are you buying Jill's new game?
Are you buying Jill's new game?
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dont you guys get tired of cooming all the time
RE is better now than it has been in the last decade, so i guess it's worth letting Capcom know they're doing it right.
I'm buying Carlos' game, but only when it's on sale lol fuck them for axing The Mercenaries just so they could put in lootboxes
already did, few weeks ago
preorder with 27% off. Not too bad desu.
you have been misled
I'll play it, but I still can't give money to Capcom after they betrayed me on MML3.
Try being hetorossexual for once
jill was borderline thicc in the REmake
The multiplayer mode is gonna have lootboxes, sorry to had to find out like this.
why do you trannies hate based porn posting so much?
Inafune left Capcom, he can't hurt you anymore.
no too expensive here
Even if the leak is not true, there's still a lame as hell looking multiplayer that I doubt I'll find fun. RE2 had all those damn DLC challenge modes so why can't RE3 have mercenaries?
you don't even have to install Resistance
and like you said, the challenge modes in RE2 were DLC, we don't even know what extra modes RE3 has yet
Even if it's not real money, isn't it still a lootbox if you're spending currency to get a box with a random item in it?
>Even if it's not real money
give it up dude
I get annoyed with the urge but at the end of the day it's nature trying to get us to fulfill our evolutionary duty. Getting mad at dudes being horny is absurd, it's like getting mad at them for being hungry or breathing
Every single fucking one of those sucked. The game engine just isn't suited for the old arcadey tack-on games. I really doubt new RE3 would have the right elements for fun points scoring. Meanwhile whatever the fuck they're doing with that totally separate free bonus game with all its own content is going to be talored for it. I think it's a good decision to make. It's possible for it to turn out badly, but it's also possible it will add value. Bonus runthroughs of the same areas with annoying enemy placements will not.
Oh no! Not lootboxes. Not an arbitrary thing that is irrelevant. Noooo! Someone tell that fat fuck Jim Sterling to make a video about this. Get the word out before some hard working man spends 5 or 10 bucks of his money on something that might make him happy. Hurry!!
Yeah, RE3make was something I've always wanted.
I SURE HOPE they don't include fucking crazy ass "Carlos A" "Jill A" "Carlos B" "Jill B" bullshit and just focus on one storyline.
Yeah, you take that fat industry cock in your ass, you fucking simpleton.
They've already stated there's just going to be one storyline. They even dropped the multiple endings.
Go on user tell me how crunch is necessary and unions are just bad news and how there's nothing really that wrong about gacha games
>Every single fucking one of those sucked.
filtered. The only crappy one was the sheriff's wave defense.
>I really doubt new RE3 would have the right elements for fun points scoring.
I dunno, I think it'll work better here than in RE2
Cry more.
They were boring and ill-suited reuses of assets, they weren't hard you moron.
Reminder we will probably be playing the demo next week this time.
must suck being a tranny unable to cum because you mutilated your genitals
I'm hoping for Monday, seems silly they'd release it Friday the same day as Doom
How soon will RE3 be cracked?
As soon as you put down the junk food and respect your own body I'll tell you.
why do these posts all feel like they're projecting impotence. you guys know jerking it and sex aren't the same thing right
Sometimes they keep the dick user
Sometimes they have a whole Google Drive of nudes
And sometimes they go back to the state they fucked a radio host in
Yes I will be buying his game
Sometimes they need to be not talked about in any thread ever again
yes, for PC of course
Shameless industry cuck.
Gifs you can hear. You know, I like how a lot of this game looks, but to be honest, I'm gonna prefer how to original Nemesis sounds. I don't know how, but they completely nailed it the first time through.
how do you know that?
>you're spending currency to get a box with a random item in it?
how is that different form random loot from monsters?
He doesn't. It's using Denuvo so it might take a while.
weren't DMC5 and RE2 using Denuvo too? DMC5 was cracked immediately and RE2 it took about 2 days
DMC5 had an unprotected exe leaked iirc and RE2 I think they used the demo exe.
Anything running with the same engine of RE2 is going to be runnable with a cracked exe that has been freely available since RE2 itself with only minor alterations that people are just going to make right away. The unencrypted exe was an accident on the part of the demo staff, so it is basically more workable than any other type of cracks or having to actually beat Denuvo.
You're assuming they will use the same Denuvo version.
>And sometimes they go back to the state they fucked a radio host in
that's bullshit, I mod RE2 and DMC5 and the EXE contains tons of unique information for the specific game that isn't found anywhere else, like which prefab files to load from the PAK file in order to start loading the assets. Also stuff like menu structures / UI, graphics options, shaders. The EXE is the foundation and the controller of the whole game
I'm gonna pirate your shitty game. Cry more faggot
>lol fuck them for axing The Mercenaries
Is this confirmed or is this one of those famous "This thing is in the game so this MUST not be in" type of things that people love to do with 0 proof.
And no, "It wasn't mentioned yet" isn't proof, them having a multiplayer segment doesn't affect a singleplayer time attack mode.
Well I'm gonna buy 2 copies to make up for not buying it, checkmate pinhead.
If there's good lewd outfits, I'll buy immediately. If not, I'll wait until it's like $10 - like I did with RE2.
They confirmed it's not in
you're right, they haven't even confirmed or denied it, even in the article.
No, I don't like remakes.
Yeah it looks pretty fun
I'm not Saying names because fuck giving attention but U can check a certain person's Twitter bio. Easily.
Also on the subject, I'm expecting Lightning to strike twice and the game to be good. But im not spending a dime lol
I hope that when they inevitably remake resi4 ashley still has enormous milkers
I'm hoping RE4 is completely reworked and action fags start crying salty tears
she's gonna be flat chested, black and a lesbian
Both had denuvo-free leaked exes accidentally. Unlikely they will commit the same mistake a third time.
It's not in the game. Capcom confirmed it.
I'm waiting to see the game reviews. I'm probably one of the few people who preferred the original RE2 over the remake and while I wasn't a fan of RE3 I want to see what kind of game its remake is before I drop $60 on it. I might just wait a few months till it drops to under $40.
Quit making shit up, nobody confirmed anything. Everyone is just assuming it's out because of Resistance.
You say that like it's a bad thing
okay, what if her ears were double the size then
We've been doing a surprisingly good job of that lately
>Capcom confirmed it.
show me
I kinda like the fact that there's a dodge. I want to try it. Is there a demo planed for this?