Do you guys have any hobbies other than playing games all days
Do you guys have any hobbies other than playing games all days
Yeah, shitposting.
If this was even remotely true, I'd have a girlfriend by now.
Thanks Bob, but I just can't stick with drawing, as much as I'd like to. I must not want it that much after all.
Anyway, I've been reading recently.
yes but they are all autistic
Who is in the right here?
I also jerk off a lot
Vidya is probably my most consistent one.
I just tend to lack dedication to anything. I binge on any given hobby (baking, sculpting, drawing, building models, painting models) and then don't touch it again for a a few years.
Unless you count reading I suppose.
olympic edging
I'm teaching myself soldering eventually rework although I'm really bad I've wrecked more stuff than I've fixed
I play Dungeons & Dragons twice a week at best.
I also masturbate.
change talent to nepotism and JYB is right.
Does birdwatching count? I like setting stuff up in my yard and just enjoying their company. My favorite birds are Grackles.
I like comic books and manga comic books.
i play the piano and percussion
Used to be drawing... in MS paint and of low quality tho, but I dropped that gay shit to better focus on vidya.
What a cute hobby, birds and animals in general always die when i take care of them, i'm too lazy to take care of another living being
But piano IS percussion
no one except autists call the piano percussion outside of technical classifications
Posting here
Meditation, Reading, and if I'm really boring that day, watching the wall.
Jerking off doesn't really count as practicing to have a girlfriend though.
It clearly should be classified as a chordophone, percussion fags are delusional.
Don't tell me your room is like that meme picture of an empty room
licking door knobs and nickels. i kinda had to give that up recently
I write letters to a pen pal for the past 20 years about once a month. I put a lot of time and effort into making it as high quality as possible. Everything down to the letter stock, ink, calligraphy, envelope, shipping, etc. I write drafts on my PC and then have a laser overlay lines onto the paper so I can keep everything perfect. I have a dozen different kinds of pens and ink wells. I'm a huge fucking nerd about it.
Starting to play vidya less and less nowadays. Go weeks without playing stuff. Just too time consuming.
Beautiful webm, thanks user.
I go for walks in the woods with my dogs.
that looked really great until the dumb gay lines at the end
nope i just jerk off to video games to fill in the rest of the free time
based and redpilled
Currently learning to draw and doing a bit of writing. I'm not very good at both, but at least I'm improving bit by bit.
Photography and woodworking have definitely overtaken video games as my main hobbies.
I also do quite a bit of gardening and baking.
Worldbuilding for worlds I probably won't even use for anything.
I've been fucking around with a bass for a little over a year. I've also been taking Japanese classes for about that long. Neither of them hold my attention/interest as long as vidya can.
Drawing. I want to make a comic one day
Good user, now play some more vg
Good thing you did, licking door knobs is illegal on other planets
Masturbating, eating, sleeping
Writing historical fiction
1812 reenactment
Getting good at drawing low quality art in MS paint sounds like a far more interesting hobby than playing video games, user
Do having a kid and cleaning my apartment count as hobbies?
I'm trying to learn Russian
I'm getting decent at instinctively understanding how a word should sound when I'm looking at it without stumbling over the letters like a retard
but, as from what I understand is the case with most people self-teaching a language, I can't pronounce things worth shit
No, that's called being a cuck
That quote is factually incorrect. That is like saying that just because I 'want' to be the fastest man in the 100 meter, I can just become the fastest and be faster than Usain Bolt simply through will power and practice, ignoring any physical blessings whatever. Just stupid. IMAGINE if you actually believed that quote.
How do you gauge drawing progress? It seems like even if you draw the same thing again later, there will be times when you just don't draw as well for whatever reason, and then how will you know you've improved?
Sounds cool. Does he write back similarly?
She puts just as much effort into as I do. It's competitive correspondence.
I do birdwatching too. My current goal is to take a picture of every species I've seen. Just got a suet feeder too the other week and they're going nuts for it.
Very interesting.
I should take calligraphy classes.
He is saying that if you pursue running, you'll improve and people will call you talented. You don't have to beat the best runner in the world to be considered talented
>competitive correspondence.
You are shit bro. 1vs1 me faggot and get rekt. I'll stomp your little ass nigga. Give me your address and the game is on piece of shit poser.
Lifting weights, reading books and playing instruments. Anyone can do all 3 and mix in video games and have a fun life.
You're not going to notice your improvement on a week-to-week basis. Keep in mind as well that you're more likely to improve if you pursue subjects that are interesting or novel to you.
God damn that's a cool relationship. Reminds me of trading little packets of comics and caricatures with my best friend in grade school. Wish I could have something like that as an adult.
Its a way of life dude
watching documentaries and studying what both can be necessary and interesting
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Artistic Calligraphy Seminar, and I've been involved in numerous secret mailing lists on Al-Jazeera, and I have over 300 confirmed fonts. I am trained in gorilla writing and I'm the top writer in the entire US penned forces. You are nothing to me but just another address. I will return you to sender with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of post offices across the USA and your address is being traced right now so you better prepare your mailbox, maggot. The parcel that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can write anywhere, anytime, and I can write to you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in penmanship, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Post Office and I will use it to its full extent to delete your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
cooking and barbecue; i do my own smoking and have an outdoor flattop for other fun stuff. i want to build a brick oven for pizza one day.
Reading, cooking, card games and recently got into model kits.
Being browsing lit and finding a lot of interesting media I would’ve never thought to pick up. Also drawing but I’ve lost motivation