anybody with a brain could see hes not from around there.
Can’t get over how people were jerking off over nu-GOW being more “grown-up”, “mature”, framing old Kratos as toxic, as if there is supposed to be a very deep meaning behind it all that makes us question what it means to be a man in society.
It’s just a game.
>he has ash white skin, hes vastly taller than your average human being and keeps to himself
Wait, are you trying to convince me that he looks greek or nordic?
I'm saying a Greek beard wouldnt matter for his appearance because he would still be seen as an outcast and outsider regardless. The last thing someone would look at is his beard as opposed to every other physical trait that sets him apart from the people (humans specifically) you encounter in Nu Gow.
I wouldn't say old Kratos was toxic but he was pretty much 100% raving madman by the events of 3
Which is very entertaining but hard to build off of
Why are sois defending this?
>very easy to convey setting
Seeing the work and concept that went into the setting of the old games made me respect it a lot.
I don't get it, every trait you described sounds completely stereotypical of nordic people and opposite of greek people.
Needs moisturizer
Nordic people dont have ghost white literally otherwordly skin. They dont tower over people and Kratos is taller than Balder an invulnerable god. Also Nordic people groups loved to fight and mingle in mead halls and shit. Kratos does none of this, hes a stoic loner
How is this even considered a debate? Objectively speaking kratos without the beard looks better.
>Greek people are whiter than Nordic people
nordic people are fucking ugly and they grow up looking like literal homeless people. no wonder kratos ended up looking worse
I doubt that old lady that put the ash on him gave a fuck about him coming to terms with it, they just went with style over consistency
>Nordic people dont have ghost white literally otherwordly skin.
Neither do Greek people. Does your entire knowledge of Greece come from their ancient marble statues?
But the idea here is that he doesn't want to be recognized as greek. Being abnormally tall and pale are NOT greek traits. If anything those could be associated with nordics. Also Magni and Modi are closer to Kratos' size than Baldur. And just because you're nordic doesn't mean you're forced by your genes to step into a mead hall and punch someone in the face.
At that point, growing a greek style beard would be the only clue anyone could have that he's greek.
I know you all want to bicker about times in his life. One thing I think we can all agree on is that he did not deserve to be treated so poorly by the cops during the incident.
>tfw you've lived long enough to see full beards become the opposite of masculinity
fucking weird man
Do you people not play these games? He had a curse put on him by this Shaman woman to have the ashes of his family bonded to him forever its why hes called the Ghost of Sparta?
beards have always been what beta males had, people are just becoming less delusional.
But how does that make him look MORE greek?
Chad vs Dad
But Kratos is tanned, not pale.
The character model is definitely different. But it's not like Kratos looked the exact same going from GoWII to III either.
Yeah gods were beta males.
But he looks pale as fuck. People who come across him don't know he's literally got ashes stuck to his skin.
There is no doubt he looks worlds better on the right. The left is comical, terribly bad.
But my point is he never cared about being recognized as a Greek demigod. The only person who knew his true heritage was the God of Knowledge Mimir whos been everywhere and Tyr whos dead. Kratos just didnt want to be seen period and wanted to live life as a recluse because hes guilty of so much shit in his life. A Greek beard wouldnt have mattered when his endgame was just to be left alone.
The only reason people start to go after Kratos is because he cuts down a magic tree and fights Odins son.
I'm convinced people that hate beards cannot grow them.
I was thinking this too, but why bother right.
they were, why do you think kratos killed their soft asses? yeah i thought so.
not true. You don't know history.
I personally dont wear a beard because I like to look younger. My issue is I grow one too fast.
yeah just let the wojak shitters continue shitting up the board i don't even care anymore
Sounds like a beta male got triggered.
>I personally dont wear a beard because I like to look younger
Same with me, I look like 6 year younger without a beard but 15 years older with one.
While I dont care for Dad of War, I really did like the characterization. Old Kratos and his setting were amazing. Dad of War had to be watered down for normies
People who like beards are just trying to hide their shitty facial structure.
Left: Chad - "ATHENAAAAAAA!!!" - kill all his relatives
Right: onions - "boi" - protect his only relative
I prefer left.
Are we all pretending old kratos doesn't look like a complete retard in both facial structure and facial hair? Really? What's with that tiny ass goatee shit. Looks like the main character from postal on clown steroids.
he has a Norse beard in the new game which makes perfect sense
Kratos just wants to be left alone, yeah, but he thinks if someone were to recognize him as who he is, Kratos, the one who killed off the entire greek pantheon, they would come looking for him. Because he's a threat to any god that crosses his path. When Baldur first comes to his house, he's convinced the reason he was attacked was because he's Kratos. That's why Kratos doesn't want to be recognized as greek, if people see a greek dude that's abnormally strong hanging out so far away from greece they might start to ask questions and put two and two together.
Most of the reason I "hate" beards is because shaving is a fucking chore, and that because I usually am clean shaven some people reach the same idea as you, that I can't grow one. Fuck, I WISH I couldn't grow one. But you just can't turn this shit off and forget about it. So if I slack for a couple days, I end up looking like a badly pruned bush.
>director complains about toxic masculity
>wires a sky level testosterone mountain hulk to voice his main character
>tfw haven't shaved in nearly 4 months because I'm lazy and have barely left the house
>It's kind of a mess, scraggly as fuck and not neat at all
>I imagine if I left it for another 4 months it'd begin to resemble Willam Dafoe's Bean Spilling Machine
>tfw I kinda wanna find out
Nah it's not that as much as how right that sounds, people with beards believe it makes them manly which is the complete opposite as they're simply beta little babies.