Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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Armstrong's argument made sense. His execution was simply batshit insane.

What's the purpose of adding "lowkey" into that sentence?

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Any classic MGS for me. 2 the most.

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the utmost naïveté is required to think of armstrong's goals as good or feasible. just take a character and have them spout memes and give them muscles and people will be like "this guy is so tough... maybe he's right... damn"

nigger cosplay

Armstrong didn't make a point at all though, he just spouted might makes right over and over again.

You missed the most glaring fault, then
The "world of str" mentality that Armstrong has is ironic in how weak and oriented it is. Armstrong simultaneously proves and disproves his own MO by losing in a physical fight to Raiden. Raiden winning and choosing to become a mercenary of sorts follows Armstrong's policy of "might makes right" in terms of the stronger man being able to carve out their own path in life, even if it means having to put others down to achieve it (Raiden putting Armstrong down, for example).
However because Armstrong lost, his entire point about strength is moot. How does someone in a weaker position advocate for a world of might, when they themselves have just proven their mentality to be wrong, as they do not have the strength to support it, thereby making their "ideology" weaker in both fortitude and morality.
Basically, his worldview is so flimsy and fragile that even the slightest push of failure or weakness (both of which HAVE to be inevitable, because in a world of strength, one will always overpower you) will ruin your entire existence.

Every WW2 game

its twitter, everyone on the website has a combined iq of 2

Just saying they're making a lot of sense makes it seem like you completley agree with them.
Adding "Lowkey" makes it seem like you begrudgingly agree with them, even if you don't want to.

Why do zoomers insist on talking like their pet monkeys?

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Deadass finna done gone like bitch ass fucka

permanent butt pain from one word

>nigger apologist
10 years ago we'd have you upside down with a fork up your ass

Low-key means something that doesn't attract attention.

Post more Uraras.

good thing we have become more progressive with time like actual human beings then :)

when the squad finna act fleek AYYYYY

People are swayed by him because hes passionate and charismatic. In fact that's like a pivotal point of his character and why he got people like Mistral to be so loyal to him. Villains who are written to appear noble and just tend to get sympathy, that's just how it works

It just takes deeper consideration of his goals and how hes going about them to realize hes a sheltered hypocrite

Exactly. If it's the villain, you obviously wouldn't want him, or anyone else to know you agree.

>becoming low IQ is progressive

Only disillusioned morons who are unsatisfied with society would think Armstrongs insane ramblings made any sense.

It makes sense up until you figure out the guy saying it is a juiced-up demigod who's quite used to being rich and powerful as it is. The very moment he starts prattling about might-makes-right is the moment Raiden and hopefully the player figure out he's full of shit and wants to rule the country.

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low key is two words

That doesn't add up. He's saying the villain "lowkey" makes sense. Meaning their message isn't noticable. That seems unlikely.
You could maybe say "I low-key started agreeing with the villain", even though that also sounds like shit.


Constantin in Greedfall. I didn't think they had the balls to make him the big bad but they did, based Spiders.

None of them because they're the villain for a reason. Imagine actually siding with villains like Breen in HL2

lowkey sounds really stupid, fuck zoomer slang.
kek kek desu cringe based redpilled cringe kek based bluepilled zoom zoom boomer doomer gloomer wojacker based kek desu cringe tranny nigger cringe based zoomer blooomer doomer bloom bloom gloomer basedboy

why is might makes right wrong?

Twitter is full of white kids that love digital black face.

I don't get it what type of government was he proposing?

lmao @ y'all

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>when you're listening to the villain's speech and they're lowkey making a lot of sense

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Smt Chaos.
Aka kill each other off nonstop.

He carried his argument with confidence and had a point that couldn't be refuted.
But there was no subtlety or diplomacy about the delivery, which to anyone with a sense of self awareness would realize that made him an action figure the writer was talking through as a joke.

Most Japanese game writers are like that.
They're playing with virtual dolls in your face and secretly laughing at you for going along with it.
Until you finally get it. Then you can join in and laugh with them.

why can't the "zoomos" say "based" or "desu" like nice, sensible people?

>getting word-filtered
Go back.


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I use Twitter daily and I can agree

what do you mean, "boomy?" everything appears to me exactly as "based" as i typed it.

Chiyo was unfairly cute. Shame all the kirara shows i like never get S2s.

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Most literally "might makes right", Armstrong wanted to completely abolish the United States government and set up a new one where "the weak die and the strong survive, where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around". Effectively Armstrong wanted anarcho-capitalism, or at the very least an anarchic state where if you had the most power you decided how things were. Low screen-time and Armstrong being a nutter meant his philosophy wasn't very well explained.

The biggest signs he's completely full of shit are his massive amounts of nanomechanical enhancements, the use of kidnapped childrens' brains to train into expendable future soldiers, his idolization of Raiden's life-story which he himself never came close to experiencing as a pampered politician and no-action reserve soldier, and the fact that a giant roided-out sumo is advocating "beat the shit out of the man next to you if you don't like him" which is an ideology that immediately puts himself at the very top.

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Ancapistan except he's already Jeff Bezos on immortality roids.

>all these boomers getting triggered by some word
hello cringe department
>tfw boomer mad
>mfw boomer seethe
kek boomer be oof and seethe and coping kek oof!

shiiiiiet him and da squad finna smash lmao fr fr 100% xD

It's meant to be an interjectional way of saying "keep this a secret". "And they're, btw keep this a secret, making a lot of sense."

Armstrong was right solely because his philosophy would result in the death of 99% of the people on this board.


What's the point in adding an anime reaction image to that comment?

>Persona 4

absolutely based and redpilled

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The Father did nothing wrong

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inflexible, hardline stances like it are highly susceptible to corruption/subversion

also the numerous moral dilemmas but if you're asking this question in the first place you probably don't give a fuck.

ayo i's funna talk

He brainwashed and tortured hundreds of people. He even says in the sequel "What I did was wrong, please forgive me" how did you come to this

yall green af lmao


It matters not who live and dies. Blood is shed, as it has always been.

There is NOTHING else in this forsaken existence.

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now if only the game wasn't a pain in the ass to actually play

Kinda hard to get corrupted when the system itself is built on "I'll do whatever the fuck I want, fight me."
>also the numerous moral dilemmas
You skipped the only part where you could've made a point.

It is right, the entire history of civilization is arguably founded on might makes right. Raiden literally has to prove his point by being more powerful than Armstrong, but it's only right to an extent. There's an "after" phase to might makes right. Nothing ever progresses if you stick with it by itself.

because he was right

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He pretty much just wanted there to be no government at all.

since we're full blown autism already what is lowkey even supposed to mean?

I don't get why faggots are so trigger by a real life fucking word. I came here to talk about video games, but you're so trigger about race and black people, you purposely off-topic the whole fucking thread over this stupidity. As least this faggot admit what he is doing instead sugarcoating it. Funny enough, you all say based when it cam from a black dude praising Yas Forums. I hope you all get choke to near death just so you can look back at your life and see how shit you are. Dickheads